Chapter 75 The more beautiful the more dangerous

But this time, the experience of entering the back mountain has evolved from a small team of people to a large number of imperial academy disciples.

The back mountain is the place for all the disciples of the Imperial Academy to experience. The reason why the Imperial Academy organized this large-scale training this time was apparently the permission of the dean of the Imperial Academy, but in fact, it can be said that the emperor of the Xingyue Kingdom had instructed.

After all, the four major families of the Xingyue Kingdom had been above the imperial power for several years, which made the emperor very unhappy.

However, if they could take this opportunity to dismantle the four major families as soon as possible, then the royal family would not have to fear the combined power of the four major families.

And of course no one found out.

The training team entering the back mountain still follows the original rules. Four people form a team to enter the back mountain, and each team will have a team leader or vice-captain.

And each team has different tasks. Of course, in addition to Feng Liuli, the other three in Feng Liuli's group are all male disciples.

"In the next Sun Ce, I saw Miss Feng San!" The tall man with a calm face stepped forward, looked at Feng Liuli and said respectfully, a pair of dark eyes flashing with dazzling excitement.

In the challenge match between Feng Liuli and Duguluan, Sun Ce was fortunate enough to witness Feng Liuli's peerless style.

Since then, I have long worshipped Feng Liuli as an idol in my heart. At this moment, I think that I will enter the back mountain with Feng Liuli to practice, and I am even more happy beyond words.

"Young Master Sun is polite!" Feng Liuli naturally saw the excitement and excitement in Sun Ce's eyes, and didn't take it seriously. She smiled calmly and said hello.

After the other two in the group of four looked at each other, they also stepped forward and respectfully said to Feng Liuli, "I've seen Miss Feng San in Xia Ouyang!"

"Cao Qi, I have seen Miss Feng San!"

Feng Liuli smiled coldly on the corner of her lips and nodded to the two named Ouyang and Cao Qi as a greeting.

After the four met each other, Sun Ce couldn't help laughing loudly.

"Today, I didn't expect to be able to team up with Miss Feng San. Sun Ce has admired Miss Feng San for a long time. The scene where Miss Feng San dealt with Duguluan will be unforgettable, so Miss San will be the team leader of our group. Right !"

"Yes, Miss San, we all take you as the captain!"

"Miss San is the captain, this time we will be able to complete the mission!" As soon as

Sun Ce's voice fell, Ouyang and Cao Qi nodded. With a full smile on his face.

Feng Liuli was not a hypocritical person at first. Hearing what the three of them said, she couldn't help nodding her head and said.

"In this way, Liuli can't shirk. Master Sun is calm and introverted. Otherwise, Young Master Sun will be the deputy captain, so it's a good time to remind Liuli!"

"Yes, follow the instructions of Miss Third!" Acknowledging, he immediately smiled and nodded in agreement.

Ouyang and Cao Qi on the side just smiled faintly, and they didn't have any dissatisfaction with the so-called captain and vice-captain.

After the four discussed it, they immediately walked towards the back mountain.

"Feng Liuli, wait for me, this time I will definitely let you lose completely. Hmph, I will let you know that offending me, Duguluan, will not end well!"

Duguluan who just entered the back mountain. Seeing the figure of Feng Liuli, her face suddenly turned cold, and her sinister eyes were full of anger, and she was about to kill Feng Liuli.

"Second brother, that bitch has gone in, there won't be another accident this time!"

Feng Liuyue looked at Feng Liuli's back, her sinister eyes were full of deep jealousy and resentment. For a long time, Feng Liuli was more noticed than her, and she hated her!

If it's the eldest sister, it's okay, but this Feng Liuli is a waste who was kicked out of the Feng family. A waste actually climbed onto her head. She Feng Liuyue can't bear it or not, and she will definitely not let Feng Liuli. succeeded.

"Don't worry, this time I let her walk in and come out lying down, hum!" Feng Liuyun was also full of hatred for Feng Liuli.

Feng Liuyun had eaten so much in Feng Liuli's hands several times, how could he swallow this sigh of relief.

In addition to the one in the family Colosseum, even if he didn't ask Feng Liuli to settle the account, he believed that Feng Liuli would never let him go!

Prince Leng Xiaotian was constantly looking for the white figure in the crowd, and when he saw that he didn't see it, he couldn't help showing a bit of loss that even he had never noticed.

Before Leng Xiaotian came back to his senses, a soft voice sounded in his ears.

"Xiaotian, are you looking for me?" Murong Zi walked from the side with a gentle smile on her face, but a bright killing light flashed from the bottom of her eyes as she smiled at Leng Xiaotian.

When Leng Xiaotian was called by Murong Zi, he suddenly came back to his senses, stunned for a moment, then nodded to Murong Zi with a smile: "Yes, Zi'er should be careful when entering the back mountain this time!"

Because Murong Zi is Alchemist, so in terms of cultivation, it is lower than others.

