Chapter 122 The champion must be me

"I think this year's champion is also me, and for the sake of those three Heart Fruits, I will definitely not lose!" Feng Liuli smiled, but she was indescribably peerless and arrogant.

That's right, the champion of this alchemy competition can get three heart fruit.

Although the human heart fruit is also a spiritual fruit, it is the top spiritual fruit among the spiritual fruit, and it is very rare in the Eastern Continent.

Although Feng Liuli has a lot of Spirit Fruits, she does not have the Human Heart Fruits. This time, she will definitely win the game and take back the three Human Heart Fruits.

Jun Limo looked at such Feng Liuli, with a bright smile, a dusty temperament, and a arrogant look. Such Feng Liuli was the woman of his Jun Limo, the person who accompanied him all his life. Jun Limo showed a touch of doting. smile.

Shi Lan on the side listened to Feng Liuli's unassuming words, and immediately looked at the two with contempt.

However, such two people, no matter how arrogant they are, still make people believe it, because such two people have such a kind of aura, which is convincing!

The longer they spend time together, the deeper Shi Lan feels that he sinks deeper and becomes more and more shameless and cheeky!

For several days, Feng Liuli locked herself in her room and stayed at home, in order to make complete preparations before the alchemy competition was held.

This alchemy conference has gathered a lot of alchemy masters, and their strength is unknown. She must prepare in advance for the human heart fruit. The first thing that cannot be missing is the materials needed for alchemy.

This plays a very crucial role in alchemy. In addition to sufficient materials, a qualified alchemist needs to flexibly control the fire and alchemy skills.

The same heat, the same alchemy furnace, and the same materials, some people can make spiritual pills, but some people can only make Fandan, one of the most critical steps is skill!

Although Feng Liuli has not practiced alchemy for a long time, Master Yunqing always has a hands-on education. Except for the basic skills, Feng Liuli is left to explore by himself. Because of this, Feng Liuli has his own unique set of alchemy. Skill.

During the two days that Feng Liuli retreated, Yaowang Valley became more lively.

Jun Limo also chose to retreat, and no one knew what he was doing. For the past two days, Shi Lan has been around the innocent girl.

Perhaps because of the stimulation and influence of Jun Limo and Feng Liuli, Shi Lan, who has always been low in emotional intelligence, also has someone to pursue.

In this way, the five days passed quickly, and this day finally ushered in the day of the alchemy competition.

After simply grooming, Feng Liuli packed up all the materials she needed, put them in the space ring in her hand, and opened the door with a creak.

At this moment, the door of the room next to him just opened, and as soon as Jun Limo came out, he saw the woman standing at the door of the room facing the sunlight, and immediately cast a doting smile.

"Are you all ready?"

"Well, I'm sure to win this match!" Feng Liuli's eyes were filled with dazzling rays of light, casting colorful glazes in the sunlight.

"I believe it!" The short two words represented all the trust Jun Limo gave Feng Liuli.

"Where's Shi Lan, why didn't you see him?" Feng Liuli couldn't help asking when she saw that Shi Lan hadn't come out for a long time.

"I don't know, I've heard that this child is feeling a little springy in the past two days, so I guess he's already coaxed the woman!" Jun Limo said lightly, without the slightest expression on his face, and there was no shyness at all when he said that.

As soon as Feng Liuli heard Jun Limo's words, she burst out laughing. It turns out that Shi Lan Sichun has not come out for so long: "Then let's go!"

"Okay!" Jun Limo nodded, and then went with Feng Liuli left the courtyard together and walked towards the place where the alchemy conference was held.

The alchemy conference was held in a spacious square behind Medicine King Valley. There was a large arena above the square, and above the arena, there was a row of judges' seats.

When Feng Liuli and Jun Limo arrived, the whole square was already full of people. Glancing at the square that was full of people even in the aisles, Jun Limo frowned.

"Feng Liuli, you bitch, you still have the face to come here!" Just as

Jun Limo and Feng Liuli were thinking about where to go, a loud scream roared wildly behind them.

As soon as she heard that voice, Feng Liuli knew who the woman behind her was screaming angrily.

The cold eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the long hair on Murong Zi's head, thinking of the scene in Shengjing that day in his mind.

If she didn't know clearly that Murong Zi's hair was shaved by herself, she would almost doubt whether it was her dream.

Looking at the angry Murong Zi with a funny look, the word "wig" suddenly appeared in Feng Liuli's mind!

"Senior brother, you have to decide for me, it's this slut, this slut is Feng Liuli, it is she who made me lose face in Shengjing City, the grandfather who hurt me doesn't hurt me anymore, Xiaotian doesn't want me anymore, Senior Brother, you must be the master for me!"

As soon as Murong Zi saw Feng Liuli, she couldn't help the hatred in her heart, and cried aggrievedly to the young man accompanying her.

"You are Feng Liuli, and you bullied my junior sister and made my junior sister suffer humiliation?"

