Chapter 124 Completely overturned

At this moment, Feng Liuli just realized that Jinglei is actually very smart, but all his thoughts are on alchemy, so he doesn't put other things in his heart!

Looking down at the various herbs placed in front of the table, Feng Liuli let out a long sigh of relief, and then began to select the herbs she needed one by one.

Murong Zi endured the pain coming from her body, her sinister eyes coldly glanced at Feng Liuli's location, and she also began to bury her head and get busy.

She has lost all face because of Feng Liuli, and this alchemy conference is a good opportunity for her to make a comeback. At that time, she will let Feng Liuli kneel at her feet and kowtow to her to admit her mistake.

After selecting and sorting out the materials, Feng Liuli was in no hurry to start alchemy, but began to watch the situation of the surrounding players.

Le Bo, who had made a bet with Feng Liuli, had already put the fire into the alchemy furnace, turned his head and gave Feng Liuli a disdainful look, his eyes full of provocative light.

Then he sent a little bit of spiritual power into the alchemy furnace, and began to concentrate on alchemy.

Feng Liuli took a deep breath and roughly simulated in her mind how to refine the medicinal pill she had in mind.

With the medicinal materials distributed by Medicine King Valley, at most she can only refine the hundred poison pills that can detoxify all the poisons.

Although the practice of Baidu Pill is not difficult, it is a very simple pill, but it is extremely difficult to really do it well.

There are familiar auras from the surrounding area. It is the aroma of the Bai Po Pill that they have refined. With limited materials, almost many people choose to refine Bai Po Pill.

Hundred Poison Pills are spiritual pills, and it is already a great thing to be able to refine them under the use of unprofitable fire and a good alchemy furnace.

However, with so many people refining Bai Po Dan, the final comparison must be quality.

Feng Liuli was not in a hurry at all, still slowly closing her eyes and simulating in her mind.

The fragrant aroma drifted away with the wind for a while, and after a while, the whole square was filled with this quiet and fragrant aroma.

Such a fragrance is naturally emitted by Baidudan.

In the viewing area, everyone kept staring at the competition field, seeing that a stick of incense was about to be burned, and everyone was almost finished refining, but the woman in the second position in the last row still closed her eyes and did not move. standing.

After a while, everyone started talking and looked at the woman in the second position in the last row in confusion.

In the crowd, Jun Limo leaned lazily on the seat, with no worry on his face, not at all about Feng Liuli.

Suddenly, when one third of the stick of incense remained, Feng Liuli moved.

A pair of bright eyes suddenly opened, and the eyes were overflowing, exuding colorful light, and a slight smile on his face, exuding a confident light.

Jun Limo casts his expectant gaze, and everything around him seems to have disappeared. At this moment, in his eyes, ears, and heart, only Feng Liuli is alone!

Feng Liuli had already simulated it from beginning to end in her mind. When it wasn't during the Dragon Boat Festival, she immediately began to bow her head and start busy, earnestly lighting a fire, pouring blue spiritual power into the alchemy furnace, and the fire in the alchemy furnace immediately disappeared. Instantly lit up.

After that, Feng Liuli placed several kinds of medicinal materials for refining Baipodan, and put them into the alchemy furnace bit by bit.

Feng Liuli's focused eyes stared at the alchemy furnace without blinking. The blue spiritual power was continuously injected into the alchemy furnace. It was big and small, and it became her own faction, as if she was the only one in this world!

Such a focused and beautiful woman immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

Everyone wanted to see how this girl refined the medicine pill at the last moment, knowing that it took almost two-thirds of the time for everyone to refine it.

She didn't believe that she could refine the medicine pill in the last third of the time!

But more people have a little more hope in their hearts. Just by looking at the blue flame that is constantly pouring into the alchemy furnace, they know that this girl is already a master of the acquired spirit at a young age. Naturally, everyone does not. Dare to underestimate her.

Feng Liuli, who was concentrating on refining the Hundred Poison Pill, naturally did not notice the gazes coming from all around her. At this moment, her whole heart fell on Dan Yao, who was in the pill refining furnace.

Everyone around has finished refining the medicinal pills, and they all showed happy smiles. Here, Feng Liuli was still focused and carefully controlled the fire.

The alchemy has reached the final stage. At this time, the medicinal pills are basically mature, and the requirements for the heat are even higher.

When the last trace of incense burned, Feng Liuli finally breathed a sigh of relief, stood up straight, a dazzling smile appeared on her face, and reached out to wipe the sweat on her forehead.

"It's done!" Feng Liuli opened the alchemy furnace with a smile, and immediately a more fragrant fragrance overflowed from the alchemy furnace, and immediately filled the entire square.

