Chapter 118 Meeting Re No Again

Sure enough, in the early morning of the second day, the three major mercenary groups came together. The leader of the Lone Wolf Mercenary Group was none other than Lone Wolf Young Master Renault.

In addition to Renault, there was also the bloodthirsty young master Kvass. The familiar face turned cold when he saw Feng Liuli, and shouted angrily at Feng Liuli.

"Okay, you stinky girl, I finally found it today, hum, this time I must teach you a lesson!"

Gevas's fierce aura with drawn sword and anger suddenly attacked Feng Liuli, a dazzling beam of light. The white light flashed, and Feng Liuli's body fell firmly into Jun Limo's arms.

Jun Limo's icy eyes looked at Gevas with complete coldness: "The woman who dares to touch me, die!" The

majestic and arrogant aura suddenly radiated out, and when the surrounding people saw the dazzling white light, they all rushed Showing shocked eyes.

"White... turned out to be a congenital master!"

Someone in the crowd shouted loudly!

At the moment when Jun Limo shot, another person also shot, looking at Jun Limo's figure holding Feng Liuli steadily in his arms, he was stunned for a moment, and a touch of sourness appeared in his heart.

Several people who came behind Renault naturally saw this scene and felt distressed for their young master.

Looking at it like this, Miss Feng San is about to be taken away by someone else, the young master of their family is really pitiful!

"What are you, you dare to take care of this young master's affairs, huh, don't you know who this young master is?" Gevas glared at Jun Limo and shouted with anger on his arrogant face.

"What are you?" Jun Limo looked at Gevas with thin eyes, his whole body exuding an icy coldness, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

", you are the thing, this young master is the third young master of the bloodthirsty mercenary group on Dongfang Road. Where did you get out of here and dare to call this young master a thing!

" Li Mo's icy murderous aura shrank a little, and his body involuntarily took a step back, pretending to be calm and roaring at Jun Limo.

"Hmph, it's just a clown jumping on the beam, what is the bloodthirsty mercenary group, I don't know what the young master is!"

Jun Limo's disdainful face was full of ridicule and smile, the bloodthirsty mercenary group, hmph, Does a small mercenary group want to compare with his four tantric schools? It's ridiculous!

"You... bold, you dare to call this young master a clown, and you also call our bloodthirsty mercenary group a thing. If my father was here, I could slap you to death!

" Gevas shouted angrily, his face full of arrogance, his eyebrows angered at Jun Limo.

Feng Liuli saw the appearance of Gevas in her eyes, and there was a hint of ridicule and disdain in the bottom of her eyes. This Gevas really looks like a clown jumping on the beam, hmph, I didn't expect that after a lesson, I still didn't make progress!

"Oh!" Jun Limo's icy eyes became even colder, and his sharp eyes looked at Gevas like sharp swords.

"Your father, hehe, what kind of thing is your father, who can teach you such a rare thing, presumably your father is not a good thing!" Jun Limo's cold face evoked a mocking sneer.

"Bah, how dare you slander my father like this, I'll kill you!" Gevas was very angry.

Feng Liuli wasn't worried about Jun Limo at all. What she should really be worried about was Gevas, but she got to know Jun Limo again. She didn't expect this Jun Limo to be so vicious and black-bellied. man!

"Hehe, if you want to kill me, you're just courting death!" Jun Limo sneered, his body suddenly released an icy aura, and the white spiritual power flew straight towards Gevas like a cold light.

"You have to bully my young master!" Behind Gevas, Elder Peng Chi shouted angrily, and immediately flew up, "Young master, be careful!" The

white spiritual power was like a dazzling ribbon, before Peng Chi arrived. At the same time, Gevas' figure was severely shot down at an extremely fast speed.

one move!

In just a short move, Jun Limo smashed Gevas' figure heavily to the ground.

Seeing Gevas' body like a short-stringed kite hurriedly smashing towards the ground, Peng Chi immediately withdrew his hands and flew in panic and chased in the direction where Gevas landed.

With this powerful blow, the young master of the bloodthirsty mercenary group would be severely injured even if he did not die. Suddenly, the entire inn was quiet, as if he could hear his own heartbeat.

"Haha, I've always admired the young master of Tantric Sect, and seeing it today is really unforgettable!" A hearty laughter came from the crowd, and the next second, a man with a smile on his face came slowly!

When Feng Liuli saw the person coming, her eyes suddenly lit up, with a warm smile on her face, and suddenly the eyes turned dark, and Jun Limo pressed Feng Liuli's face into her arms with a big hand.

"It's Limo who admires Young Master Lone Wolf!" Jun Limo said to Reno lightly, with obvious jealousy, and his dark eyes were like deep water.

