Chapter 99 Let's have a fight, how about it?

Early in the morning, the arena was already full of people, and the judges in the main stand were still the same four people from yesterday. With the sound of gongs and drums, the emcee of ceremonies announced the official start of the ring competition.

Then Dugu Ming came to the stage to defend the fight and continued to accept the challenge of the beater.

What I didn't expect was that the first one to fight in the ring was Bai Yufeng.

Both Bai Yufeng and Dugu Ming are young masters who belong to the fourth stage of the acquired spirit.

The matchup between these two will undoubtedly be very exciting!

"Brother Dugu, I didn't expect our two good brothers to meet again, haha, how about we have a fight today?"

Bai Yufeng was still in that suave look, and Junyi looked at Duguming with a smile on his face. .

"Okay!" Dugu Ming, with his usual cold expression, glanced at Bai Yufeng and stopped talking.

Before the fight began, a dangerous momentum had formed around the two of them, and they were secretly competing against each other.

Countless blue rays of light crisscrossed each other, constantly coming and going, and the blue rays of light formed countless sword shadows that flew towards the opponent.

Both of them are friends who grew up together, and naturally they have a better understanding of each other's skills and shooting habits.

With a slight movement of Dugu Ming, Bai Yufeng already knew what Dugu Ming was going to do in the next second, but there was no ambiguity in the duel between the two.

The two of you came and went on the ring, but they all stopped when they clicked. After dozens of moves, there was still no winner.

Countless people on the field of competition screamed loudly. If yesterday's arena battles were wonderful, then today was a shocking picture.

The people of the Dugu family and the Bai family are also very anxious in their hearts. Although they are the four major families of the Xingyue Kingdom, the Dugu family and the Bai family have a good relationship on the bright side.

But this is only limited to the public. In private, the four major families are incompatible, and no one can see who is better. At this moment, the Bai family and the young master of the Dugu family are facing each other. What they represent is not an individual, but the whole Bai family and Lonely home!

Another ten moves have passed, and Duguming and Bai Yufeng are still not separated, but the battle between the two has attracted a large number of spectators, and screams burst out!

"This boy from the Bai family usually looks like an unreasonable playboy, but I didn't expect that he is not weak in terms of strength!"

Mr. Feng narrowed his bright eyes and looked at the two people who were fighting in dire straits on the ring. .

"The elders of the Dugu family are not bad either. The people are a little colder, but their character is nothing to say. They are much better than the old man from the Dugu family!"

Feng Tianmo said in a low voice.

After hearing this, Yun Qing laughed a few times and interjected.

"If you want me to tell me, I still like the young master of the Murong family, Murong Jing! This Murong Jing is gentle and elegant, with an excellent temperament, and is one of the four young masters in Shengjing. I am very curious about his cultivation! "

Hmph, that Murong Jing is good, but I won't let go of the Murong family, who made them offend my precious granddaughter!"

When Old Master Feng mentioned the Murong family, he remembered that Murong Zi sent killers to hunt down Feng The matter of Liuli immediately shouted angrily.

"By the way, speaking of Liuli, why haven't you come over yet? Isn't there something wrong?" Feng Tianmo asked worriedly when he saw that Feng Liuli had not come over yet.

"Don't worry, Liuli has always been careful in doing things and nothing will happen!" Yun Qing didn't know others, but he knew a lot about his new lover.

"Yes, how could there be something wrong with that stinky girl? She hasn't appeared since she went back last night. I guess she

's hiding in the room and thinking about spring. Worried look.

Feng Tianmo and Yun Qing were the closest to Old Master Feng, so they naturally listened to what Old Master Feng said, and couldn't help but stunned.

What an old man said about Sichun, if Liuli knew about this, it would be fine!

While speaking, a melodious voice came from above the ring.

"Brother Dugu, accept it!" It was none other than Bai Yufeng who spoke.

Dugu Ming turned coldly and walked towards his seat. Seeing that Dugu Ming lost, the face of the Dugu Patriarch was particularly ugly!

Sure enough, as Feng Liuli had guessed, the first fight Dugu Ming started today, and it was Bai Yufeng who beat Dugu Ming!

"Bai Yufeng wins!" As the hostess' voice fell, there was a burst of shouting from the audience.

The game in the morning was very fast, but it was very exciting. With the voice of the host emcee over and over again, the people on the ring also changed one after another!

"Sun Zhensheng!"

"Leng Qinsheng!"

"Murong Jingsheng!"

"Shi Lansheng!"

With the sound of one voice after another, the ring competition had already entered its final climax!

In the main stand, the Shi family members of Qionglou Kingdom were even more delighted!

"If no one comes to the ring to fight, then the first place on the rookie list this year is Shi Lan, the young master of the Qionglou National Historian!" The host of the ceremonies in the stands said enthusiastically, with an indescribable joy on his face.

In the audience, there was a lot of discussion.

"I didn't expect that this young master Shi Lan is even more powerful than last year, the early stage of the sixth stage of the acquired spirit, who would dare to fight!

