Chapter 93 Refuse to marry again

When the words fell, Leng Xiaotian took out a delicate box from his sleeve.

As soon as the box was opened, a pair of delicate and clear jade bracelets were revealed. The bracelets were transparent and full in color. They looked like a good product, but Feng Liuli still didn't understand what Leng Xiaotian meant by holding the pair of bracelets. ?

Feng Liuli didn't know, but the old man Feng who was sitting on the top saw the delicate box in Leng Xiaotian's hand, and his expression suddenly sank.

And when he saw the pair of jade bracelets in the exquisite box, his face darkened even more.

Feng Liuli didn't know, but he clearly knew what this Leng Xiaotian was going to do!

Sure enough, before Father Feng could speak, Leng Xiaotian said.

"Prince Ben is here to ask for marriage."

"This pair of jade bracelets was given to the future crown prince by the queen mother. Today, the prince officially presented this pair of jade bracelets to Miss San, the prince of Ming Japan. I will report to the royal father and ask the royal father to marry him, and the day when the third young lady gets married will be the time when this prince and the third young lady get married!"

Old Master Feng knew that it was one thing, but hearing Leng Xiaotian's words was another. One thing, his face suddenly gloomy and ugly.

A sneer flashed across Feng Liuli's sneering eyes, but she didn't show any expression on her face, and said knowingly.

"Oh? So, His Royal Highness is going to make Liuli the future prince concubine and the future mother of Xingyue Kingdom?"

"Yes, this is exactly what this prince intends!" The look on Liuli's face, but Feng Liuli disappointed Leng Xiaotian.

There is no turbulence on the calm face at all!

"Liu Li has been at odds with His Royal Highness since he returned to Shengjing, and there have been a lot of frictions. Liuli even received a letter of divorce from His Royal Highness. Dare to ask what His Royal Highness means now?"

Feng Liuli looked at Leng Xiaotian with sharp eyes with a smile, as if he could see through him at a glance.

"Prince Ben naturally thinks that the third young lady is very good after this period of observation. Previously, the prince was too arbitrary and had preconceived notions about the third young lady. For this, the prince is sorry!"

Leng Xiaotian said with his eyes still open. Nonsense, she fixedly looked at Feng Liuli and did not miss any expression on Feng Liuli's face.

However, she was still disappointed. The bottom of Feng Liuli's eyes was still quiet, and Leng Xiaotian couldn't help but doubt her calm appearance.

Leng Xiaotian kept looking at Feng Liuli, and Feng Liuli naturally kept watching Leng Xiaotian.

If she didn't understand it just now, now it's clear that it can't be clearer. This Leng Xiaotian didn't come here to ask her for a kiss, but the main purpose is to test.

Yes, it is a trial!

Feng Liuli was immediately furious, such a cold Xiaotian, she dared to play her like a monkey over and over again. It was really shameless, so don't blame her for being ruthless!

"His Royal Highness has forgotten the last pain, right? If His Royal Highness has forgotten, Liuli might as well let His Royal Highness remember it more clearly!"

"Feng Liuli, you dare!"

Seeing Feng Liuli's body suddenly exudes Leng Xiaotian couldn't help but get angry, especially the last time he was beaten out by Feng Liuli, and it still hurts in his heart when he thinks of it!

"Hmph, Your Royal Highness, why don't I, Feng Liuli, dare to come here to play with me over and over again, don't you think you are going too far?

Don't you just want to test me, dare to ask Your Royal Highness that you are not my parents, are you not? My family, you are an outsider to me, what qualifications do you have to question me and test me?"

Feng Liuli pressed step by step, looking at Leng Xiaotian with no good expression at all.

"You!" After Feng Liuli said this, Leng Xiaotian couldn't answer, and was choked up, unable to speak.

"His Royal Highness, there is really a limit to a person's patience. You have played with me a few times over and over again, do you really think it's amazing that you are the prince? You sent me a divorce letter when I first returned to Feng's house. Now, today you come to propose again, what do you think of me, Feng Liuli, as a toy for you to play with?

Feng Liuli is really angry, she bears it, but there is a limit, she will not let anyone ride her She still greeted others with a smile on her head, but she couldn't do it.

The loud words fell into the ears of Mr. Feng and Leng Xiaotian. Mr. Feng's face was even more ashen, but his heart was very big. Rejoice!

Today Feng Liuli doesn't scold him, and he, the old man who is a grandfather, must scold him fiercely. Humph, if you want to marry, you can marry, if you want, you can quit, just as all the daughters of his Feng family are useless. Don't think about it!

As long as his old man is around, no one dares to bully the Feng family. If you come, he will kill one, if you come, he will kill one pair!

Leng Xiaotian's face sank on the spot, almost I just want to roar!

Who is he, the prince of the dignified Xingyue Kingdom has given enough face to Feng Liuli to come to Feng Mansion to propose marriage, but this Feng Liuli is so ignorant, not knowing how to be grateful, and yet actually exporting like this Not inferior.

