Chapter 102 Fame

There was a day off after the rookie list competition, but the seemingly peaceful Shengjing city was even more turbulent on this day.

The streets and alleys are constantly talking about the peerless genius girl Feng Liuli who became famous in the ring competition of the rookie list!

A fifteen-year-old master of the 3rd rank of the Houtian Spirit, actually able to leapfrog the challenge of the 6th rank of the Houtian Linger, and he won. Such talent can be called the first person in the Eastern Continent!

Also because of this battle, Feng Liuli's reputation jumped to the top of the rookie list, which is well-known throughout the Eastern Continent!

Since the arena match, the gate of Feng Mansion has been crowded and lively.

Many noble sons and families came to visit, but they were rejected by the housekeepers of Feng Mansion one by one, saying that Miss Feng San was in retreat to prepare for the Four Kingdoms Tournament.

Although everyone was dissatisfied, they did not dare to show any emotions on their faces.

In just one day, the atmosphere in the four major families in Shengjing City, except the Feng family, was even more gloomy and cold.

The other three kingdoms also began to think of countermeasures after witnessing the powerful strength of Feng Liuli in the ring competition, in order to deal with Feng Liuli in the hegemony competition!

At this moment, Feng Liuli was still lazily nesting in the banyan courtyard, quietly refining the medicinal pills, and the cloudy clouds outside could not let her be affected in the slightest.

Under the tense atmosphere, the annual Four Kingdoms Tournament finally ushered in.

There was an unprecedented burst of excitement in the competition venue of ten thousand people.

This hegemony competition is a fight for the country and dignity, which is more lively and exciting than the rookie list competition.

The first is the draw for the Shikoku Tournament. The draw is used to decide the battle between the four countries, and the battle is divided into team competition and individual competition.

Among the four countries, those who have drawn the same number will compete as a group, and the two countries will face each other.

This gives the country that wins in the end, and the country that wins last is the champion country of the Shikoku Tournament.

The tight sound of gongs and drums sounded above the main stand, touching the heart, and splendid fireworks bloomed in the air.

Although it was daytime, it was still colorful. The emcee of ceremonies sounded a shocking voice on the rostrum, and then representatives from the four countries came to the stage to draw lots.

The first to bear the brunt of this time was the host Xingyue Kingdom, and the one sent by the Xingyue Kingdom was naturally the prince of the dynasty, Leng Xiaotian.

The sound of gongs and drums on the rostrum also became more and more enthusiastic, and everyone in the venue felt an unprecedented sense of excitement. Feng Liuli could feel the goose bumps slowly appearing all over her body.

Although the representatives sent by the four countries at this time are also famous and talented among the countries, each of them is the best in both temperament and momentum.

Shi Lan of Qionglou Country, Leng Qin of Linhai Country, Sun Zhen of Beizhe Country, Leng Xiaotian of Xingyue Country!

No matter who it is, they are the proud sons of everyone!

Leng Xiaotian was wearing a purple brocade clothes for a long run today, exuding the noble aura of a king all over his body.

With a handsome face and a majestic temperament, such a man will be the center of attention no matter where he is placed.

As the host of the Four Kingdoms Tournament, Xingyue Kingdom, almost two-thirds of the people in the venue were citizens of Xingyue Kingdom.

When Leng Xiaotian's figure appeared on the rostrum, countless fiery rays of light in the entire venue immediately fell on Leng Xiaotian's body.

The noble, handsome and ruthless Leng Xiaotian immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the venue, and countless girls looked sideways and shyly!

There are also some bold and unrestrained women who frequently winked at Leng Xiaotian and the other three representatives of the Three Kingdoms, and their bold style is admirable!

Feng Liuli has been sitting lazily in her seat.

Feeling the fiery screams and agitation of the countless girls in the venue, they couldn't help but sigh, and countless noble ladies of noble families stood up excitedly regardless of their identities!

At this moment, in addition to sighing, Feng Liuli had a new understanding in her heart.

That is the influence of a beautiful man in contemporary society, especially a beautiful man like Leng Xiaotian with family, power, money, status and strength.

This is a super diamond king in modern times, no wonder it can fascinate so many women!

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt a cold gaze coming from above her head, Feng Liuli couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth, three black lines fell from the top of her head, and she patted her forehead and muttered.

"Your sister, why did I forget, there's a black-bellied man who likes to eat vinegar and sour sitting on it!"

Feng Liuli coughed lightly, looked at the judges' seat in the main stand, and voted for a favor by the way. smile, hey hey smirk twice.

Jun Limo glared at Feng Liuli angrily, then just averted his eyes and snorted coldly.

Feng Liuli kept muttering in her heart, sometimes this man is more stingy than a woman, so he must not be provoked, or he will definitely make you go away!

Soon, the result of the lottery came out. As soon as the result of the lottery came out, several families were happy and some were worried. The country that Xingyue Valley fought against for the first time this time was actually Linhai Nation.

As soon as the news came out, everyone on the venue was silent for a moment, unable to accept this cruel decision, and everyone's faces showed worried expressions!

