Chapter 55 The Battle of the Colosseum

"What, that person is Feng Liuli?" At the Colosseum assessment table, an elder suddenly jumped up and said in disbelief at the white figure suspended in mid-air.

"Elder Zhu, is there any problem?" Another elder beside Zhu Ren couldn't help asking.

"Nonsense, lock up the brown bear, hurry!" Zhu Ren had seen Feng Liuli, although he didn't know what strength Feng Liuli was, but the power behind Feng Liuli should not be underestimated.

Feng Liuli had just returned to the Feng family's base camp and was brought here. You don't need to think about it to understand that Dingren was framed by someone.

Thinking of this, Zhu Ren, as the chief elder, felt cold in his heart. If Feng Liuli had an accident, the forces behind her would definitely not give up on the Feng family.

The Lone Wolf mercenary group, with the current Feng family power, is still unable to fight against the Lone Wolf.

"But the brown bear has already come out, and I can't take it back, and you see, that little girl is still very flexible, so it doesn't seem like anything will happen!" The elder on the side continued.

Zhu Ren was anxious in the bottom of his heart.

Seeing the brown bear swooping towards Feng Liuli for the third time, Zhu Ren's heart was suspended in the air!

However, things had reached such a point that Zhu Ren had no choice but to pray that Feng Liuli would not have any accident, otherwise the Feng family would directly face the Lone Wolf mercenary group.

The Lone Wolf Mercenary Group belongs to the No. 1 mercenary group in the Eastern Continent, and although the Feng family is one of the four major families in the Xingyue Kingdom, its strength is still much worse than that of the Lone Wolf in the Eastern Continent.

The brown bear rushed towards Feng Liuli violently once again. Although the huge figure was cumbersome, it did not affect its speed in the slightest, and the strong attack power made Feng Liuli admirable.

This time, Feng Liuli didn't dodge again, but fell on the spot and waited for another attack from the brown bear. Everyone in the Colosseum saw that the brown bear was about to swallow Feng Liuli's small body.

At the moment of extreme danger, Feng Liuli, who had been standing quietly in the same place, suddenly burst out, and with a movement, she kicked both feet towards the brown bear.

"Roar!" The brown bear was in pain for a while, and the huge body "bang bang" quickly took a few steps back, and just then stabilized his body, but the pained brown bear looked at Feng Liuli with even more anger.

He shouted angrily at Feng Liuli.

"What, she actually beat the brown bear in the middle stage of the holy beast back two steps!"

"It's too fake, too fake, how old is this girl, how could she beat the brown bear back like this!"

" Idol, she is so sturdy at such a young age, I like this beauty!" In the

huge Colosseum, with Feng Liuli's shot again, thunderous shouts suddenly erupted, and her eyes looking at Feng Liuli were full of excitement and excitement. Excited.

However, the good show is still far behind, Feng Liuli slightly raised the corner of her mouth, and a bright light flashed from the bottom of her cold eyes, she just heard Feng Liuyue's words clearly.

Unexpectedly, Feng Liuyue is also in this Colosseum, so this matter must have nothing to do with Feng Liuyue and Feng Liuyun. Today, she will completely charm them and let them know what is strong.

"Yeah, drink..." Feng Liuli's white figure suddenly flew high, her cold face shouted loudly, and all the breath in her body erupted and released, and dazzling white rays of light immediately surrounded Feng Liuli .

"What, Baiguang!"

"Damn it, Acquired Spirit, should Nima be so perverted!"

"Monster, enchanting!"

"Genius, what a peerless genius!"

As the white light around Feng Liuli became more and more dazzling, everyone in the Colosseum grew their mouths one by one, and stared at the girl in the mid-air shrouded in white light in shock.

If the kick just now made a brown bear in the middle stage of the holy beast take two steps back was purely luck, then when everyone saw such a dazzling white light at this moment, they were only deeply frightened.

How old is this girl, fourteen? fifteen?

At such an age, he is already an acquired spirit, such a terrifying cultivation speed is too enchanting.

"What, she is actually an acquired spirit!" Feng Liuyue's eyes also showed a terrified look, she stood up from her seat in disbelief, her eyes flashing with a strong disbelief.

How could it be that Feng Liuli, the object of her most disdain and ridicule in the past, was actually an acquired spirit.

Fifteen-year-old acquired spirit, does this world still need such a fantasy.

The bottom of Feng Liuyun's eyes also flashed an unbelievable light, rubbed his eyes vigorously, thinking in his heart: Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could this waste Feng Liuli be an acquired spirit? This is absolutely impossible. possible!

At this moment, Feng Liuyun slumped down to the sitting position once again, his face full of disbelief.

When everyone was shocked, Feng Liuli had already condensed all the spiritual energy of her body, and a dazzling beam of light jumped on Feng Liuli's fingertips, and then followed Feng Liuli's cold shout, "Go!"

The dazzling white light flew towards the brown bear.

