Chapter 115 Revenge

"Hehe, it really is you. I didn't expect Likong to be your master. What you like is Jun Limo. Indeed, the status of the young master of the four esoteric sects is much higher than that of me, the prince of Xingyue Kingdom!"

Leng Xiaotian couldn't help but sneer.

"If you came here to say these words, you can go, this lady has no time to entertain you!" Feng Liuli frowned, and suddenly became angry, and an angry cold shout came from outside the door.

"Since you hate me so much, why do you save me, the third stage of the acquired spirit, has a lot of high-level contracted beasts, is a powerful alchemist, and has the second powerhouse in the Eastern Continent, Li Kong. Your master, Feng Liuli, you lied to me!"

Leng Xiaotian's mouth showed a bitter smile, when he woke up and heard everyone's discussion and worship of Feng Liuli, he just realized that he was wrong. How outrageous and ridiculous, but can all this be remedied!

With a squeak, the door of the room was opened by Feng Liuli from the inside out, revealing Feng Liuli's cold and dark angry face, and her eyes full of anger stared at Leng Xiaotian at the door of the alchemy room and shouted mockingly.

"Leng Xiaotian, don't you think it's ridiculous, when I first came back to my home, it was you who divorced me before I got married, and now you are still running and saying that I lied to you, you are wrong. The kung fu really gave me a lot of insight! "

Feng Liuli's icy eyes were full of anger, and her whole body was full of angry flames!

"I..." Hearing Feng Liuli's full of questioning words, Leng Xiaotian's body trembled, and he took a step back. There was sadness in the bottom of his eyes, looking at Feng Liuli's peerless arrogance, but at this moment with a face full of anger.

"Leng Xiaotian, I, Feng Liuli, save you, not for anything else, but for anyone else. , I will save you, but I don't think there is anything to say between you and me. From now on, we have nothing to do with each other. Now you can go! "

Feng Liuli's icy eyes stared at Leng Xiaotian, her face was full of coldness that strangers should not enter. After speaking to Leng Xiaotian, she closed the door of the alchemy room with a "bang".

Leng Xiaotian's dark eyes flashed a hurt look, and he looked at the tightly closed door for a long time before turning around and leaving!

That haggard, lonely back is like a maple leaf in autumn, drifting with the wind, scattered all over the ground, unable to stop the sadness!

Here, from the small courtyard of Murong Zi of the Murong family, there was a sound of breaking things, and there were also angry roars from time to time.

"Trash, trash, this group of trash, so many people can't deal with a woman, and the number one assassin alliance in the world can't deal with that bitch, bitch!"

Murong Zi's low roar sounded throughout the small courtyard, and the surrounding The servants and maids did not dare to say a word, for fear that Miss Murong would turn her anger on them!

After some roaring, Murong Zi sat down and took a breath. The blood-red eyes on his hideous face were full of sinister expressions. That terrifying appearance made the maid behind him dare not make a sound, and lowered his head in a low voice. !

At this moment, how can Murong Zi still be gentle and generous in front of people, virtuous and virtuous, at this moment, she is an angry beast, hideous and sinister!

"No, I can't spare that slut, that slut must die, must die, die!" Murong Zi roared in a low voice, roaring with full of anger, almost frantically, "Come here, will It's all cleaned up!"

"Yes!" The maid behind her, tremblingly, began to pack up the broken jars and cups that had been smashed to the ground, and all kinds of broken things scattered all over the floor.

At this moment, Murong Zi couldn't help but regain the gentle and generous woman she used to be, standing quietly, as if the crazy Murong Zi didn't exist at all.

Here in a small courtyard in Feng Mansion, Mo Feng is standing respectfully behind Jun Limo reporting the matter. With Mo Feng's reporting, the look on Jun Limo's face becomes more and more ugly.

With a sound of "click...", Jun Limo smashed the teacup in his hand, and it turned into powder in an instant, "Go, tell the woman this news!"

Mo Feng heard Jun Limo's words and couldn't help but Yi stunned: "Isn't the master going to take action?"

"Oh, that woman will definitely not forgive her if she knows, there must be a fun way, why should the young master take action!" Jun Li Mo Liang's thin face showed a clear expression. He smiled lightly and said lightly.

"Yes, Master!"

Mo Feng stepped back respectfully, and soon came to the Rongyuan to inform Feng Liuli of the matter. Feng Liuli's face became more and more icy cold when she heard it, with a sharp crisis in her eyes, Mo Feng said. Not daring to stay, watching such a terrifying phoenix glaze fled like a wind.

It's too scary, how can this Miss Feng San change her face every day like her master, and she's not afraid of being paralyzed one day, hum! In the future, if the master asks him to come to see Miss Feng San, he will just pretend to be sick and not go!