Although Linhai Guozhong didn't have a 6-dan master of the acquired spirit like Shi Lan like Qionglou Guo, it was still not weak, and won the first place in last year's Four Kingdoms Hegemony Tournament.

And the first round of this year's Xingyue Kingdom opened the door against the first place in last year's Four Kingdoms Tournament, which undoubtedly made the Leng Ao sitting on the jury's seat in the main stand gloomy.

At the competition venue, the four major families and people of Xingyue Kingdom also showed worried expressions.

Finally, this four-nation hegemony tournament was held in Xingyue Kingdom. If Xingyue Kingdom was the first country to be eliminated, wouldn't it be a shame!

The faces of Mr. Feng and the other three patriarchs were even darker. This battle was different from the previous rookie list competition. The Four Kingdoms Tournament was related to the honor of the country. on top!

When the national honor is jeopardized, the interests between families become insignificant!

Compared with the coldness and arrogance of Xingyue Kingdom and everyone's worries, the envoys of Linhai Kingdom are very happy, their faces are full of smug expressions, and the smug look on their faces seems to say that they have won this battle for Linhai Kingdom!

On this side, Qionglou Country and Beizhe Country are not much better. The two sides are also in confrontation, and no one will let go of the other!

Feng Liuli will have a panoramic view of everything in the arena, the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, and a mocking sneer is drawn out, and she decides in her heart: The first place in this Four Kingdoms Tournament can only be Xingyue Kingdom!

Feng Liuli is looking forward to it, looking forward to the shocked and disappointed expressions on the proud faces of those people, she will feel very cool in that case!

Suddenly, Feng Liuli laughed lowly, with a happy smile full of anticipation!

The smile fell in the eyes of the two people on the judges' table, and they knew that this girl was going to tease people again, but they were also happy to watch Feng Liuli tease people. In their hearts, as long as Feng Liuli was happy, of course, the premise was that Can't hurt yourself.

Once someone dares to hurt her, they will definitely not let that person go!

Jun Limo and Li Kong retracted their gazes that fell on Feng Liuli at the same time. When their eyes met in mid-air, they were stunned for a moment, and then smiled clearly!

The first competition is the individual competition, and then the team competition. Because the personnel of the individual competition and the team competition cannot be repeated, Xingyueguo has made a lot of consideration for the selection of personnel.

The individual competition consists of four games, and one point is awarded for each victory, while the team competition is two points, with a total score of six points.

Although such a division will have a certain chance of a tie, there is no need to worry about a tie on the battlefield, because both sides want to win, and they will not give the other party any plans to tie or lose.

If the first four individual matches have been won, it doesn't matter if the subsequent team matches are lost.

But if he loses in the previous individual competition, then even in the final team competition, it is still a suspense, and it is hard to say what the result will be.

After everything was ready, the contestants from Xingyue Kingdom and Linhai Kingdom continued to draw lots.

The result of the lottery was that all four of Murong Jing were in the individual competition, while the team competition was played by Feng Liuli and the other two.

Feng Liuli was not worried at all about this result, she had already prepared in her heart, and the result of such a lottery was already expected.

On the stand in the distance, Murong Zi saw that Feng Liuli had indeed won the group lottery, a cold murderous aura flashed in the bottom of her eyes, and a conspiracy succeeded smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she sneered in her heart.

Feng Liuli, this time I see how you escape, hum!

The four Murong Jing on the rostrum looked at the group sign in Feng Liuli's hands, but their expressions were very solemn.

Although the team competition was three-on-three, there was no certainty of winning at all, not to mention that the other two who participated in the team competition with Feng Liuli were at the peak of the ninth rank of spiritual power, and they were not opponents of Linhai Kingdom at all.

"Miss Feng San, this is your first time participating in the Four Kingdoms Tournament. There are a lot of things to pay attention to in the team competition. Why don't we exchange it!"

Murong Jing frowned slightly, looking at Feng Liuli's face still warm, but there was a bit of worry in the bottom of his eyes.

Feng Liuli knew that Murong Jing was afraid that she would suffer a loss and would be injured, so she wanted to change the sign with her, but just as she was about to speak, Bai Yufeng suddenly said.

"No, Murong, you can't lose that battle, why don't you change the three girls!"

"I'll change it, my opponent is not very strong, it's not difficult for Miss Feng San to deal with it!" The icy Dugu Ming couldn't help but speak out. road.

Leng Xiaotian, who was beside him, wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything in his mouth, so he could only look at Feng Liuli with a worried look on his face.

Feng Liuli saw the worried eyes of several people in her eyes, and she naturally knew that these people were doing it for her own good, so she couldn't help but chuckle and looked at them sternly.

"Don't worry, when did I, Feng Liuli lose, I don't need you to let me, protect me like this, if it's good for me, let me really fight once.

I'm not the kind of girl who needs protection, I What is needed is a real battle, and I will protect myself!"

Feng Liuli finished speaking to a few people, and she still threw a wink at them, there was no fear on her face, some were just excited , excited, the bottom of the shining eyes is full of bright light.