The words of the two were like a depth bomb, and they suddenly sounded in the silent crowd. At this moment, everyone came back to their senses.

What, this person who knocked the bloodthirsty young master into the air is actually the young master of the four great tantric sects!

The Four Great Esoteric Sects, the most mysterious place in the Eastern Continent, no one knows where it is, and no one knows how powerful and unfathomable it is. Can offend!

Even if the three major mercenary groups joined forces, they would not be able to offend the four major tantric sects. It is a special existence. Apart from Yuncheng, these four esoteric sects are the most mysterious and unpredictable!

If this handsome and elegant man is really the young master of the four tantric sects, then it is not unusual for the young master to be able to fly the bloodthirsty mercenary group with one move!

Everyone's thoughts turned a hundred times, and the eyes that looked at Jun Limo instantly were full of respect.

"Lei Mou didn't expect to be able to meet his old friend here, I'm really happy!" Renault glanced at Feng Liuli in Jun Limo's arms, and the smile in the bottom of his eyes grew a bit bigger.

The bottom of a pair of deep eyes is also an unfathomable light, which makes people unable to see through.

Maybe the look between two men, only the other side understands the meaning of that look!

Hearing Renault's words, Feng Liuli immediately struggled to get out of Jun Limo's arms, looked at Renault and said with a smile: "Brother Lei, it's really you, so you really came!"

"Oh, listen to this girl. It seems like I shouldn't come, could it be that I have someone in my heart and forget about Big Brother!" Renault's face with a hearty smile was full of smiles.

"Why, Liuli misses Brother Lei too!" Feng Liuli laughed.

As soon as the words came out, there was a biting pain in the arm, Jun Limo did not change his face, and the strength of holding Feng Liuli's arm increased a bit.

In just a moment, Jun Limo let go of Feng Liuli. Naturally, this scene did not escape Renault's gaze. The deep meaning in Renault's eyes became stronger, and his face still had a hearty smile.

"It seems that the girl is also here for the attack of the monsters tonight?" Renault just glanced at it lightly and then looked away.

"We just came to the Death Mountains to practice. We didn't expect to encounter this incident. I heard that you will come too, so we are waiting here!" Feng Liuli smiled lightly, not hiding anything.

"Haha, so, it's my honor. Since we finally got together, how about participating in this monster attack?" Renault asked, and his eyes naturally glanced at Jun Limo.

"We have this intention!" Feng Liuli laughed.

"With Miss Feng San's participation, this time the monster attack will definitely be very lively!" Wei An finally came up behind him, looking at Feng Liuli excitedly and said.

This voice caused a lot of waves in the crowd. When they heard the words "Miss Feng San", everyone's eyes turned to Feng Liuli.

In the first battle of the Four Kingdoms Tournament, Feng Liuli's name shocked the Eastern Continent. Although everyone had never seen Feng Liuli's appearance, the name of Feng Liuli was like thunder.

Who is Feng Liuli, the first place in the Shiguo rookie list, and because of Feng Liuli, a dark horse, Xingyueguo won the first place in this year's Shiguo hegemony competition!

What is Fight to Fame!

In the current Eastern Continent, when it comes to Feng Liuli, no one knows it, and no one knows it, and it is even called the first genius of the Eastern Continent!

At this moment, as soon as Wei An's words came out, the title of Miss Feng Liuli Feng San suddenly had a different reaction in the crowd.

"Miss Feng San, so this is Miss Feng San, she is so beautiful!"

"Idol, goddess, so the goddess in my mind is so beautiful, so beautiful, even more beautiful than a fairy!"

"Haha, I will definitely go back. I want to tell my wife, I saw Miss Feng San, she is my wife's idol, my wife will be very happy to know!"

"What are you, Miss Feng San talked to me last night, You even smiled at me!" The person who had a conversation with Feng Liuli during dinner last night said excitedly.


With the exposure of Feng Liuli's identity, the whole inn suddenly sounded one after another of discussions, and one wave overwhelmed the other!

"Girls are celebrities now. If we don't see them in the future, won't we!" Several people were cultivators, so the small voices of discussion were naturally hidden from the ears of a few people.

"Brother Lei's name is above Liuli!" Feng Liuli laughed.

Several people looked at each other and smiled, then sat down and chatted while drinking, waiting for the attack of the monsters at night.

And Gevas, who was knocked away by Jun Limo, fainted directly and was carried away by Peng Chi.

Night fell quickly.

The entire Death Mountain Range presents a different aura, the entire Mountain Range seems to be in a deep sleep, silent and dead!

After a while, there was a burst of deafening sounds in the distance, billowing with thick smoke, rushing towards this place frantically.