Chapter 147 Shi Yan finds fault

Feng Liuli and Jun Limo were walking towards a cafeteria when they suddenly heard an arrogant voice. The three stood still and looked up.

I saw a girl in a yellow dress and a long skirt coming in angrily. The girl's face was full of anger, but she was extremely arrogant.

"Is something wrong?" Feng Liuli still had a cold expression on her face, and her gaze towards Shi Yan was also cold.

It seems that Feng Liuli has this same expression to everyone except the people close to her.

Shi Yan was furious and anxious at the moment, and she felt ashamed at the thought of losing in front of so many people that day at the hands of this woman!

But the anger full of anger came to this Feng Liuli at this moment, and was swept away by Feng Liuli's cold eyes, and suddenly felt a chill on the back.

The original arrogance was also reduced by a few points.

But on second thought, the arrogance that Shi Yan had just put away was instantly ignited.

Jokes why she is afraid of this woman, after all, she is also the fifth young lady of the Qionglou National Historian family, and she has an elder sister to cover her. If something really happens, her elder sister will not let Feng Liuli go.

Thinking of this, Shi Yan's courage was also a little bit bigger, and she glanced at Feng Liuli proudly and said arrogantly: "Feng Liuli, you are so courageous that you dare to hurt this young lady!"

Shi Yan glared at Feng Liuli angrily. , with an arrogant look on his face.

Feng Liuli raised her eyes lightly, and her cold eyes glanced at the arrogant yellow-clothed girl in front of her and said coldly, "So what?" There

was still no emotion on the cold face. His eyes were even colder, and he looked at Shi Yan with disdain.

"You..." Feng Liuli's icy, unconcerned appearance made Shi Yan unable to express her anger.

Seeing that Shi Yan was jumping with anger, Feng Liuli turned around and left with Jun Limo, ignoring Shi Yan who was jumping with anger.

This scene naturally angered Shi Yan even more, looking at Feng Liuli who just walked past him, Shi Yan's angry eyes gleamed fiercely.

"Feng Liuli, wait for this young lady, if you dare to bully me, I will let the eldest sister kill you, hum!"

Shi Yan angrily cast a disdainful look at Feng Liuli's back, and turned angrily towards him. Go to the dormitory building.

"Sister, woohoo!" Shi Yan cried sadly as she walked into Shi Fei's room sadly.

As the darling protected by everyone in the Shi family, Shi Yan has naturally never suffered from this kind of anger, so he would not do it if he wanted to suffer losses in Feng Liuli's hands one after another.

"Yan'er, what happened, who bullied you, why are you crying so sad!"

Shi Fei was stunned when he saw the crying baby sister who was extremely aggrieved. asked anxiously.

"Wuwu, who else is there, not that stinky woman, huh, it's great to think that you are the apprentice of Dean Likong, sister, you must avenge Yan'er!"

Shi Yan saw the person who loved her. Sister, crying was even more sad, and cried out all the grievances in my heart.

"Okay, don't worry Yan'er, my sister will definitely get her back for Yan'er, and she won't let the person who hurt Yan'er feel better!"

Shi Fei looked at Shi Yan distressedly, and a pair of white and tender hands patted Shi Yan from time to time. back, comforting.

"Sister is so nice, woohoo!" Shi Yan burst into tears when she heard Shi Fei's words. She knew that her elder sister would not leave her, and she knew that her elder sister would avenge her.

"Silly girl, I'm your elder sister, what's there to thank you for? Don't cry anymore, then your parents will trouble me if you cry badly!"

Shi Fei looked at Shi Yan with a distressed look on his face. With a gentle smile.

"No way, my parents love my sister very much, so they don't want to trouble her!" Shi Yan naturally raised her face when she heard Shi Fei's words.

There were still tears on her flushed face, but she was smiling at this moment.

"Silly girl, it's your sweet mouth!" Shi Fei glanced at Shi Yan with a smile.

Then the two talked for a while before Shi Yan left.

Looking at the back of Shi Yan's departure, the gentle smile on his face was suddenly withdrawn at this moment, and a sinister cold light flashed in the bottom of his eyes, but in an instant, it returned to the previous gentleness.

In his mind, he couldn't help thinking of the scene at the gate of Nancheng that day. When the curtain was lifted to reveal the handsome man who was like a god inside, Shi Fei knew that his heart was lost.

She fell in love with that man, but that man's eyes were only open to that woman. Thinking of this, the vicious light on Shi Fei's face couldn't help but turn colder.

But what she didn't expect was that the woman was actually the only direct disciple of Dean Likong. With such an identity and a face more beautiful than hers, no matter who would like it.

Thinking that the position he had finally won was about to be taken away, how could Shi Fei allow such a thing to happen.

