Chapter 105 Noble, Feng's blood

Immediately after that, there was another loud bang, and Yu Wei fell to the ground. The blow was so heavy that even if Yu Wei hadn't died, he would have broken several ribs.

Although Bai Yufeng put the previous account on Yu Wei a bit too much, but there is no sympathy on the battlefield, and the other party is not a good person, naturally he does not need to be merciful.

At this time, the result of the game is that Xingyueguo won two games and got two points!

And Linhai Kingdom won a game and got one point, the people of Xingyue Kingdom were happy again at this moment, and the whole scene was boiling again.

Feng Liuli has been checking the expressions on the faces of the envoys of Linhai Kingdom, and seeing that there is no anxious expression on the faces of those envoys, on the other hand, they have a mocking smile on their faces.

Feng Liuli's brows furrowed tightly, things were far more difficult than she imagined.

It seems that this Linhai Nation still has a trump card, I don't know what this trump card will be.

The next game is Leng Xiaotian's appearance. Could it be that they want to take a shot at Leng Xiaotian? Feng Liuli's expression suddenly became even more ugly when she thought about it.

Sure enough, when she saw the contestants sent by Linhai Kingdom, Feng Liuli's pupils shrank suddenly. This person looks like the person just now, could they be twins?

Feng Liuli's thoughts were immediately confirmed.

This time, the contestant of Linhaiguo is Zhang Chu, the younger brother of Zhang Coong, the player who appeared in the second game. He is also the fifth rank of the Houtian Linger, which is a full step higher than Leng Xiaotian's fourth rank of the Houtian Linger. .

At the beginning of the game, Zhang Chu immediately released the high-level imposing pressure of the fifth stage of the Houtian Linger, suppressing Leng Xiaotian.

The competition venue became quiet again. In the silent venue, only Leng Xiaotian and Zhang Chu were on the ring.

"Damn it, what's going on in this Linhai Nation? How come so many masters suddenly appear? This is obviously a declaration of war. Don't they think that the first place in this four-nation hegemony tournament is theirs? It's just nonsense!"

Someone on the stand saw Zhang Chu's appearance, and suddenly shouted angrily again.

"I think this Linhai Kingdom is intentional, hum!"

Some people in the audience were happy and some were worried, while the people of Xingyue Kingdom were full of anxiety.

If you lose this round, you can only watch the team competition, but such a certainty is too slim, but if you want to win, the opponent's strength is so strong, what should you do?

At this moment, the envoys from the Qionghai Kingdom and the Beirut Kingdom also frowned.

If Linhai Kingdom wins, and the other side still has such powerful masters, no matter which country Qionghai Kingdom or Beirut Kingdom wins, they will eventually face Linhai Kingdom, but the final result is not dare to face.

Just when everyone was wondering where there were so many powerful high-level masters in Linhai Nation, the battle situation on the arena was also changing rapidly.

As one of the four young masters of Shengjing in Xingyue Kingdom, Leng Xiaotian was naturally not weak, but facing Zhang Chu, who was one rank higher, was somewhat difficult.

What's more, at this moment, Zhang Chu has not summoned his own contracted beast, and the two rely entirely on their own spiritual power.

In fact, Leng Xiaotian knew in his heart that since Linhai Nation came prepared, Zhang Chu must be the same as his elder brother, so how could the contracted beast be worse!

And although he is a dignified highness of the country's crown prince, the contract beast is more than one level lower than the other three young masters, which is why Leng Xiaotian ranks last in the ranking of the four young masters of Shengjing!

Sure enough, while everyone was worried, Leng Xiaotian was kicked in the face by Zhang Chu, took a few steps back, and barely stabilized his body at the edge of the ring.

At this moment, everyone in the audience couldn't help but stare at him, fearing that Leng Xiaotian would be kicked off the ring.

On the ring, Leng Xiaotian had just stabilized his body when Zhang Chu hurriedly launched another attack.

Everyone only saw an afterimage passing by. Suddenly, the place where Zhang Chu was standing was long gone. In the horror of everyone, Zhang Chu kicked Leng Xiaotian's stomach with a ruthless corner!

Leng Xiaotian only felt a sway in front of his eyes, and there was a tingling pain in his stomach.

At this moment, Leng Xiaotian's intuitive internal organs were churning and rolling for a while, and the pain was burning like fire, which was enough to show how much spiritual power Zhang Chu contained in these two strikes.

If Leng Xiaotian's strength is not too weak, it is estimated that these two blows can completely knock down Leng Xiaotian!

Leng Xiaotian stretched out his hand to wipe the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, his icy eyes were full of anger, and he looked at Zhang Chu ruthlessly like that!

How embarrassing to think that His Royal Highness, the dignified prince of Xingyue Kingdom, was seen by the people of Xingyue Kingdom in such an embarrassed moment!

Leng Xiaotian gathered all the spiritual power in his body at one point, and the power in his hand was getting bigger and bigger.

Then he suddenly attacked Zhang Chu, even if he loses, he will lose with dignity, and he will never stand and compromise, even if he dies, he will die properly!

Zhang Chu was shocked when he saw Leng Xiaotian suddenly attacking him fiercely.