" The young master is not the opponent of other people's young master Shi Lan, it seems that the first place on the rookie list is not the son of Shi Lang!"

"Yes, I still swore to buy Murong young master to win, hey, this is the loss. It's big!"

With the sound of everyone talking, the atmosphere in the auditorium was unprecedentedly enthusiastic and excited.

In the stands, in addition to the unprecedented excitement and warm atmosphere, there are a few people who are absent-minded.

Their attention was on the Feng family's team, their expressions did not change, but their eyes betrayed them, and their hearts were all worried about one person.

That person was none other than Feng Liuli, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Leng Xiaotian's eyes have never left the Feng family's team. Seeing that Feng Liuli has not appeared for a long time, he can't help frowning, and his heart is even more puzzled, and his doubts about Feng Liuli's strength are even more suspicious!

Could it be that he guessed wrong, Feng Liuli didn't come to participate in the ring competition.

How could it be possible, this year's Four Kingdoms Rookie Tournament has invited Li Kong, the second master of the Eastern Continent after the City Lord of Cloud City, and the first of the four academies.

There was no one on the Eastern Continent who didn't want to be the only disciple of Likong, and there was news that Likong would choose the only disciple he liked during the Four Kingdoms Rookie Tournament.

It is precisely because of this that many people from the Shikoku family have come to this session of the Shikoku Rookie Tournament.

Even Leng Xiaotian himself didn't want to miss such an opportunity, how could a small prince of Xingyue Kingdom be compared with Likong's direct disciple.

Although he was a little puzzled in his heart, Leng Xiaotian didn't show any thought on his face, but his eyes kept staring at the Feng family's stand!

In the Feng family team, Feng Tianmo saw that the rookie list competition was about to end, and said worriedly: "This ring competition is about to end, why doesn't Liuli come, there won't be anything really happening!"

Feng Tianmo was worried. It also made Old Master Feng look worried: "Send someone to go back and see, don't let anything really happen!"

"Yes, Dad!" Feng Tianmo replied, and immediately sent someone to Feng Mansion to check.

Above the main stand, the emcee of ceremonies saw that no one was on the field for a long time. Just as he was about to speak, a cold and arrogant voice suddenly sounded in the air.

"Xingyue Kingdom's Fengjia Fengliu Li, come to fight!"

As soon as the arrogant and noble voice fell, a white shadow was flying towards the ring. Under her face, everyone seemed to see the goddess in the sky, with a faint golden light all over her body.

The white figure landed steadily on the ring, exuding a proud temperament all over his body. At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, it was so intolerant of blasphemy that everyone could not recover from the amazement and shock for a long time!

"Who is that?" Someone at the game suddenly stood up and asked in amazement.

"You're not kidding, you don't even know her, it's too outdated, she is the waste material of Xingyueguo who was kicked out of the Feng family!" Someone on the stand laughed with disdain.

"You're just out of date, haven't you heard the recent rumors in Shengjing City? Miss Feng San has defeated Dugu Luan, the eldest young lady of the Dugu family. It's not a waste at all.

" Miss Feng San refused several times to propose marriage, how could a waste make His Royal Highness such an admiration!"

Another person talked Kai Kai, with a proud smile on his face!

"No way, are you telling the truth, that waste material really defeated Miss Dugu, how is it possible, Miss Dugu is the strength of the eighth stage of spiritual power, that waste material of Feng family has Isn't it so powerful, isn't it because of some powerful divine weapon!"

The man who was mocking before had an obvious look of disbelief and doubted.

"Che, what's so deceiving about this, everyone in Shengjing knows it!" Another person glanced at the person next to him with disdain.

"Sure enough, she's here!" The moment Feng Liuli appeared, it attracted the attention of countless people, and Leng Xiaotian looked at the girl who looked down on the world and suddenly became obsessed for a moment.

The Murong family, the Dugu family and the young master of the Bai family also showed amazing and obsessive eyes at the moment when the familiar white shadow fell. They knew that she would appear, and sure enough!

Of course, some people are happy and some are worried, and naturally many people are happy to see Feng Liuli appear, such as Li Kong, Jun Limo and others, but Murong Zi and Feng Liuyue are not included.

As soon as they saw Feng Liuli's figure appearing on the ring, they all sank their faces, and the bottom of their eyes showed a sinister look!

"Father, it's Liuli, here comes Liuli!" Feng Tianmo said in surprise when he saw the arrogant figure.

The old man Feng was also happy in his heart, with tears in his eyes and said excitedly: "Yeah, here we come, the day of the rise of my Feng family has come!" The old man Feng who

doted on Feng Liuli couldn't help but look over his face when he saw the little figure on the ring. Tears.

Because the back looks so much like that stinky boy, even his stubbornness and temperament are similar, but fortunately God took pity on him, and let his most beloved granddaughter come back!

The Feng family, the Feng family, today is the day the Feng family rises! The old man Feng shouted excitedly in his heart.