Chapter 87 The Fight for Freedom

The remaining seven men in black were yelled at by the boss, and all of them couldn't help lowering their heads, and the entire valley immediately became a quiet area, but the momentum of the two sides became more and more dangerous and fierce.

"Family, hehe, if the family is really good to you, how can you come to die? Your family has already given up your lives when they let you cross that threshold!"

Feng Liuli couldn't help but speak at this moment . He sneered, his tone full of disdain.

She is no longer familiar with such a family, such a big family. From the past to this life, no one will treat you as a human being. In their eyes, you are just a pawn, and you can discard it at will when it is useless!

Sure enough, when Feng Liuli said this, many people in black couldn't help but shake.

"Trash, traitor, I will kill you!" In response to Feng Liuli's words, a few men in black immediately softened.

They were not killers in the first place, they were all cultivated by the clan elders. Although they already knew that one day they would sacrifice for the clan, they couldn't help but be shaken when they heard these words.

They are also human, they also have their own relatives and family members, why should they die for someone else's dislike!

Feng Liuli naturally saw the hesitation and unwillingness in those few people's hearts because of their own words, and immediately couldn't help but continue to fan the flames.

"Brothers, look, everyone has feelings, but your boss in black doesn't take your life seriously at all.

Just imagine, if you rush up now, with my numerous High-level contracted beasts, can you kill me, you can't hide from this, but you, the black-clothed boss, don't care about your life or death at all!"

Feng Liuli continued to stand still, and the words she said became more and more excited.

"Brothers, you all have family members. They don't care about your life and death, your family members, young children, and old parents. What about you, you're gone, who will support the family!"

Feng Liuli said at the end. Even I was almost moved by what I said!

Nima, you guys are touched, this girl's mouth is dry. Feng Liuli said sadly in her heart, but her face still had a proud look, only those bright eyes flashed with moving reluctance!

Yes, it was the reluctance to part with the impending death of this group of men in black. "Fuck it, I quit, why should I work for others? I still

have a three-year-old son and an eighty-year-old mother to support. When I die, who will support my family!"

After the sound, a roar suddenly sounded, and he threw the weapon in his hand heavily and shouted.

"Nima, I don't want to do it anymore. I just married my wife and haven't enjoyed the life of the bridal chamber. I don't want to lose my life like this!"

With the sound of the first voice, the second voice suddenly sounded. The voice could not help but rang.

"I'm not going to do it..."

"I'm not going to do it..."

"Since you guys are all done, then I'm not going to do it, hmph, fuck it..."

Then came the third voice , the fourth voice, the fifth voice... Until the end, there were only two people left, the black-clothed boss with an increasingly livid complexion and another less timid black-clothed man.

The man in black glanced at the six people who had all lost their weapons, and immediately swelled up and shouted in fright, "I...I'm not going

to do it anymore !" On the other side of the clothed man, he was afraid that the black-clothed boss beside him would take his anger out on him!

Feng Liuli looked at everything in front of her silently, her bright eyes were full of smiles, and the corners of her proud mouth were even more unbridled, as if the whole person was alive.

And looking at the face of the black-clothed boss is getting more and more excited!

"Stinky girl, there are really two boys, as expected of the people that the old man likes, um, yes, in time, they will be able to shine!"

The shadow hiding in the dark didn't expect that things would suddenly turn into this. He was even more stunned when he listened to the long speeches spit out from Feng Liuli's mouth.

However, Hei Ying's eyes looked at Feng Liuli with full of admiration and brilliance!

"You group of traitors, I will kill you first today, hum!" The black-clothed old man was furious, and he immediately swung his sword toward the seven men who had suddenly put down their weapons.

With a sound of "Shut!", the big knife in the black-clothed boss's hand was intercepted by a blue light that Feng Liuli suddenly waved. Feng Liuli looked at the black-clothed boss in front of him with a smile on his face. Disdainful face.

"Yo, what this boss is doing so angry, everyone is young, don't act impulsive, why don't you do it like this, give this girl a face today, and spare them!"

Feng Liuli continued to shamelessly said, if At this moment, some people will definitely not imagine that the cold and noble Feng Liuli will have such a time when she opens her eyes and speaks nonsense.

"You, get out, today I kill these traitors first and then kill you!" The man in black yelled angrily, his fire-breathing eyes full of hatred.

