Chapter 90 Don't Deceive People Too Much

"Feng Liuli, don't deceive people too much!" Feng Liuyu said angrily.

"Hehe, how could it be that I deceived people too much!" Feng Liuli asked with a faint smile.

"Brother Yu, don't be fooled by Feng Liuli, she is deliberately diverting our attention, I think she is guilty of being a thief!"

Feng Liuyue said to Feng Liuyu without shy The anger in my heart subsided slightly.

"Yes, Feng Liuli, stop talking nonsense here, hum, no matter what, you must give us an explanation after all!"

"Explain!" Feng Liuli's cold eyes narrowed slightly, and she said in a low voice, "You have What qualifications do you have for this girl to explain, you are not worthy of it!"

"Feng Liuli, arrogant!" The elder in the lead suddenly became angry, and scolded Feng Liuli angrily, and the expressions of the other elders were also very ugly.

Seeing the elders' exit, Feng Liuyu and the others couldn't help being overjoyed. As long as they made the elders of the Imperial Academy dissatisfied with Feng Liuli, then it would not be difficult for Feng Liuli to be expelled from the Imperial Academy!

"Why, the elders finally can't sit still and speak!" Even in the face of the elders of the Imperial Academy, Feng Liuli was still not afraid.

Such a woman should be proud of the world!

"Feng Liuli, is this your attitude towards the elders, huh, the Feng family's tutor really let me wait and see!" The leader of the elders shouted coldly, and even made the Feng family ironic.

"Elder, calm down, Feng Liuli is the waste of the Feng family who was expelled from the family. It has nothing to do with my Feng family. It is normal for wild children to have no rules, not to mention that Feng Liuli has no father or mother!" Feng Liuyue looked at Feng with disdain. Lucy sneered.

"Hmph, how can you be so ignorant of etiquette without a father or mother, is it so disrespectful to the elders!" The elder said solemnly.

Feng Liuli stood on the side lightly, her deep eyes narrowed tightly, a ruthless light flashed in the depths, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth: "There are many people I respect Feng Liuli, but these few An elder is definitely not!"

"Bold, a wild child like you dares to shout in front of the old man and others, huh, it really is a wild bastard without a father or mother!" The elder on the side said angrily and sarcastically, with a sarcastic face It was full of hideous colors.

Feng Liuli's complexion became more and more gloomy, and the icy aura was entangled around her body, and the intense anger turned into countless auras that radiated out, just at a glance, you knew that Feng Liuli was angry and angry.

In Feng Liuli's heart, no one has the right to be disrespectful to her parents, no matter what her parents did!

The strong momentum swept away, Feng Liuli rushed forward, and waved the glass sword in his hand. Before everyone could react, the powerful sword energy had already surrounded the elder who made Feng Liuli displeased just now.

The sharp glazed sword exuded a dazzling brilliance in the sunlight. As soon as the glazed sword came out, the surroundings were suddenly dimmed. The weapons of the highest grade of the sacred artifact were not only rare in the Xingyue Kingdom, but were also treasures in the entire Eastern Continent.

"Good sword!" Dugu Ming loved the sword and was amazed when he saw the long sword in Feng Liuli's hand.

"The sword of the top grade of the holy artifact is naturally a good sword!" Murong Jing smiled lightly, and the warm smile concealed the worry about Feng Liuli in his heart.

"What, the high-grade holy artifact, so powerful!" Bai Yufeng's eyes also lit up with a stunning light, looking at the man in white in the distance!

Everyone around listened to the three people's words, and immediately looked at Feng Liuli and the long sword in her hand with envy and jealousy. When will they be able to have such a sword, of course, Feng Liuyu and Feng Liuyue are not included. And Dugu Ming three people!

Murong Zi's face was even more ugly. Seeing such a dazzling and arrogant Feng Liuli, she suddenly became more worried.

Feng Liuli has returned safely. Does that mean that the person she sent has died in Huangquan? Then Feng Liuli will not know that it was her who moved her hand. Thinking of this, Murong Zi's heart is a little more chaotic, she is absolutely Feng Liuli is not allowed to be alive!

"Presumptuous, Feng Liuli, what do you want to do?" The elder who was held by Feng Liuli's neck suddenly shouted in horror, his angry face was full of fear.

"Hehe, it turns out that the elders are also afraid, hehe..." The glass sword in Feng Liuli's hand was still on the neck of the elder, her mouth was full of playful light, and she sneered and mocked.

"Feng Liuli, stop, you know that you can already be expelled from the Imperial Academy by doing this!" The head elder yelled angrily.

"Heh, I, Feng Liuli, is disdainful of an imperial academy. You want to expel me from the imperial academy. Today, I, Feng Liuli, voluntarily left the imperial academy. From now on, the two have nothing to do with each other!" Although Feng Liuli's cold voice was not loud, it was shocking. The people who lived there.

Everyone's eyes widened when Feng Liuli said this!

The Imperial Academy, that is an institution of higher learning that everyone in the Xingyue Kingdom wants to enter. This Feng Liuli is so ignorant, do you want to be so arrogant!