"It's so fragrant!"

"It's so fragrant!"

"How is it possible that only the most common alchemy furnace and fire can be used to make such a tangy medicinal pill, genius!"


With the scent of the smells The radiance came out, and everyone suddenly revealed an unbelievable light.

Jun Limo has always smiled faintly, looking at the hard-working people in the competition, his eyes are full of pampering looks.

"Dang, dang, dang..." After the three bells, the first round of the audition was over, and some people began to come to collect the medicinal pills refined by each player.

Le Bo, who was beside him, cast a mocking smile, his face was full of confidence, and he looked like he was winning.

Feng Liuli was unmoved at all, and even more disdainfully glanced at Le Bo, not paying any attention to the other party.

People are dogs, she is human, dogs bite people, she can't bite dogs as a human!

Thinking of this, Feng Liuli's heart felt much more comfortable, and there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

After the pills were taken away, some people on the field showed worried expressions, some showed happy expressions, and there were all kinds of expressions.

What followed was an extremely tense and arduous waiting time, waiting for the judges to announce the top ten finalists.

"Sister, I smelled the fragrance of the Baidu Dan you made, how amazing my elder sister is!" Jinglei asked with a pure smile, turning to look at Feng Liuli.

"Thank you!" Feng Liuli smiled softly at Jinglei.

"Sister, is it okay for me to recognize you as a master?" Jinglei looked at Feng Liuli, which was better than him, and immediately opened a pair of innocent and clean eyes in anticipation.

The smile on Feng Liuli's face disappeared immediately, and she looked at Jinglei with a dark face and shook her head again and again: "Not good!"

"Why not, grandpa said that with an apprentice, you can enjoy your old age in peace!" Jinglei still said amazingly Facing Feng Liuli's innocent, clean eyes, she said very seriously.

"Pfft..." Feng Liuli was frightened by Jinglei's words "Enjoy your old age", she stared blankly at Jinglei in front of her, but she couldn't scold when she saw such a cute and clean appearance.

She thinks that if she spends a minute with this stupid cute guy, she will become IQ offline, and she will enjoy her old age. Damn, is she very old?

Feng Liuli kept twitching the corners of her mouth, her face full of blackness trying her best to hold back the anger in her heart.

However, some people still looked at Feng Liuli innocently, and asked with a pure face: "Sister, what's wrong with you, are you cramping?"

Feng Liuli wanted to cry without tears, where did this treasure come from! If she keeps holding on, she will suffer internal injuries!

In the auditorium, Jun Limo looked at Feng Liuli's anger that she was trying to hold back, and she couldn't let it out if she wanted to, and the corners of her mouth became even more pleasant.

He didn't expect this woman to endure so long beside that fool, he thought she would immediately escape from that terrifying fool!

If possible, Feng Liuli really wanted to escape as soon as possible, but looking at Jinglei's pair of clean and pure eyes, twinkling, as if the sky could say stars, her heart softened a bit!

Even Feng Liuli can't imagine that the top ace mercenary who used to be so powerful and kills without blinking will one day be so passive, and he was almost suffocated by internal injuries!

Cramps, my God, if she can, she really wants to slap this second guy to death!

"Cough, I, I'm fine!" Feng Liuli took two deep breaths, trying her best to hold back the anger in her heart, and said to Jinglei with a gentle smile.

"That's good, if there is something, you have to say it, my grandfather is very powerful!" Jinglei reminded kindly, with a dazzling smile on his clean face.

Feng Liuli nodded vigorously, afraid that this silly boy would say something surprising.

"Sister, you haven't said that I will be your apprentice, okay?" Jinglei seemed to sound again, and asked Feng Liuli again.

"Well, we just met, and I may not be as good as you when it comes to alchemy. This is your master. I'm not suitable. Why don't I introduce you to a master?" Feng Liuli's face was full of gentle smiles, yes Coaxed with thunder.

"Really, okay!" When Jinglei heard that Feng Liuli was going to introduce him to his master, his eyes lit up.

Feng Liuli nodded vigorously: "Really, it must be true, maybe he is here too, when I find him, I will introduce you to be a master!"

"Well, thank you sister, sister is so nice!" Jinglei showed his signature clear smile.

As soon as Feng Liuli saw the harmless smile thrown by the thunder, she instantly surrendered!

At this moment, the jury's table has already divided the results. The one who presides over this alchemy conference is the valley owner of Yaowang Valley, and this valley owner is also one of the judges of this alchemy competition.

The other two judges, Feng Liuli did not know, and naturally did not know who they were.

After a while, the top ten finalists were announced from the jury. Every contestant looked at the jury nervously and waited excitedly for the result of the competition.