Although the middle stage of the holy beast is enough to compete with the innate spirit, Feng Liuli is different. Even if Feng Liuli is only the second stage of the acquired spirit, the spiritual power released is enough to hurt the brown bear.

Feng Liuli had never thought of killing the brown bear, but she wanted to show those who looked down on her, and she came back.

She is no longer the little girl who used to be bullied, and now she is proud enough to stand in front of the world.

If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If anyone offends me, then she will pay back the phoenix glass tenfold!

"Is that... is that a god?"

"It's so beautiful!" In the

Colosseum, everyone couldn't help standing up one after another, looking at the beautiful girl suspended in the air, and the bottom of everyone's eyes were stained with a few strands of obsession. She looked at Feng Liuli in disbelief.

"Roar!" A low roar sounded, and the brown bear was repelled several meters away by Feng Liuli's powerful spiritual power, and he was seriously injured.

"Beast, is it surrender or resistance?" Feng Liuli looked at the injured brown bear, her icy eyes full of sharp rays of light looking at the brown bear and said coldly.

The brown bear angrily roared at Feng Liuli: "Damn human beings, never surrender!"

"Okay, very good, Xiaojin, this stupid bear will be handed over to you, hit me hard until it surrenders. To your master!" Feng Liuli's cold voice suddenly appeared loudly in the Colosseum, her tone full of pride.

A dazzling golden light flashed by, and suddenly a huge golden lion appeared in front of everyone.

"Master, Xiao Jin is here, don't worry, Xiao Jin is the best at beating people, leave it to me!" The golden lion looked at the brown bear with a sneer in his eyes, and smirked twice.

"What, holy beast, here comes another holy beast!"

"The holy beast's pinnacle-level beast, she actually has a holy beast's pinnacle-level beast, I rely on it, a monster, a monster!" In the

Colosseum, everyone looked at the sudden death The golden lion that was summoned suddenly had an envious look in his eyes.

The peak of holy beasts is already a high-level beast. Although many disciples of the Feng family have contract beasts, there are very few holy beasts and above. Generally, they are spirit beasts and contract beasts.

Not to mention someone like Feng Liuli who can contract high-level magical beasts and holy beast peak-level magical beasts.

What everyone didn't know was that Feng Liuli only summoned one of them. If all the contracted beasts were summoned, Feng Liuli visually inspected the Colosseum, and it seemed that it was not enough to worship.

At this moment, Feng Liuli has already shocked everyone and can no longer be shocked. With such a powerful talent, such a powerful contract beast, who can be more terrifying than her.

Even Feng Liuyue and Feng Liuyun's faces suddenly showed a sense of frustration!

"The peak of the holy beast!" Even the brown bear's eyes showed panic at this moment.

This woman is simply too black-bellied, to actually let her holy beast peak-level monster beat him, do you want to be so cruel!

"Roar!" The brown bear roared at the golden lion in a low voice, his eyes full of alertness.

"Hey, buddy, I advise you to submit to my master, so that you won't suffer from flesh and blood, right!" The golden lion said, looking at the severely injured brown bear lying on the ground.

"Roar, I'd rather die than surrender!" The brown bear roared in a low voice.

"Hey, it looks like I'm sorry!" The golden lion shook his head for a while, and immediately attacked the brown bear violently. The brown bear was already injured. The lion's opponent.

After a while, the entire Colosseum was filled with the screams of brown bears, and bright red blood spilled on the ground.

That miserable scream made everyone in the Colosseum feel bloody and brutal.

Just for a moment, the brown bear lay in a pool of blood, unable to exert any more strength.

"Stop fighting, I... I surrender!" The brown bear, who finally couldn't bear it, said weakly to Feng Liuli.

"Xiaojin finished work!" As soon as he heard the brown bear's surrender, Feng Liuli immediately stopped Xiaojin, looked at the brown bear with a full smile on his face and said, "You said you surrendered to me earlier, you don't need to do this. It hurts, Xiao Jin fights very hard!"

The brown bear looked at Feng Liuli with a dark smile on his face, the sadness in his heart, how could it have imagined that this woman was so sinister, the brown bear thought excitedly, the wound on his body was slightly involved, and the painful brown bear grinned.

"Damn it, it's too shameless, it's okay!"

Seeing that the brown bear was in the bag, everyone couldn't help but grow their mouths in surprise and look at Feng Liuli.

Feng Liuyue and Feng Liuyun were even more pale. They originally wanted to let Feng Liuli die in the Colosseum, but now it is fine. Not only did Feng Liuli live well, but Feng Liuli also subdued the brown bear.

The faces of Feng Liuyue and Feng Liuyun were as ugly as they were, and there was more deep fear in their eyes.

"Liu Li, why are you here, I'm looking for you everywhere!" From the gate beside the Colosseum, a familiar anxious voice couldn't help but look at Feng Liuli with a worried face.

"Is something wrong, are you injured?"