Chapter 62 Come to provoke

At this moment, Feng Liuli naturally did not know that this small act of hers would have such divine power, which was also thanks to her reputation as the number one waste material in the Xingyue Kingdom for ten years. .

If not, there would be no such extraordinary sound.

As soon as Feng Liuli walked out of the yard, she saw a group of people walking towards her from a distance. Feng Liuli's brows suddenly sank, and Feng Liuli, who was in a hurry to go out, immediately planned to take another road to leave, but she didn't want to be surrounded by people in the distance. I saw it.

An arrogant and ironic voice suddenly came.

"Feng Liuli, are you afraid that we want to escape?" The person who spoke was none other than Feng Liuyue, who had a grudge against Feng Liuli before.

Seeing that she couldn't escape, Feng Liuli no longer hurried to leave. Since someone came to the door, she should treat her well and make a good calculation of the account in the Colosseum last time.

Thinking of this, Feng Liuli did not leave in a hurry, but coldly looked at the group of people who gradually walked in from a distance.

The group of people who came was headed by Feng Liuxi in a long pink dress, Feng Liuxiang in a long purple dress, and of course Feng Liuyue who had a long-term relationship with Feng Liuli. The three of them followed. It's the maids waiting behind her.

"Who am I, it turned out to be you, Feng Liuyue, just right, I haven't had time to find you the account of the last Colosseum. Since you brought it to your door, I will make it easier for you to calculate the account today. !"

Feng Liuli said with a sneer at the corner of her mouth as she said evilly to Feng Liuyue who was approaching.

"You... Feng Liuli, I don't know what to say anymore, hum, but you are against me everywhere, I must find you to settle the account today!"

Feng Liuyue was told by Feng Liuli about the scene of the Colosseum, and a cool air suddenly rose behind her. She glanced at Feng Liuli with some fear, and instantly returned to her arrogant and domineering look, facing Feng Liuli. Disdain.

"Third sister, fourth sister is outspoken, don't take it to heart if you don't have any intentions. We came to see the third sister, and I didn't expect to catch up with the third sister to go out!"

Feng Liuxi has been looking at Feng Liuli, and she is getting closer, just now Facing Feng Liuli with a faint smile, her face was gentle and generous, and her demeanor was decent.

Feng Liuli looked up and down at Feng Liuxi, and when her eyes moved, she understood.

Feng Liuxi, the daughter of Feng Liuli's second uncle, the eldest daughter of the Feng family, is also Feng Liuli's cousin in name.

The appearance is gentle and generous, and the whole body naturally exudes the nobility and dignity of a big family lady, which can be seen from the words just now and the faint smile on Feng Liuxi's face.

However, what Feng Liuli saw was a different Feng Liuxi. As a top ace mercenary in her previous life, she had seen countless people, and naturally she would not miss the slightest move in the eyes of the other party.

Feng Liuxi thought she did a good job, she was gentle and generous enough, dignified and virtuous, but in fact it was wrong. The jealous light in Feng Liuxi's eyes did not escape Feng Liuli's eyes.

This woman is so serious.

Feng Liuli couldn't help sneering in her heart, "Compared to Feng Liuyue's brainless chest, Feng Liuxi is the most difficult person to deal with in the entire Feng family.

As for Feng Liuxiang on the side, although it is different from the dignified and gentle appearance of Feng Liuxi, it is also a light of contempt for Feng Liuli.

Seeing all this, Feng Liuli couldn't help but smile lightly, just because these few people wanted to make themselves ugly, they were afraid that they were wrong, how could she Feng Liuli be so easy to be slaughtered.

"Big sister is really kind and gentle. If the person who has no heart in the mouth of big sister is the one who lured me into the Colosseum and then let the high-level monsters deal with me and want to kill me and death, then I am curious. What does the eldest sister say about the person who has a heart, is it like the eldest sister?"

Feng Liuli looked at Feng Liuxi with a faint smile, and couldn't help asking curiously.

Feng Liuxi originally had a full smile on her face, but when she heard the second half of Feng Liuli's words, her complexion suddenly changed, and a lunar light appeared in her eyes, but it disappeared again in an instant, and her face changed. Suddenly he burst out laughing.

"The third sister really likes to joke, how could the elder sister do such a thing to the third younger sister!"

"Hehe, the elder sister is really a good person!" Feng Liuli's face did not change, she still looked at Feng Liuxi with a faint smile, sharp The smiling eyes looked straight into the deepest part of Feng Liuxi's eyes.

Feng Liuxi was a little embarrassed by Feng Liuli's stern gaze, she couldn't help laughing out a few cramps, and said softly to Feng Liuli: "Hehe, the third sister is really interesting!"

"Big sister's compliment to Liuli. Take it!" Feng Liuli smiled faintly, with a noble aura surrounding her body, and her beautiful face was full of enviable rays of light, dazzling and extraordinary.

The three of Feng Liuxi looked at such a stunning person, and the noble aura around them made them extremely jealous.

At the same time, they came out of a family, they were born Jingui, and Feng Liuli was banished to a remote town, just why the light radiating from the whole body was so dazzling, the fierce momentum and noble aura of the whole body was nothing but the head of the Feng family.

Feng Liuxi suddenly understood that the Feng Liuli in front of her was not a stunning beauty to deal with, and the fierce ray of light in the bottom of her eyes suddenly dissipated, turning into a tenderness.

