Chapter 69 Behind the scenes

The four of them looked at each other and planned to leave, but how could Feng Liuli let the four of them leave so easily? The milky white light was instantly released, and she shouted coldly to the four men in black.

"Since you're here, don't even think that you can leave!" The milky white light flashed with a strong aura, how could such high-level coercion be something these four people could resist.

Seeing that Feng Liuli would not let them leave, the four of them immediately flashed a strong murderous aura in their eyes, and waving the long sword in their hands, they attacked Feng Liuli, with the spirit of seeing death as home.

"Yeah, drink!" Feng Liuli's cold eyes flashed, and she drank it coldly. With just one move, she immediately knocked all four men in black to the ground.

The four of them fell to the ground and looked at Feng Liuli's cold and stern aura in horror.

"Say, who sent you here, I'll spare you if you say it!" Feng Liuli raised her cold eyes slightly, and asked the four people in a cold voice.

"Humph! Uh..." Unexpectedly, these four men in black are tough characters, not at all tempted by Feng Liuli, and with a cold snort, they immediately bit their tongues and committed suicide.

When Feng Liuli looked at the four corpses lying in front of her, it became even colder. She stepped forward and took off the face coverings on the four people's faces. Seeing that all four were unfamiliar faces, Feng Liuli searched again. Searching the four people did not find any abnormality.

It can be seen that these four must be killers, but who wants to kill her, Feng Liuli can't help frowning and thinks that someone had obviously lured her to come here just now, in order to let the killer waiting here solve her.

It's just that the master who sent these four people probably didn't expect that she actually has the strength of the second rank of the acquired spirit. This can be seen from the terrified expressions of the four people who saw their strength just now and wanted to escape.

Feng Liuli covered the bodies of the four and left the place. When she went to Feng Tianmo's yard and saw that the yard was still quiet, she knew that Uncle Feng and Master had not returned.

"Miss!" As soon as Feng Liuli returned to the room, Xuehen immediately appeared beside Feng Liuli.

"Where have you been?" Feng Liuli asked immediately when she saw the snow marks appear.

"The subordinate went to chase the black shadow, but he ran away. When I came back, I saw the young lady and found that the young lady was no longer there!" Xuehen said to Feng Liuli, and the bottom of her eyes was full of clear light.

Feng Liuli glanced at Xuehen and knew that Xuehen would definitely not lie to herself. Although he only spent a day together, he had a general understanding of Xuehen.

"Did you find something too?" Xuehen asked Feng Liuli with a frown as she frowned.

"Someone wants to kill me, it seems to lead you away, and then lead me to the remote back mountain, and then let the four men in black kill me, but they all underestimated my strength, so no Success!" Feng Liuli explained.

"Miss is injured, do you need Xuehen to tell the master about it!" Xuehen asked with a frown.

"Don't need it for the time being, let's wait and see what happens, you go and get rid of those four corpses, I'm sleepy, you should rest early!" Feng Liuli yawned and walked into the room to sleep!

Xuehen watched Feng Liuli go back to the room, and her figure disappeared in a flash and flew towards the back mountain in a flash, but Feng Liuli, who was lying on the bed, was thinking a little more.

As soon as he returned to Shengjing, he was assassinated by someone. When the events of the past few days were combined, several groups of people could not help but appear in his mind.

The first group was Leng Xiaotian, the prince of Xingyue Kingdom. This person has always wanted to repair himself, and she was later walked out of Fengfu. This also shows that Leng Xiaotian has a grudge and bought these killers to kill. she.

This second group of people who may kill her is the Dugu Luan she met on the road today. She was humiliated by Xuehen in public, and she must hold a grudge against herself. It is not surprising that she bought a killer to kill herself.

The third kind of person who might come to kill her is the Feng family, and only the Feng family has such an understanding of the Feng family's terrain. Feng Liuli did not forget that the person who led her to the back mountain was obviously familiar with the Feng family. of.

Although all of the above are possible, Feng Liuli is still unable to determine who it is, but one thing is the only thing that is certain is that she has been too hard-edged these few days, and people who want to deal with her are forgivable.

No matter what, she, Feng Liuli, will definitely find out the mastermind behind the scenes. If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. Now that people offend her, she won't let them go easily.

The next morning, Feng Liuli had just woken up, and Mr. Feng walked towards Feng Liuli's yard in a hurry.

"Get up, stinky girl, the old man has found a good place for you, hurry up, I am dying of thirst!" Old Master Feng shouted as soon as he entered the door.

"Isn't it a good thing that Grandpa is so happy?" Feng Liuli just finished grooming and couldn't help but smile and look at Mr. Feng. They lived in the same big yard. Later, Mr. Feng built a small yard for Feng Liuli in his own yard.

This also indicates Feng Liuli's status in Father Feng's mind, and it is precisely because of this that many of the Feng family's direct bloodline hold a grudge against Feng Liuli.