Feng Liuli couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth when she saw Mo Feng fleeing in a panic, is she so terrifying!

There was a cold smile on the cool face: "Murong Zi, right, hum, tonight, Miss Uemoto will let you feel what it's like to offend me, I won't kill you happily, sometimes slowly Torture is even more pleasing, isn't it!"

A meaningful smile twitched at the corner of his mouth, but that smile made his heart tremble!

At night, the cold night wind blows, blowing away the boredom in the daytime, the cold moonlight is bright and radiant, and the branches cast mottled afterimages against the moonlight.

The wind blew, swaying with the wind, and a black shadow suddenly jumped up, and soon flew out of the Feng Mansion, hiding in the dark night.

Behind that shadow, another shadow flashed quickly, followed by the shadow in front, and disappeared in an instant, disappearing into the endless night.

The two figures flew into Murong Mansion one after the other, and landed steadily on a hidden roof.

Feng Liuli's bright eyes radiated dazzling light as if they could speak in the moonlight. After taking a look at the entire Murong Mansion, her eyes lit up, projecting a charming glaze, and she lifted her body and moved towards a small courtyard. And go.

That small courtyard was Murong Zi's residence!

The shadow behind him looked at the direction Feng Liuli was leaving, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, revealing a big charming smile, with a look of doting in his eyes, he knew that this woman had a way to torture people.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and the black figure flashed and followed Feng Liuli.

Feng Liuli avoided the masters who were hiding in the mansion, and gently floated down in Murong Zi's courtyard. She came to Murong Zi's room neatly, opened the door and walked in without making a sound.

On the eaves, Jun Limo looked at Feng Liuli, who had flexible hands and feet and didn't make a sound, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't help but get a little bigger. This woman really has the essence of evil!

Feng Liuli walked to Murong Zi's window softly, and Murong Zi opened her eyes alertly, but Feng Liuli didn't give Murong Zi any chance to make a sound. She swept her sleeves, and a strange fragrance entered Murong Zi's nose. Before he could say a word, he passed out.

Feng Liuli's eyes were bright and dazzling, looking at Murong Zi who had passed out, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Hmph, let you find someone to kill me!"

After saying that, Feng Liuli took out the prince from the space ring. The exquisite short dagger presented by Li Mo came, and soon began to move.

When Jun Limo on the eaves saw Feng Liuli's actions, the corners of his mouth could not help twitching, leaving three black lines on the top of his head. He couldn't offend this woman if he was killed in the future, it was too terrifying!

This woman is actually shaving Murong Zi's hair!

Soon, all of Murong Zi's black hair was shaved, and there were a few black lines left on her bare head. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the word "stupid", and Jun Limo was shocked. It almost fell off the eaves.

Should this woman be so bad? Although the shaved is not very good, the technique is really good. Jun Limo sincerely appreciates it in his heart.

Feng Liuli in the room looked at her masterpiece and was very happy, especially when she saw the two big "idiots" on the shiny head, she was even more happy.

After retracting the short dagger into the space ring, Feng Liuli began to lift the quilt that was covering Murong Zi, and started to take off Murong Zi's clothes with her hands up and down.

Jun Limo has been watching the smile on the corner of his mouth getting bigger and bigger, and the expectation in the bottom of his eyes is getting bigger and bigger, he really wants to see what kind of trick this woman is going to do.

In an instant, Feng Liuli took off even Murong Zi's personal clothing. Looking at the tender and white Murong Zi, Feng Liuli couldn't help but muttered, "Hey, this figure is not that good!"

Jun Seeing that this damned woman really took off Murong Zi's clothes, Li Mo couldn't help turning his head a little shyly, hearing Feng Liuli whispering softly, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

"You can't be a little more modest!" The corner of Jun Limo's mouth twitched, and the woman he saw was really extraordinary. He couldn't help but be curious in his heart, and couldn't help but look inside the house again.

Seeing this, Jun Limo couldn't help but murmured in approval in his heart: "This Murong Zi's figure is really not that good!"

If anyone heard Feng Liuli and Jun Limo's muttering at this moment, they would definitely be deceived. Fall in shock.

Who is Murong Zi? How many men dream of the goddess in Xingyue Kingdom's Shengjing City? Which man would not want to hold such a woman in his arms and make out, but the two people in front of him actually looked down on Murong Zi's figure so much.

It is estimated that if Murong Zi heard this at this moment, she would definitely be woken up!

After Feng Liuli took off Murong Zi's clothes, she showed a wicked smile, turned her head and picked up the brush and ink from the desk in the room and began to sprinkle ink on Murong Zi's body.

But in an instant, Murong Zi's body was splashed with puddles of black, and then Feng Liuli wrote two big words below her neck with a brush.