Feng Liuli wasn't angry either, she withdrew all the spiritual energy emanating from her whole body, and a icy mocking smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, looking at the seven people and said.

"Since this black-clothed boss wants to kill you, why don't you kill him first, so that you are safe, or maybe he will kill your family after killing you!"

Feng Liuli continued to fan the flames, the seven people must have reached the second half of Feng Liuli's sentence, and immediately raised the weapons on the ground and walked towards the black-clothed boss one by one.

"You...what are you going to do, I tell you, this stinky woman is deliberately sowing discord, you must not be fooled by this stinky woman, or you will definitely die!"

The black-clothed boss looked at One by one, the seven people who were close to him, showing bloodthirsty and murderous intent, couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He never thought that things would turn out like this.

The bottom of my heart suddenly became cold, and it was only now that I realized that they were all distracted by what this stinky woman said, but at this moment, the seven people could not listen to his words.

"Stop, don't you want the dragon fruit? The lady said that as long as anyone carries Feng Liuli's head, the lady will give you the only dragon fruit in the Murong family. Have you forgotten? Stop it. Ah!"

The black-clothed boss continued to roar angrily, but the seven people who were already angry couldn't hear it at all. The boss snorted, glared at Feng Liuli full of hatred, and fell down with his big eyes open.

Feng Liuli's face sank after hearing the words of the black-clothed boss.

The Murong family, hmph, what a Murong Zi, who actually wanted to take my head!

But my head can only be exchanged for one dragon fruit, Nima, is my life only worth one dragon fruit? It's too cheap!

Does she really look weak, so weak that the reward is only worth a dragon fruit!

Feng Liuli frowned tightly at the moment, deeply feeling a touch of sadness because of her cheap worth!

Of course, the shadow hidden in the darkness didn't know what Feng Liuli was thinking. Looking at the frowning face, she thought that Feng Liuli was worried about how to solve the seven people in front of her!

At this moment, when the seven men slashed the black-clothed boss, they woke up, all of them staring blankly at the blood-stained sword in their hands.

"How could this be, what happened just now?"

"Why are we here?"

"Ah... boss, boss is dead!"

"How could it be, how could we kill boss!"

At this moment, wearing black clothes The seven people just came back to their senses, looking at the blood-stained long sword in their hands, and the black-clothed boss who fell in a pool of blood, suddenly alert!

"I just remembered now, don't you think it's too late!" Feng Liuli's mouth raised a icy arc, looking at the seven people who were inexplicably panicked and sneered.

"It's you, it must be some kind of magic trick you gave us, it must be the tricks of you stinky girl to divide us!" The man in black suddenly turned his face and pointed at Feng Liuli with an angry face and cursed.

"That's right, you deliberately alienated the eight of us. Brothers, we must deal with this stinky girl, otherwise the lady will definitely not let us go!"

Another person suddenly shouted loudly.

"It's you who killed you black bosses, I didn't do anything!" Feng Liuli laughed coldly, glanced at the sky above her head, and knew that it was getting late, I was afraid that Ouyang and the others had already left.

"This young lady won't accompany you here, remember to tell her when you see Murong Zi, Feng Liuli has written down this debt, and I will make her pay it back in double, otherwise it will be hard to dispel the hatred in my Feng Liuli's heart. "

It's not that easy to leave, brothers, give it to me, otherwise we will go back, and the eldest lady will definitely not let us go!" Seeing that Feng Liuli was about to leave, how could those people in black obey.

Without Feng Liuli, what would they use to make a business trip, it would be small to pay for their own name, but if they were accompanied by their own family members, it would really not be worth it!

Thinking of this, everyone immediately attacked Feng Liuli one by one.

The shadow hiding in the dark only understood at this moment, and a faint appreciation and smile suddenly appeared in the bottom of his eyes as deep as the sea.

He said why these men in black suddenly turned to Feng Liuli, even the lowest subordinates would definitely not be so disloyal to their masters.

Especially for martial practitioners, it seems that there is only one explanation, that is, Feng Liuli caused interference to these people, so that the fear in these people's hearts was infinitely aroused.

It is precisely because of this that they have secrets and fears in their hearts that cannot be expressed, and they can be so easily taken advantage of by Feng Liuli.

Although the method is not very open and aboveboard, it is a unique addition of mind, in order to let the black-clothed boss tell who is behind the scenes.

Feng Liuli is the biggest winner in this battle!