Chapter 126 Shocked the audience

Feng Liuli reached out and took out an ugly alchemy furnace from the space ring. The alchemy furnace seemed cumbersome, and when it was placed among the crowd, it looked so ugly.

The ugly alchemy furnace immediately came to the contempt and scorn of other alchemists, and dared to come out with such an ugly thing, not afraid of shame.

On the field of competition, Feng Liuli completely turned a blind eye to the mocking and contemptuous gazes of the people around her.

"What, that, that... God-level alchemy furnace, how can she have a god-level alchemy furnace!" Jing Tian suddenly stood up from his seat on the jury's seat and looked at Feng Liuli from the competition venue in disbelief. The god-level alchemy furnace taken out of the space ring.

The other two judges also stood up involuntarily, their eyes full of shock.

The neural alchemy furnace is really a god-level alchemy furnace!

After the excitement, the faces of several people still had a light of surprise, and they kept paying attention to Feng Liuli's god-level alchemy furnace.

"She has a god-level alchemy furnace, could it be that she is really a skyfire alchemist!" Seeing Feng Liuli taking out the god-level alchemy furnace like this, she suddenly thought of what the dead guy said, her eyes full of shock. Hope and surprise stared at Feng Liuli.

Others have no vision, but it doesn't mean he doesn't understand either. It seems that this little girl has a lot of things hidden on her body. It's interesting and interesting!

"Tianhuo, Lord Gu, what do you mean?" The two elders on the side looked at Jingtian in shock, and then looked at Feng Liuli on the field, their eyes filled with unbelievable light.

How is that possible, Heavenly Fire, there really is Heavenly Fire!

"Pfft", a crisp voice came, and the flames around it were extinguished before it could be seen.

For a time, everyone couldn't understand why such a strange thing happened, and even the ink-colored flames in Thunder's hands were extinguished together!

Looking at the strange events that suddenly appeared on the field, everyone in the audience was equally puzzled.

Jun Limo's face always has a doting smile on his face, looking at the woman who is not humiliated on the field. This woman is going to make trouble again, but so what, his woman is qualified and capable of making trouble!

Sure enough, at the same time when everyone was shocked, a strange light suddenly lit up above the competition venue!

The light that suddenly erupted was even more dazzling and colorful than the sun in the sky, and the crimson light was as bright red as the lava that was bathed in flames beating on Feng Liuli's fingertips.

"Then... what is that?" Someone in the crowd looked at the crimson flame in Feng Liuli's hand in disbelief, and said in shock.

"What a powerful fire, as soon as it came out, the other fires were extinguished one after another. Even the ground fire couldn't resist its power and went out. It was too scary!"

"Heavenly fire, could this be the legendary skyfire? Isn't this Feng Liuli a Tianhuo alchemist?" Tianhuo's



horrified, it was a series of shocked voices, and everyone's eyes looked towards the competition field again, and nodded.

A kind of fire that can be so arrogant and domineering in front of the earth fire, who else can be except the sky fire.

"Heavenly Fire, it's really Heavenly Fire, haha, I didn't expect this old man to be able to see Heavenly Fire in his lifetime!" Jingtian looked at the Heavenly Fire at Feng Liuli's fingertips, and his heart was inspiring.

The other two judges also had excited expressions on their faces, Tianhuo, the kind of fire that was rumored to be extinct in the Eastern Continent, but no one thought that someone would be able to summon it!

So handsome!

At this moment, Feng Liuli can no longer find words to describe except for the word "handsome".

At the same time when everyone was shocked, the most angry and unwilling at the moment were Murong Zi and Le Bo who were both on the field. The two who thought they had the chance to win, did not expect Feng Liuli to be able to summon Tianhuo, and suddenly became angry. Got gold stars in both eyes!

How is it possible, how is it possible, how could this bitch have Heavenly Fire? Impossible, Murong Zi was so excited that his eyes suddenly fainted!

Le Bo quickly caught Murong Zi's fallen figure, and someone in Yaowanggu immediately helped Murong Zi down, which did not affect the competition of everyone on the field in the slightest.

And everyone on the field who laughed at Feng Liuli all wanted to cry without tears at the moment!

They knew that this woman actually had such a background. First, they took out a cumbersome alchemy furnace made of unknown materials, and then suddenly summoned the sky fire.

"I knew that elder sister is very powerful!" Jinglei felt unwilling and angry that there was no fire on Feng Liuli's face to extinguish his fire. He still had a pure smile on his face, looking at Feng Liuli with an innocent smile.

Feng Liuli smiled at Jinglei, then lowered her head and sent the sky fire into the god-level alchemy furnace.

The temperature of the sky fire is too high, and the ordinary alchemy furnace will be melted as long as it touches the sky fire, and only the god-level alchemy furnace can withstand the tempering of the sky fire.