An alchemist can play a very important role in the back mountain experience. After all, he was injured while fighting a monster, or had an accident or something. Alchemy is undoubtedly the most reliable profession, and it is also the rarest profession in the Eastern Continent. .

"Hehe, Zi'er is not afraid, Zi'er is protected by Xiaotian!" A dazzling smile appeared on Murong Zi's face as she smiled at Leng Xiaotian.

"Well, I will definitely not let you have anything to do!" Leng Xiaotian looked at the gentle and beautiful woman in front of him, and couldn't help but warm his heart, and forgot all the strange feelings about Feng Liuli.

Seeing that Leng Xiaotian had regained his gentleness towards him before, Murong Zi felt a little relieved.

There have been too many rumors about the prince and Feng Liuli recently, and even Murong Zi, who has always been confident in herself, is a little scared.

Seeing that Leng Xiaotian still had feelings for him at this moment, he couldn't help but feel relieved, but Murong Zi's eyes looking into the distance also revealed a vicious murderous aura.

Feng Liuli, she will definitely not let Murong Zi let go!

Watching the pair of small teams enter the back mountain, the three-member group headed by Murong Jing, Bai Yufeng and Dugu Ming still looked at the back mountain in the distance, standing and talking without back pain.

"Hey, it seems that this time, the four young masters of the capital are going to be separated!" Bai Yufeng teased as he looked at the backs of Leng Xiaotian and Murong Zi who were far away, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

Murong Jing smiled lightly, while Dugu Ming still stood beside the two with a cold face.

The group of three then also walked towards the back mountain.

Suddenly, there were only a few people left on the huge square of the Imperial Academy. After a while, all the disciples of the Imperial Academy had entered the back mountain.

As soon as Feng Liuli and the four of them walked into the back mountain with Sun Ce, they were filled with a dangerous atmosphere.

Feng Liuli, who had not lived in the jungle for a long time, smelled that familiar and unfamiliar aura, and her whole body's blood immediately boiled.

The deep glazed eyes were full of excitement, and the whole body exuded a sultry aura, and even the four Sun Ce who were on the side couldn't hide their excitement.

"Wow, look at that flower, it's so beautiful!" The four of them were walking, and Ouyang, who was walking behind, suddenly shouted happily, and walked quickly towards the beautiful flower.

Suddenly, almost when Ouyang's hand was about to touch the delicate flower, Feng Liuli's face was startled, and she shouted angrily at Ouyang in the distance.


Facing Feng Liuli's angry shouts, Ouyang stopped the movement of his hands vigorously, and looked at Feng Liuli behind him with surprise, his eyes were full of doubts.

"Do you want to die?" Feng Liuli saw that Ouyang had stopped his movements, and immediately relaxed a little, and continued to shout angrily at Ouyang.

This time, Sun Ce and Cao Qi, who were startled by Feng Liuli's angry shout, couldn't help but regain their senses and looked at Ouyang.

I saw that Ouyang was so close to the beautiful flower that opened, and the warm breath could touch the beautiful flower with just a little spray.

This time, Sun Ce's face was full of horror. Although Cao Qi on the side didn't understand why Feng Liuli and Sun Ce were so angry and frightened, he probably understood something. That's all. It is not easy to open beautiful and harmless flowers.

"Captain, I...I..." Being yelled at by Feng Liuli, Ouyang became a little timid, and stammered at Feng Liuli.

"Do you know that I almost killed you just now, do you know how dangerous it is here!" Feng Liuli was really angry at this moment, and she scolded Ouyang for a while.

The scolding Sun Ce, Ouyang, and Cao Qi were stunned for a while, and they all looked at Feng Liuli in surprise, their eyes staring at the boss.

Seeing the expressions of the three of them, Feng Liuli still couldn't understand the hatred, she glared fiercely, and said sternly: "What are you staring at, did I say something wrong, there are dangers everywhere in the back mountain, a little carelessness can make you lose your life. Do you understand that the most beautiful things are often the most poisonous. They can kill you in an instant .

Do you think you have lived too long? "

Feng Liuli turned to Ouyang Yi. After the scolding, although the expression on his face was still ashen, but the momentum around him was slightly restrained.

You must know that at that moment, she was really frightened by Ouyang. Whether it is in her past life or this life, Feng Liuli, who has lived in the rain forest all the year round, clearly understands how many invisible dangers there are in this jungle.

You can often kill you inadvertently, so if you want to get out of here or go out and complete the task smoothly, the only thing you can do is to be careful.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" After being scolded by Feng Liuli, Ouyang seemed to understand something. Although he didn't understand how terrifying this beautiful flower was, he retracted his hands.

Seeing Ouyang withdraw his hands, Feng Liuli couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and Sun Ce and Cao Qi on the side also remembered Feng Liuli's words, always remembering that the more beautiful things in the jungle, the more dangerous it is!