"Okay, okay, okay, Feng Liuli, since you left voluntarily, don't blame the old man. It won't be easy for you to enter this Imperial Academy in the future!" The

head elder was also taken aback by Feng Liuli's words. Jumping, frightened and then full of anger.

What is the Imperial Academy, it is the supreme institution of the Xingyue Kingdom, who is not proud of being a student of the Imperial Academy, this Feng Liuli is so disrespectful to them, they are naturally angry.

"Hmph, even if you invite this girl to come, I don't even bother to come!" Feng Liuli looked at the head elder with disdain, her face full of arrogance.

However, Feng Liuli has her arrogant ability, and has a master who is number one in the world. How can the Imperial College in this district handle her? Besides, what she learns here is not as useful as what she learned by herself at home, so why should she waste time here? .

This is what Feng Liuli had planned for a long time. Since someone here wants her to leave, she will take this opportunity to leave in a grand manner!

Feng Liuyue, Feng Liuyu and the others tried their best to get Feng Liuli expelled from the Imperial Academy, but what they did not expect was that this time Feng Liuli would automatically leave the Imperial Academy, and they saw the arrogant look on Feng Liuli's face in the slightest. Not the slightest bit of sadness.

The hearts of several people seem to be eating Huanglian, and they can't tell the pain!

The three of Murong Jing knew that this would be the case for a long time, and looked at Feng Liuli with a little more envy and a little more obsession!

Such a woman, I don't know who can be worthy of her!



"Boss..." The three of

Ouyang were shocked when they heard Feng Liuli's words, and called out in unison.

Feng Liuli looked back, the starlight flickered at the bottom of her dazzling eyes, and there was a proud smile on her cold face, and that bright smile instantly calmed the hearts of the three of them.

"Feng Liuli, Feng Liuli, Feng Liuli, what kind of woman are you?" Leng Xiaotian couldn't help thinking melancholy in his heart as he looked at Feng Liuli's stunning figure in white clothes when he left.

Yes, if it was said that in the past, Leng Xiaotian disdained marrying Feng Liuli, and he didn't even want to take a look at it, but today, he can't help but be confused. own heart.

When Feng Liuli left, a few people were happy and some were sad, but Feng Liuli didn't have the heart to care about it at the moment.

Returning to Feng Mansion in a hurry, they walked straight towards the Rongyuan. They happened to meet Feng Tianmo and Yun Qing at the entrance of the courtyard. When the two saw Feng Liuli returning, they immediately disregarded their image and accelerated their pace. He walked towards Feng Liuli.

"Liu Li, why did you come back? Your master has found a god-level alchemy furnace. Hurry up, go back and try it, haha!" When Feng Tianmo saw Feng Liuli coming back, he was immediately excited without saying a word. Lucy walked in.

"Really, that's great, thank you Master!" Feng Liuli was very excited when she heard that the god-level alchemy furnace was found!

"Haha, Liuli, this time, you really want to thank you, Master Yunqing. This old fellow is working harder than me for this god-level alchemy furnace!" Feng Tianmo smiled while rubbing the beard on his chin.

"Thank you, Master, Liuli!" Feng Liuli thanked her sincerely. Needless to say, just because the two of them have walked for so many days before they came back, you can guess that finding a god-level alchemy furnace this time is not an easy task!

"Haha, darling, let's go, go try it out and see if it works, as a teacher, I hope you can make a peerless medicine pill!"

Yun Qing's eyes also flickered with excitement, and he was looking forward to Feng Liuli's hands. What kind of treasures can the red flame of the gods be combined with the god-level alchemy furnace.

The more they thought about it, the more eager they became, and without a word, they all got into the alchemy room.

As soon as she entered the alchemy room, Feng Liuli first asked the servants in the Fengfu courtyard to bring some of the medicinal materials that she had bought before, and she started to make a fire.

With a crisp sound, the red flame jumped up at Feng Liuli's fingertips, and the fiery red dazzling light immediately illuminated the entire alchemy room.

As soon as the red flames came out, Yun Qing and Feng Tianmo's eyes stared so straight, they could not wait to melt this fiery red flame into their bodies, but they knew that the flames determined their talent for alchemy.

Feng Liuli gathered the spiritual power on her body, sent the red flame into the god-level alchemy furnace, and then sent the medicinal materials sent by the servants into the alchemy furnace for refining.

This time, there is a god-level alchemy furnace, which is still intact under the red flame. Feng Liuli checked the medicinal pills in the alchemy furnace, and occasionally added some medicinal materials into it, while on the other hand, she used her spiritual power to control the size of the flame.

The temperature in the alchemy room continued to rise, Yun Qing and Feng Tianmo did not make a sound, they stood by and watched Feng Liuli busy, their eyes were full of praise!

In the eyes of Yun Qing and the two, Feng Liuli is definitely a genius in alchemy. Not to mention having a red flame, she was able to master alchemy skills so proficiently in just a few days. Even Yun Qing couldn't compare to such a talent!

Yun Qing was very proud in his heart. He didn't expect to find such a talented apprentice on this trip, and there was a strong sense of pride in his brows!