At this moment, Feng Liuli saw the young man beside Murong Zi. The man was tall and handsome, with a handsome face, but his eyes The bottom is not as handsome as the face, and the bottom of the eyes is full of viciousness and coldness, full of hideousness!

"That's right, I'm Feng Liuli, why, as a senior brother, are you trying to get justice for junior sister?" Feng Liuli's cold and thin face showed a faint mocking smile, looking at Murong Zi's soft pear blossom with rain looks like.

People who don't know will really be deceived by this woman, but who is she, how could she be deceived by this woman so easily!

"Senior Brother Lebo, look, this bitch is bullying me!" Murong Zi buried her head in the man's arms, her delicate body trembled and cried, and the crying man's heart ached.

Le Bo has always been fascinated by his junior sister.

However, in the past, the younger sister always turned a blind eye to his love, but now she is throwing her arms around her. Suddenly, the plot of a man came up.

"Good boy, don't cry, Senior Brother will definitely get justice for you!" Le Bo kept comforting Murong Zi in his arms, comforting him gently.

Looking at this pair of super invincible faceless and skinless dogs and men in front of me, Feng Liuli is disgusting!

"Feng Liuli, I heard that you are here to participate in the alchemy conference. Why don't we have a match?"

Le Bo's eyes radiated vicious light. Since this woman is also here to participate in the competition, then he will be ruthless. He abused her and made her humiliated in front of everyone, which could be regarded as revenge for the junior sister.

"How do you want to bet?" Feng Liuli smiled mockingly, not afraid of Le Bo's challenge at all, instead, she wanted to do something bad.

If this man loses, I don't know if this Murong Zi will collapse directly.

"It's very simple, if I win, you must kneel before my junior sister in front of everyone present, kowtow and admit your mistake, how about that?" Le Bo said in a vicious and cold voice.

When Jun Limo heard that, his icy murderous aura was immediately released. The hateful man actually dared to make his woman kneel.

Feng Liuli squeezed Jun Limo's hand, motioned Jun Limo not to get angry, the corners of her icy mouth naturally raised slightly, and she asked with a sneer, "What if I win?"

"Hmph, if you win, what do you think ? How to do it!" Le Bo snorted coldly.

In his heart, he will definitely not lose, and his strength is naturally not comparable to the stinky woman in front of him. Although he couldn't compare to that genius monster in this match, he would definitely have no problem winning Feng Liuli.

"Okay, this is what you said. If you lose, I will ask Murong Zi to kneel down in public and admit my mistake, and I will also compensate me for my mental damage and reputation damage, um, not much, just a million Purple gold leaves!"

Feng Liuli glanced at the two of them, a wicked light flashed from the bottom of her disdainful eyes, but she said very seriously.

When Jun Limo listened to Feng Liuli's words, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a lazy and sinister smile, that's how his woman is!

"What, Feng Liuli, do you think this is stealing money, huh, a million purple gold leaves, you want to be crazy about money!" When Le Bo heard Feng Liuli's words, he glared coldly and roared. She stared at Feng Liuli with disdain in her eyes.

Even Murong Zi, who was in Le Bo's arms, was stunned for a moment, and then cried even more mournfully. When Le Bo listened to the cry of the junior sister in his arms, he felt that his whole heart was about to melt.

"Why, don't dare to compare, don't dare to compare, forget it, I don't have the time to gossip with you!" Feng Liuli glanced at the two of them disdainfully and was about to leave.

Seeing that Feng Liuli was about to leave, Le Bo was willing to obey, and he said in a hurry: "Okay, I agree, hum, Feng Liuli, you can't win against me!"

Le Bo's eyes were full of confidence and arrogance. The light gave a cold look at Feng Liuli, full of provocation.

Feng Liuli still looked at Le Bo coldly, full of contempt. I really don't know where this man got his confidence, hum.

"I'm looking forward to it!" After Feng Liuli dropped a sentence, she proudly left with Jun Limo.

Murong Zi, who was nestled in Le Bo's arms, looked at Feng Liuli's departing back, revealing an angry and sinister light, wishing to drink Feng Liuli's blood and eat flesh.

Feng Liuli, just wait, hmph, you won't be complacent for a long time, senior brother will definitely win, then I will humiliate you fiercely and pay you back the pain you put on me, and I will show the world to see See what a bitch you are!

"Okay, junior sister, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you this time!" Looking at Feng Liuli's figure walking away, a trace of viciousness flashed in Le Bo's eyes, gently comforting the person in his arms.

Murong Zi's supple body was even closer to Le Bo's body, and a pair of hands hugged Le Bo's body tightly, Le Bo's body trembled, and suddenly he was full of smiles. A soft voice came from his arms.

"Well, Zier believes in senior brother. In Zier's heart, senior brother has always been the best!"

Le Bo suddenly felt the blood vessels in his body swell.

"You annoying little goblin!" Seeing that the alchemy conference was still early, Le Bo picked up Murong Zi and walked towards the valley behind Medicine King Valley.