Chapter 140 Jun Limo's Intention

Qiu Yu and Qiu Shuang, as the right and left guardians of the saintess of the temple, are naturally not bad, but at this moment Feng Liuli is killing it smoothly, she can feel a warm breath in the dantian being released.


With a crisp sound, Feng Liuli's glass sword had already collided with the long swords in the hands of Qiu Yu and Qiu Shuang. The two were shocked by the glass sword at the same time, and they stepped back a few steps.

The two were shocked, and the hand holding the long sword couldn't help but feel a shock of soreness, but their eyes were cold and severe.

Feng Liuli glanced at the sternness and firmness in the eyes of the two of them, and the coldness in the bottom of their eyes was even more severe. Seeing the two attacked again, she coldly shouted: "Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Lan The light of color swung towards Qiu Yu and Qiu Shuang like a ghost, and the glazed sword emitting a cold light suddenly rose into the sky and flew towards the two with an unstoppable momentum.

The powerful force propelled the Liuli Sword, causing both Qiu Yu and Qiu Shuang to have a bit of fear and shock in their eyes.

"Puchi, puff!" With the sound of two crisp sharp weapons piercing the skin, Qiu Yu and Qiu Shuang were slashed by the glazed sword in their neck arteries, and fell backwards with a pair of terrified eyes.

"Li'er!" An urgent voice came from behind, full of worry and panic.

Feng Liuli had just finished dealing with Qiu Yu and Qiu Shuang, and when she heard Jun Limo's anxious call, the coldness on her face suddenly faded a lot and she turned to look at the night sky behind her and shouted.

"I'm here!" As

soon as Feng Liuli finished speaking, she was suddenly knocked into a generous chest.

"Are you all right?" Jun Limo felt that the person in his arms was still in his arms, but he was still nervously examining Feng Liuli, his eyes full of tenderness and worry.

Feng Liuli was taken aback by Jun Limo's appearance. Jun Limo has always been indifferent, black-bellied, or arrogant, but he has never had such a big mood swing!

Leng Leng shook his head at Jun Limo, there was a bit of a smile in the glazed eyes, and there was an indescribable warmth in his heart.

"I'm fine!"

"You scared me to death!"

Jun Limo pressed Feng Liuli's head tightly to his chest again, and hugged the person in his arms tightly.

God knows the panic and fear when he noticed that the murderous aura around him came to Feng Liuli's room and saw that there was no one in it.

At that moment, there was a strong panic and self-blame in his heart, which made him afraid. He thought that he just liked the woman in his arms, more than he liked.

He didn't even realize that this woman was so deeply ingrained in his heart. At this moment, he knew that this woman was the fate of his life, the woman who would spend his life hand in hand.

He was glad, glad she was all right!

"Li'er, don't scare me again, don't leave me again, all the dangers in the future will be handled by me. With me, no one will dare to hurt you again!"

Jun Limo hugged Feng Liuli tightly. , sticking to Feng Liuli's ear and said seriously, that cautious look made Feng Liuli's heart tremble.

"Yeah!" Feng Liuli nodded in Jun Limo's warm embrace, her heart filled with infinite warmth.

In the distance, a black-clothed woman flashed past, daring to report: "Saint, you failed, all the killers brought by the two guardians were killed, even... even the two guardians died!"

The black-clothed spy who came to report paused and lowered his head in fear, fearing that the Holy Maiden would get angry.

Sure enough, as soon as Sisi heard that so many people she sent had died at the hands of that woman, she immediately shouted angrily: "A bunch of rubbish, you can't even kill a woman, get out!"

"Yes, this subordinate retire! "The black-clothed scout stepped back in panic.

Sisi's angry eyes stared into the distance, a strong murderous aura pervaded, and a low voice wandered in the night sky, like an evil ghost from hell.

Jun Limo, what's so good about that woman, bitch, bitch! This is what you forced me, you forced me, I will never let you go... The

angry low roar keeps echoing!

Early in the morning, Feng Liuli and the others got up early, simply ate some food and left the inn.

Just because this day is the time for the enrollment of the four major colleges in Nancheng.

Since returning that night, Feng Liuli and Jun Limo have been cultivating in the room, and they have improved a lot in the past few days.

When the three of them left the inn, they saw that the street was a little more lively than in the past few days, and one carriage after another kept flying past and flying towards the distance.

Feng Liuli was a little shocked by the grand and splendid scene of recruiting students from the top four colleges on the Eastern Continent.

The two of them were still sitting in the slightly worn-out carriage, and they drove towards the First Empire Academy in thunder.

The First Imperial College, the first college in the Eastern Continent, and the second master of the Continent, Li Kong, as its dean, has an extraordinary position on the entire Eastern Continent.

An hour later, the carriage gradually stopped, and a thunderous voice came from outside the carriage: "Master, it's here!"