Then there was an icy murderous aura in his eyes, and the black shadow faltered once again, concentrating all the spiritual power in his body and facing Leng Xiaotian's powerful spiritual power!

With a "bang", a splendid flame burst into the air like fireworks, and the two figures hurriedly bounced away and fell from the air.

When everyone saw such a scene, they were already shocked and couldn't say anything. The dazzling fire engulfed everyone's eyes. After a while, the ring returned to silence, and the entire competition venue was exceptionally silent.

At this moment, everyone just saw that Leng Xiaotian and Zhang Chu died together. The brilliant fire just now was the result of the collision of the two strong spiritual powers!

It's a pity that after the collision of spiritual power, both of them were quickly bounced away, Leng Xiaotian was bounced away heavily and fell to the audience, while Zhang Chu used the last bit of strength on his body to fall off after the bounce. Landed on the ring!

Undoubtedly, in this game, Linhai Country won.

Even if everyone couldn't accept such a thing, but facing Leng Xiaotian and Duguming who were seriously injured, everyone choked up in their hearts even if they wanted to say something, and couldn't say a word!

Soon, the seriously injured Leng Xiaotian was carried down. At the moment when he was carried down, Leng Xiaotian looked at Feng Liuli, his eyes were full of expectation and unwillingness, Feng Liuli looked at Leng Xiaotian so lightly, but It is a solemn nod!

Even if Feng Liuli doesn't like this Leng Xiaotian anymore, but in this case, Feng Liuli can't help but admire Leng Xiaotian. Not everyone in this world is willing to sacrifice themselves like this and exchange their lives for the honor of the country.

If... just if!

If there were not so many entanglements between Leng Xiaotian and Feng Liuli, maybe they could become friends, but nothing can be considered as nothing happened. The reason why Feng Liuli nodded was to tell Leng Xiaotian, and then she... no will lose!

Yes, Feng Liuli will not lose, no!

The faces of the ambassadors of Linhai Kingdom showed bright expressions one by one. The team competition has not yet started, but it seems that they have already won the ticket!

And everyone in Xingyue Kingdom can only hope to win the final team competition, but as the first place in the previous session, everyone clearly understands the strength of Linhai Kingdom. Whether they can really win is still unknown!

"Hey, it looks like Xingyue Kingdom is going to be the first to be eliminated this time!" Feng Tianmo sighed, worried but also a little unwilling in his heart.

Since several four-nation hegemony competitions, the Xingyue Kingdom has always been the country at the bottom. This time, I originally thought that there was a hope that it would not be the last place, but I thought it would be against the powerful Linhai Kingdom in the first round.

The Linhai Kingdom, which has won the first place in several competitions, and the Xingyue Kingdom, which is at the bottom every time, have always been such a trickster.

With a "bang", Old Man Feng slapped Feng Tianmo on the head suddenly, and said angrily, "You bastard, who said that, who said we would be at the bottom this time, huh, useless brat!"

Feng Tianmo felt a pain on the top of his head, and looked at the furious Old Master Feng and complained, "Father, isn't it? Looking at the current battle situation, it's obvious that Xingyue Kingdom is very passive!"

"Who said that, huh, it's useless!" The old man Feng suddenly patted Feng Tianmo on the head again.

"We will not lose, and I will never allow to lose in the next game!" Feng Liuli said calmly.

The domineering, noble and arrogant aura displayed at that moment deeply stunned Feng Tianmo and the others, and looked at Feng Liuli in disbelief!

"Liu Li, Liu Li, you just said..." Feng Tianmo asked again in disbelief, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

"Uncle Fifth, I said that we will not lose the following team competition, because I will never allow it to lose!" Feng Liuli's icy voice repeated again.

Several people were shocked by the momentum on Feng Liuli's body, all of them were speechless, and they couldn't believe what they heard.

At this moment, even Feng Liuyue, Feng Liuyu and others were convinced by the strong and arrogant aura of Feng Liuli.

They disliked, disliked, disliked, and disliked Feng Liuli, but at this moment, facing the honor and disgrace of the country, they couldn't help but believe in Feng Liuli.

"Okay, haha, this is my good granddaughter, yes, we will not lose, because we will never allow to lose, haha, have ambition, good, good!"

The old man Feng couldn't help laughing, his face was full of excitement and excitement, the corners of his eyes were a little red, but it did not affect the dignity exuding from the old man at all.

"Grandpa!" Feng Liuli looked at Mr. Feng who was so excited that he couldn't speak at the moment, and the emotions in her heart were also very excited.

"Good boy, let's go. Grandpa believes that you can defeat them, so you can. How can my Feng family's children be comparable to those of their small families? Everyone in our Feng family has noble blood worthy of our pride. !"

The old man Feng looked at Feng Liuli excitedly, looked at every descendant of the Feng family, and said emotionally.

Everyone in the Feng family looked at the old man Feng in shock and puzzlement. At this moment, seeing the excited appearance of the old man Feng, a burst of pride rose in their hearts.

That's right, their Feng family is the most honorable family in the first place!

Every descendant of the Feng family has the most noble blood of the Feng family, and the blood of the descendants of the Feng family flows in their bones. How can the powerful Feng family members of a thousand years ago be comparable to these small families!

At this moment, all the faces of the Feng family were shining brightly, and they were extremely proud!