Although Leng Xiaotian is very clear in his heart, he came to Feng Mansion to test Feng Liuli, to know who the Feng Liuli in front of him is, or to say that he really missed it.

However, it is not only because of others Seeing through this layer of temptation, and hearing these unpleasant words, this made Leng Xiaotian's heart very uncomfortable!

"Feng Liuli, what do you think you are, this prince appreciates you and is willing to marry you again. Wife, still using the identity of the crown princess, that is to value you, you don't know what's wrong! "

Leng Xiaotian was extremely angry, got up and shouted angrily at Feng Liuli refrigerant.

"His Royal Highness, my old man is not dead yet, and the Feng family can't be bullied by outsiders!" Old Man

Feng was really angry, and he shouted at Leng Xiaotian, regardless of whether he would offend Leng Xiaotian or not.

"What a Feng family!" Leng Xiaotian just came back to his senses after being drank by the old man Feng. Although his face was still gloomy with anger, his aura was greatly reduced.

The status of the four major families in the Xingyue Kingdom is still higher than that of the royal family. Although a Feng family is not as good as it was in the past, the rules are unbreakable. After being drunk by Fengrong, Leng Xiaotian just recovered.

"Since the Feng family doesn't appreciate it, this prince has nothing to say. This prince will leave now, hum!"

Leng Xiaotian, who had been commanded by the first army, immediately left the Feng residence angrily.

Looking at the back of Leng Xiaotian leaving, Feng Liuli's eyes were stained with a dash of coldness, Leng Xiaotian, Feng Liuli remembers this account!

Where there are people there is gossip.

Naturally, Leng Xiaotian entered the Feng Mansion again to propose marriage to Feng Liuli, the third lady of the Feng family.

And the owner of this rumor is Feng Liuli and the current Prince Leng Xiaotian of Xingyue Kingdom.

And as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Leng Xiaotian was not afraid of the fact that he went to the Feng Mansion to propose marriage the last time, but was beaten up by the servants of the Feng family, and he went to propose marriage again and was rejected!

How shocking and unbelievable is such a thing!

However, the rumors are like a surging water, and they are out of control, and they spread to the streets and alleys of the entire Shengjing city in an instant!

With the occurrence of rumors, the entire Shengjing city is also very lively.

Two hours later, it was first reported that Murong Ziqing, the eldest lady of the Murong family, was in love with the prince Leng Xiaotian. When he heard the rumor that the prince empathized with love and gave Feng Liuli the symbol of the crown princess, he immediately smashed it and put it away. Everything in the entire Ziyuan was smashed over and over again, which shows the anger in Murong Zi's heart.

Immediately after that, the news that the three young masters of the Murong family, the Dugu family, and the Bai family left the mansion to the Feng mansion, but they all returned to their mansion after just a moment of effort!

This had to make the people of Shengjing City talk a lot about what kind of power was that the third young lady of the Feng family made the young masters of the three families and the prince so infatuated.

For a time, under many rumors, Feng Liuli became more and more mysterious, and it was even more talked about than the name of waste material earlier.

However, Feng Liuli, who has been hiding in the alchemy room to refine medicine pills, has no time to take care of those gossips.

By the time Feng Liuli once again stepped out of the alchemy room with several jars full of medicinal pills, Shengjing City was already very lively and turbulent.

The Feng Mansion was very quiet in the early morning. Mr. Feng was not in the mansion early in the morning, and I heard that he had entered the palace.

Feng Liuli, who hadn't been out for a long time, was refreshed today. After packing up, she called Xuehen, who hadn't shown up for a long time, and took the carriage of Feng Mansion to the street.

Seeing the flow of people coming and going on the street, the crowds entering and exiting the shops on both sides of the street, Feng Liuli couldn't help frowning slightly.

Such unprecedented prosperity has never been seen before, and many pedestrians walking on the street are not wearing the clothes of the people of Xingyue Kingdom.

"Xuehen, what happened to Shengjing recently?" Feng Liuli raised a corner of the curtain and asked Xuehen who was driving a carriage.

"Miss Hui, I heard that the Four Kingdoms Rookie Tournament will be held in Shengjing City of Xingyue Kingdom, so these days, many people from other Three Kingdoms have come to Shengjing City, and they have come for the Four Kingdoms Rookie Tournament!"

Snow marks outside the carriage Return truthfully.

Feng Liuli was puzzled, and she was no stranger to the Shikoku Rookie Tournament. The annual Shiguo Rookie Tournament is usually held in other three countries in previous years, but this time it was Xingyueguo's turn to be a little surprised.

"Do you know what forces are here this time?" In addition to having some knowledge of Xingyue Kingdom, Feng Liuli knew nothing about the other three kingdoms, and even had some other forces.

And Xue Hen has walked on the continent for so long, so he must have some understanding of the entire Eastern Continent.

"The Four Kingdoms Rookie Tournament is very important to the four countries. Qionglou, Linhai, and Beirut will all send their young masters from their respective families to the competition. According to the previous situation, Qionglou The country has a great chance of winning the championship!"

"Qionglou country?" Feng Liuli asked in confusion.