Jun Limo lifted the curtain of the carriage, and got out of the carriage with Feng Liuli.

As soon as they got out of the car, the loud and noisy sounds from the surrounding area hit their faces, and the three Feng Liuli were dumbfounded when they saw the crowd of people in front of them spreading like a vast ocean.

The dense figure looked like countless ants from a distance, and the huge square at the entrance of the academy could accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

However, countless young people have already filled the huge square and formed a long queue. At the end of the crowd are the college elders and teachers who are recruiting for the exam. At this moment, they are completely submerged in the crowd.

The majestic building above the end of the sea of ​​people is golden light, and you can see a few large characters, and the words "First Imperial College" are written in dragon and phoenix.

The font is majestic and atmospheric, indescribably imposing, and the huge buildings behind cannot see the end, winding endlessly, like a giant dragon soaring in the sky hovering in the air.

The incomparable aura and majesty make this majestic building even more golden, incomparable, with a arrogant king's aura!

When Feng Liuli came to this world, she had never seen such an imposing and awe-inspiring building. Just a glance, her eyes were full of shock.

Such an institution truly deserves to be the No. 1 Academy in the Eastern Continent!

When Jun Limo saw the flash of shock in Feng Liuli's eyes, he couldn't help but indulge in a smile, and said lightly to Feng Liuli.

"The four major colleges only recruit young men and women under the age of twenty-five, especially for this first college in the Eastern Continent, which is even more demanding. In addition to the age limit, there is talent!"

"The talent is good, naturally To be able to enter the First Empire Academy, those with poor talent can only be eliminated, and hundreds of thousands of young people came to sign up, but in the end, the academy only recruited only a thousand people!"

Jun Limo couldn't help turning his head to look at Feng Feng when he said this. Lucy smiled.

"You are happy, but even if you test with your true ability, I know you are not afraid of this!"

Feng Liuli's bright eyes lifted slightly, looking at Jun Limo, who was as black as ink. There was tenderness in his eyes.

It's true that she is indeed happier compared to these people, at least she doesn't have to squeeze into the crowd like these people just for the place of the thousand people!

There are hundreds of thousands of candidates, but only a thousand people can actually enter the academy in the end. What a cruel assessment!

Thinking of this, the light at the bottom of Feng Liuli's eyes suddenly dimmed, and she thoughtfully looked at the people lining up around her!

"Jinglei, go and line up for Master, your master wants to sign up for the assessment with these people!" Feng Liuli said to Jinglei with a bright smile after she figured it out.

"Oh, Master!" Jinglei did not suspect him, and obediently lined up in front of the team.

Jun Limo suddenly understood something when he looked at Feng Liuli's actions. His dark eyes looked at Feng Liuli with a lot of doting. His Li'er is such a person and will always think of others.

Today, if Feng Liuli only entered as Likong's apprentice, according to Feng Liuli's age, everyone would be dissatisfied, but if she passed the assessment, it would naturally be different!

This will not only cause some trouble and gossip to Likong, but also let others know that her Feng Liuli has real skills!

Thinking of this, Jun Limo's gaze towards Feng Liuli became even more fiery, this is his woman, that's great!

At this moment, everyone in the queue in front saw Feng Liuli and Jun Limo showing their amazing light.

One is in a black robe, one is in a white skirt; one is handsome, one is cold; one is indifferent and one is arrogant!

It is also the only peerless face in the sky, and the gorgeous and arrogant temperament deeply makes the people around him open a lot.

Such two people walking slowly are actually indescribably good-looking and matching!

"The two are a good match, are they also here to sign up?" The crowd watched the two walk in, and the eyes of both men and women fell on them.

"Didn't you see that they came to line up, of course, they also came to the First Empire Academy to sign up!" The man beside the man said with disdain.

"That man is so handsome, it would be great if he joined me in different classes!" The woman who was guilty of nympho exclaimed excitedly with bright eyes, almost drooling.

"That girl is so good-looking, just like a fairy, so beautiful, I don't know who is more beautiful than the first beauty of the First Imperial College, Miss Shi!"

The voice of the man in the crowd came, and everyone rushed Compare Feng Liuli with the legendary First Imperial College's first beauty, Miss Shi.

"If you want me to see, it must be this fairy sister who is beautiful!"

"It's hard to say that Miss Shi is the number one beauty of the First Empire Academy, of course it's not bad!"


The voices came one after another, Feng Liuli He Junlimo's face was still cold and he walked slowly, as if the sounds from all around could not affect them at all.

A pure voice came from the front: "Master, this way, this way!"

Jinglei took a seat and shouted to Feng Liuli, Feng Liuli glanced at Jinglei in front of him, and Jun Limo walked in the direction of Jinglei go.