"Haha, the emperor is happy today, he told you to go to the Imperial Academy and build a relationship with His Royal Highness by the way!" Old Master Feng said to Feng Liuli with a look of joy.

As soon as Mr. Feng said it, Feng Liuli's heart froze for a moment. The emperor knew that it was normal for her to come back.

It's just that the emperor asked her to go to the Imperial College, the intention of which is not simple, and the establishment of a relationship with the prince is only a cover, but she can't guess what the real intention is.

"Grandpa, why did the emperor let me go to the Imperial Academy? Among them..." Feng Liuli did not say the words behind, but looked at the old man Feng, the meaning of which is self-evident.

"Grandpa understands the deep meaning of it. Now the four major families are friendly on the surface, but behind the scenes they are in dire straits and intrigue, and the four major families have surpassed the royal family for many years. Naturally, the emperor wants to use your return to Beijing to do it!"

"This emperor is not stupid . , he wants to use the marriage contract between me and the prince to suppress the Feng family, so that the Feng family and the royal family stand on the same line, with the support of the Feng family, the royal family can slowly rest and recuperate the other three families!" Feng Liuli Cool analysis.

"And the Feng family is the emperor's target on the cusp of the storm. If you succeed, the Feng family has merit, but in the end, the emperor must also suppress the Feng family. If you lose, the Feng family will completely disappear from the Eastern Continent. This emperor is really a good strategy. Ah!" The

old man Feng kept looking at Feng Liuli, his wrinkled face was full of kind smiles, a pair of caring eyes looked at Feng Liuli deeply, there was a slight red, and the crystal light swirled in his eyes. After a long time, he said with a sigh.

"You really look just like your father. It would be great if your father was still there. How happy would you be to see that you are so good now, hey!" Mr. Feng sighed without a whimper, as if he had aged a lot in an instant.

Feng Liuli looked at Mr. Feng, and couldn't help feeling a little touched. There are so many children and grandchildren who treat him with sincerity. The whereabouts of the only son is still unknown, and his life and death are unknown. Now, the granddaughter he really loves is not his real granddaughter.

She is just a lonely soul from another world who lives on the body of others. If Old Master Feng knew that she was not his biological granddaughter, what would happen if she didn't know, Feng Liuli couldn't help sighing in her heart.

At first, he might have felt a little alienated in his heart, but at this moment, when he saw such a faceless old man Feng who was still running around, he felt a lot of heartache.

At this moment, he is the real grandfather of her Feng Liuli. She has the family love that she never enjoyed in her previous life. Perhaps this is the will of God.

"Grandpa, don't worry, the Feng family has me, I will not let the Feng family fall. Since the emperor wants me to go to the Imperial Academy, I will go. I want to see how the emperor wants to use my Feng family!"

Feng Liuli's cold and arrogant figure exudes a fierce arrogance, and a peerless frivolous face is full of arrogance. Even if such a woman is rare in the world, it is even less than a man in the world.

"The little girl has finally grown up, haha..."

Elder Feng looked at Feng Liuli like this, and couldn't help but be moved to tears.

For so many years, the children and grandchildren have been trying to please him because of his status as the head of the Feng family, but only this stinky girl really loves him, which makes the old man even more doted on the daughter of the only son he loves.

The gap between the two grandfathers and grandchildren has become less and less invisible, and even Feng Liuli respects the old man of the Feng family, but the old man has nothing to do with this only doting granddaughter. No regulations.

This day was the first day that Feng Liuli entered the Imperial Academy. Early in the morning, the old man Feng walked into Feng Liuli's small courtyard with a large group of servants.

"Stinky girl, get up, grandpa, I brought you a new set of clothes, come and try it on grandpa?" Old Master Feng called to Feng Liuli, who was sleeping soundly in the room, his eyes filled with tears. The color of indulgence.

"Grandpa, let me sleep for a while, I'm so sleepy!" Inside the room, Feng Liuli's lazy voice suddenly came.

"Stinky girl, the sun is drying your buttocks, and you still can't get up. Do you want grandpa to come in and dress you in person?" Old Master Feng feigned anger and roared, but his face was flushed red and he was in good spirits.

"Hey!" Suddenly, a helpless voice came from the house. Since the relationship with the old man has entered, the old man has been worrying about himself and bothering her every day. Feng Liuli mumbled helplessly, "Come in!"

Hearing Feng Liuli's voice, the old man Feng smiled like a child who had won and let the maids behind him go in and serve Feng Liuli. After a while, Feng Liuli put on the new clothes that the old man Feng bought and walked out.

"Haha, it really is my granddaughter. It's so beautiful. I'm looking at who else in Shengjing can compare with my granddaughter. I'm afraid that the door of my Feng's house will be trampled!" Feng Liuli smiled happily.