Feng Liuli, it's fine if you can't get into the First Empire Academy, but you did. Since you're here, she won't let her go so easily.

And that man is destined to be hers!

The ruthless light flashed in his eyes, and then he walked out of the room, his face seemed to have been replaced with a gentle and cold temperament, and that arrogant posture was like a goddess.

Now that she's here, maybe she should go to meet those two people, not to mention the mysterious man who is a god-like man. She hasn't forgotten that even the law enforcement elder Changwu of Nancheng was in awe of that person.

Although Chang Wu's eyes were full of anger, she still could see clearly that the man's identity should not be bad.

Thinking like this, Shi Fei was even more determined to grab that man!

Men, they all like women with a gentle and cold appearance. The more they feel out of reach, the more attractive they will be. Shi Fei believes that he has perfected this image and is naturally not afraid.

In the cafeteria on this side, Feng Liuli and Jun Limo just walked into the cafeteria, and the entire cafeteria suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked at the three of them, and most of the men's eyes were looking at Feng Liuli. The beautiful face and the indifference that exuded from the whole body made many men feel sacred and inviolable.

There are even quite a few students who are comparing Feng Liuli, the first beauty of the First Empire, who is better.

And all the girls' eyes naturally turned to Jun Limo and Jinglei.

It goes without saying that Jun Limo's appearance is naturally slender and tall, with a handsome and arrogant face, and his temperament is like a god.

Although Jun Limo has always been cold, and this person is very dangerous, it does not affect his beauty and dignity at all.

Although Jinglei is not as eye-catching as Jun Limo, his handsome appearance is naturally good-looking, and he can be regarded as a handsome and handsome boy, but he is a little simpler.

But even so, Jinglei's dignity as the young master of Medicine King Valley can still be seen in his gestures.

The hot and shy eyes of these women fell on the two of them. Although they did not know their identities, they had captured the hearts of many women just by virtue of their appearance.

Feng Liuli glanced lightly at the girls who were blushing, and snorted at Jun Limo with a rolled eye, "Evil!"

Listening to Feng Liuli's unhappy pouting, Jun Limo has always been A faint smile appeared on the cold face, a little funny.

"Could it be that Li'er is jealous, don't worry, this young master only has Li'er in his heart!"

"Who is jealous, shameless, hum!" Feng Liuli snorted coldly, always calm, and the Feng Liuli who is unusually calm in any situation Only when facing Jun Limo will he show strange emotions.

Feng Liuli's words made Jun Limo smile even more.

The blush on the faces of the girls in the cafeteria deepened a bit. Looking at the handsome man who looked like a god, he smiled and felt that the most beautiful thing in the world was nothing more than that.

For a while, many girls were jealous of Feng Liuli, but who is Feng Liuli, that is their Dean Likong, and the first place on the rookie list, so they naturally can't afford to offend.

The quiet cafeteria was very quiet because of the presence of these three people, and everyone's eyes turned to this place from time to time.

The three Feng Liuli naturally turned a blind eye and ate their meals quietly.

With a commotion, a faint fragrance of orchids drifted past, and Feng Liuli frowned sensitively.

It turned out that Shi Fei, who was actually dressed in white, slowly walked into the cafeteria under the obsession of several young men.

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to the peerless woman in the same white dress at the entrance of the cafeteria, but just this one glance, everyone was already compared.

Although Shi Fei is the first beauty of the First Imperial College, with her cool temperament and a long dress, she naturally becomes the goddess in the hearts of all men like a fairy.

However, at this moment, when they saw Feng Liuli in the same white dress and long skirt, everyone naturally wanted to compare.

This comparison is immediately obvious. It is also a long white dress, but Feng Liuli's is simple and capable, without any extra decoration. However, it is because of this unadorned white dress that Feng Liuli is even more unique.

Shi Fei's white dress was a bit more embellished than Feng Liuli, and the tail of the skirt was embroidered with a few delicate orchids, and the air seemed to be able to smell the faint fragrance of orchids.

Speaking of temperament and appearance.

Feng Liuli's temperament is radiated from the inside, it is a kind of indifference and dignity carved into the bones, as if this girl was born like this, like a king, people think that she is a high fairy.

And that kind of beauty is even more shocking, and the beauty makes life without the slightest blasphemy.

However, Shi Fei's is not. Shi Fei's coldness and nobility seem to have been deliberately pretended in front of Feng Liuli at this moment.

But Shi Fei's face is also first-class, there is no doubt about this!

It's just a moment of effort, everyone has already made a comparison between Shi Fei and Feng Liuli in their hearts, and the result of this comparison is naturally that Feng Liuli is better.

Everyone thought in their hearts, it seems that the position of the first beauty of the First Imperial College should indeed be replaced!