Feng Liuli naturally saw clearly, and also saw the meaningful light in Feng Liuli's eyes.

"Hmph, it's just a piece of junk that was kicked out of the house, I'm really not ashamed!" Feng Liuxiang, who didn't speak for a long time and looked at Feng Liuli with disdain, couldn't help but sneered coldly.

Feng Liuli's face did not change, she smiled faintly at Feng Liuxiang, and replied cheekily: "Second sister's praise Liuli has also accepted, but it is not as good as second sister compared to not being ashamed of Liuli asking herself!"

"You, presumptuous. "Feng Liuli, don't think that now that your grandfather is optimistic about you, you can be so arrogant, hmph, be careful when you will be kicked out of the Feng family, then I will see how you cry and beg for mercy!"

Feng Liuxiang suddenly changed his face when he heard Feng Liuli's words. Changed, the light in the bottom of his eyes flickered, and a face full of anger shouted at Feng Liuli coldly.

When Feng Liuli heard this, she was not angry, and she understood it in her heart. It seems that this Feng Liuxiang must have done something bad to be so sensitive. She is very curious, what interesting and good things this Feng Liuxiang has done? Woolen cloth?

"What did the second sister do with such anger? Could it be that she was really hit by Liuli's words and became angry!" The smile on Feng Liuli's face became a little bigger, and she joked at Feng Liuxiang.

"You, Feng Liuli, you..." Feng Liuxiang was choked by Feng Liuli's words, and the atmosphere was speechless, which could not help but confirm that there must be some hidden secret behind Feng Liuxiang's back, "I I'm going to kill you!"

Feng Liuxiang suddenly gathered a burst of infuriating energy and rushed towards Feng Liuli, Feng Liuli's face turned cold, the sharp light in the bottom of her eyes disappeared in an instant, and she avoided the sharp and sharp light in a flash. True anger, with a faint sarcasm on his face, he said sarcastically.

"What are you doing, second sister, so embarrassed, tsk tsk, second sister's temper should really change, be careful not to marry, hehe!"

"You..." Feng Liuxiang wanted to say something, and jumped angrily. , but was immediately stopped by Feng Liuxi.

"Second sister, shut up!" Feng Liuxiang's move was within Feng Liuxi's expectations, so even though she was very close to Feng Liuxiang at the time and could be intercepted, she still did not make a move, in order to explore the reality of Feng Liuli's strength .

After all, she had never seen the wonderful battle at the Colosseum, and she could hear everything she knew.

However, just Feng Liuli's skill at that moment has already made Feng Liuxi's heart clear, and she can't help but feel a little disappointed.

After all, she hadn't really detected Feng Liuli's strength. The only thing she had detected was that her third sister was no longer the cowardly and timid third lady in rumors.

Feng Liuli took every look and every move of Feng Liuxi into her eyes, and she couldn't help but admire her eldest sister for being so clever.

She could obviously stop Feng Liuxiang's shot, but she wanted to use Feng Liuxiang's shot to detect her own strength, but this second time it was a selective stop, making the appearance of the eldest lady of the Feng family's direct line full of style.

Such a woman is much smarter and more difficult to deal with than Feng Liuxiang and Feng Liuyue, the two brainless women.

"We are all a family, we are all sisters, so don't say a few words. The third sister just came back and didn't understand a lot of things. In the future, I will rely on us as sisters and sisters to take care of the third sister!"

Feng Liuxi's face With a gentle smile, he spoke softly to the crowd.

"Humph!" Feng Liuxiang snorted coldly.

"Eldest sister, are you helping her to speak? Feng Liuli has been against me many times, so I don't want to be a sister to her. This Feng family has her without me, hum!"

Feng Liuyue snorted coldly, disdainful. Looking at Feng Liuli, her face was full of thick flames.

"Fourth sister!" Feng Liuxi's face suddenly sank, and she shouted coldly at Feng Liuyue.

"Big sister!" Feng Liuyue also shouted to Feng Liuxi, her face was full of arrogance and arrogance, Feng Liuxi sighed slightly, and glanced at the three of them sadly, quite helpless.

Feng Liuli's cold and arrogant face was full of icy colors, looking at Feng Liuxi's pretentious appearance, and looking at Feng Liuyue and Feng Liuxiang's arrogant faces, she couldn't help but feel ridiculous.

She really knew what the daughter of a big family was, but it turned out to be nothing more than that.

Either it's just pretending, or it's just no brains, the big family really doesn't have a normal one!

"If a few of you are all right, then Liuli will be busy, and you will be free!" Feng Liuli said coolly to a few people. After speaking, she turned around and left without looking at them. She moved quickly.

Suddenly, looking at Feng Liuli's arrogant and cold noble back, Feng Liuyue resented: "Eldest sister, look at her..."

Feng Liuxi was naturally very upset, and her eyes looking at Feng Liuli's back were full of cruelty and icy coldness. The radiance of the light, but a soft smile on the face: "Forget it, they are all sisters, the fourth sister, you have to let the third sister more, they just came back!"

"Hmph, Feng Liuli, it is best that you don't fall on me. In your hands, otherwise I will make you look good!" Feng Liuyue snorted coldly at Feng Liuli's back, and turned away angrily.