After sending Tianhuo into the god-level alchemy furnace, Feng Liuli put the required materials aside, and after everything was ready, she began to conscientiously concoct elixirs.

Not to be outdone, the others glanced at the half-burning incense on the panel of judges, and summoned fire again to start alchemy.

Because of the suppression of the sky fire, everyone's fire was always small, and several players did not dare to take it lightly.

The shocking eyes on the jury's seat glanced at the medicinal materials that Feng Liuli had placed on the side, and they were shocked again: "What does she want to refine, could it be - Concentration Pill!"

Concentration Pill is a holy pill level Medicine pill, looking at the entire Eastern Continent, no one has ever been able to refine the Concentration Pill.

Not only are the medicinal materials needed for refining the Soul Concentration Pill difficult to find, but some of them cannot be obtained at a high price. Another point is that ordinary fire cannot refine the Soul Soul Pill, and the one that can be refined from the Soul Soul Pill can be refined. Not even fire.

This is also the case. No one in the Eastern Continent has ever been able to refine the Concentrating Spirit Pill. Either the conditions are too high, or the alchemy masters have insufficient alchemy skills.

However, when Feng Liuli set out those herbs, the three people on the jury were shocked. They were all experts in alchemy, and they naturally understood the effect of those herbs. Immediately it became clear.

Mantianhong grows in ten thousand years of cloud and mist, and the place where it grows is extremely sinister. If it weren't for a chance coincidence, Feng Liuli would not have gotten this Mantianhong.

Feng Liuli put all her attention on refining the Spiritual Concentration Pill, and she could not tolerate the slightest mistake in refining such a difficult holy pill. The blue spiritual power is continuously injected into the alchemy furnace, sometimes small, sometimes large, and constantly changing.

He was unmoved by the attentions that came from around him, and he became a world of his own.

Compared to Feng Liuli's concentration and diligence in alchemy, other people complained a lot.

The flaming sky fire in the Fengliuli alchemy furnace deeply suppressed the low-level fire of other people. Even if they continued to inject spiritual power, they still could not withstand the pressure of the sky fire. For a time, all the players were complaining in their hearts.

In contrast to the complaints and grievances of these people, Jinglei on the left of Feng Liuli also focused his attention on refining the medicinal pills. He was not disturbed by the suppression of the ground fire at all, and his skillful movements seemed to have done thousands of times. Thousands of times in general.

The blue spiritual power was continuously poured into the alchemy furnace, and Feng Liuli's forehead was already full of sweat, but it seemed that she couldn't feel it. The picture of concentrating on alchemy is surprisingly beautiful!

The faint golden halo around her body enveloped Feng Liuli, who was concentrating on alchemy, as if she was isolating everything from the outside world. Under the golden light, her beautiful face seemed to be tinged with light.

As soon as Jun Limo on the viewing platform saw the abnormality around Feng Liuli, his pupils shrank, his eyes became cold, and then a dazzling glaze radiated from the dark eyes, and he looked at Feng Liuli in surprise.

This woman deserves to be the woman he likes, she actually touched the threshold of the god rank!

Even Jun Limo couldn't help but feel a little jealous and jealous of his own woman. What does it mean when he touches the threshold of the god-level, it means that one foot has already stepped into the god-level. As long as you cultivate with your heart, entering the god-level state is just a matter of time issue.

And how many god-level masters are there on this Eastern Continent, but only the old immortal from Yuncheng.

Jun Limo's pitch-black Liuli eyes have been watching Feng Liuli's whole body is shrouded in a faint golden light, his face is even more proud and proud, his woman is really strong!

Not only Jun Limo felt it, but even the three people on the jury felt the golden halo around Feng Liuli.

The golden color will only appear this color after stepping into the god rank, but who is Feng Liuli and how old is she? With the output of the spiritual power, golden color actually appears. Although the color is very pale, It was for the three old men to see clearly.

"Demigods, we have become demigods at such a young age, we have lived in vain for such an age!" He let out a sigh, his face full of decadence.

"Sure enough, the back waves push the front waves. One wave is more powerful than the other. We are all old!"

"Yeah, it seems that the world really belongs to the young people of their generation!"

... At the

judges' table, The three old men said each and every word, with frustration in their eyes.

Even if they are not satisfied with the old age, seeing Feng Liuli, a fifteen-year-old girl, has actually touched the threshold of a demigod, they are indeed a little surprised, they are indeed old!

Throughout their entire lives, they have never seen such a gifted genius!

On the viewing platform, it was still calm and unharmed. Under the Holy Spirit, the changes in Feng Liuli's body could not be seen at all, and even if there were any changes, they couldn't understand what it was.

At the corner beside the square, Yun Qing, who hurried over, saw such a scene. Under the faint golden light, the woman in white was concentrating on alchemy, and her shocked body couldn't help shaking.

He clearly understood that when he first accepted this disciple, he was only in the early stage of the acquired spirit, how could he touch the barrier of a demigod after a while!