Chapter 149 Feng Liuli Advances

Shi Yan got out of the bed, her blushing face and eyes were like a bunny, she lowered her head and sobbed, "I'm sorry, Yan'er blamed my sister in the wrong!"

Shi Fei suddenly revealed when he heard Shi Yan admit his mistake. With a gentle doting smile, she shook her head.

"Why do you want to blame your elder sister? It's all because of your elder sister's fault, so it still hurts!" Shi Fei looked at Shi Yan distressedly, and said a little guiltily at the red palm print on his left face.

Shi Yan shook her head, bit her lip and said, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all!"

"Hey, good sister, I won't hit you again in the future. I didn't mean it just now, my sister kept giving you a wink. , but Yan'er just couldn't see it, and my sister was impatient!"

"Yan'er knows, Yan'er doesn't blame her sister!" Shi Yan calmed down at this moment, so he was no longer angry, and believed what Shi Fei said.

"Don't worry, my sister will definitely get justice for you!" Shi Fei held Shi Yan in his arms, and in a place that Shi Yan couldn't see, a pair of eyes that were full of distress suddenly flashed a few vicious eyes. murderous look.

After resting for a whole day, someone came to inform Feng Liuli early the next morning to let her go to the Zhaixing Pavilion behind the academy!

The Star Picking Pavilion is the most central place in the entire First Empire Academy, and it is also the symbol of the highest power of the entire Academy.

Because of this, Zhaixing Pavilion is not a place that ordinary people can go to. Except for a few core elders in the academy, only Dean Likong can enter.

Although Feng Liuli was not familiar with Zhaixing Pavilion, she could see it from the envious light in the student's eyes just now.

Zhaixing Pavilion is at the end of the academy, where the strength is broad, it is very quiet on weekdays, and few students go there.

Under the leadership of another student, Feng Liuli followed unhurriedly, passing through several paths, looking at the majestic buildings on both sides of the path from time to time, and castles suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Passing through the rows of castles, Feng Liuli was led by another student to the outside of the garden.

"This is the Zhaixing Pavilion, and this is sent here. There is no way for ordinary people to enter here!" The student who led the way looked at Feng Liuli and said.

"Thank you!" After Feng Liuli thanked her, she walked into the park.

At the entrance of the park, Feng Liuli could clearly feel that there was an enchantment there, and if it was an ordinary person, it would naturally not be able to enter.

Looking up in the park is a charming sea of ​​flowers. In the center of the sea of ​​flowers, there is a towering white pagoda. The white pagoda is very high, with a height of forty-nine floors.

Looking up from the bottom, the intuition has already towered into the clouds.

Feng Liuli knew at a glance that this towering white tower was the Star Picking Pavilion.

Thanks to what they thought, such an independent pagoda has no buildings around it, except for the flower below, which is almost empty.

As the most central area of ​​the academy's power, this also prevents outsiders from peeping, and the enchantment that Feng Liuli felt when she came in just now makes this place very safe.

Feng Liuli no longer hesitated, and she accelerated her pace and walked towards the Star Picking Pavilion.

Walking into the Zhaixing Pavilion, passing through a corridor, there is a discussion hall in front of you, and a gentle and handsome man is sitting in the hall.

That man's eyebrows and eyes are picturesque, his temperament is like orchid, he is gentle and handsome, and he is holding a figure like a banished fairy. This man is none other than Likong!

Feng Liuli looked at the figure deeply, with full respect in her eyes like Liuli, she came to Likong and called, "Master, I'm here!"

When Feng Liuli came in, Likong had already noticed it, watching the girl who walked slowly, with a cold temperament, and a noble and elegant girl slowly approaching, like stepping on a colorful cloud.

Likong's warm eyes looked at Feng Liuli, with an elegant smile on his face, he said, "I just came here, what's wrong with you?"

Listening to Likong's caring words, Feng Liuli suddenly felt in her heart. Yi Nuan, Likong is not her first master, but for Likong, Feng Liuli can feel a lot of warmth from the other party.

Perhaps this is why Feng Liuli agreed to become Likong's apprentice.

Feng Liuli shook her head with a light smile, and replied, "The disciple is very good, thank you for your concern!

" "Starting from tomorrow, you will come here to practice with my teacher. Since my teacher has accepted you as a direct disciple, I naturally want to help you!"

"Okay!" Feng Liuli responded to Likong with a respectful look on her face.

It was very late when I came out of Zhaixing Pavilion, and when I returned to the dormitory, my roommate had also returned.

He Fengliuli lived with a very cute-looking girl, white and tender, with big eyes that seemed to be able to speak, twinkling.

When the girl saw Feng Liuli come in, she immediately showed a cute smile and called to Feng Liuli: "Sister Liuli, can I call you that?"

Feng Liuli looked up at the lovely woman, more precisely a girl, than She is also a year younger.

Feng Liuli is not very familiar with this lovely woman, she only knows that her name is Linger, and she is also a freshman who has just entered. At this moment, Linger is blinking at Feng Liuli with a pair of big pure eyes.

Feng Liuli seemed to see the shadow of thunder in those eyes, so she nodded, not wanting to see Feng Liuli nod, the little girl suddenly jumped beside Feng Liuli like a happy bird.

"Sister Liuli, I want to worship you. I didn't expect you to be the apprentice of Dean Likong. It's really enviable!"

Ling'er has the same temperament as Jinglei. The innocence and purity of her, which is why Feng Liuli doesn't hate Linger.

The difference between Jinglei and Jinglei is that Jinglei is an alchemy geek, and this Linger likes to practice and is very displeased with alchemy.

There is also Jinglei who rarely speaks, but this Linger is like a happy bird who keeps talking, and Linger has been pestering Feng Liuli all night to talk about this and that!

Feng Liuli also learned a lot about the First Empire Academy from Linger's mouth.

The First Imperial College has been the first college in the Eastern Continent for a long time, and it also has a pivotal position on the mainland, all because of Likong.

As the top powerhouse in the continent, Likong has an extraordinary status. With Likong in charge, the First Imperial Academy will never fall.

And the students in the academy are also divided into several departments because of their different cultivation strength and grades, namely the Freshman Beginner Department, the Intermediate Department, the Advanced Department and the God-level Hall!

Under normal circumstances, new disciples can only enter the entry-level department of freshmen. When they reach the acquired realm through the test of strength, they can enter the intermediate department, and when they reach the spiritual realm, they can enter the advanced department.

The students who can enter the god-level hall are not able to enter until their strength reaches the god-level or above. The reason why the god-level palace is called the god-level palace is because almost all the students in the god-level palace are the top one in ten thousand miles. master.

Whether it is talent, cultivation, or anything else, they are all outstanding, and only such people can enter the temple of gods.

And the temple of gods is very difficult to enter. Every year when the college passes the assessment, the last three students are left to enter the temple of gods, and they have been down. There are also many students in the temple of gods.

However, most of the students in the god-level hall are very arrogant, and naturally they are very disdainful of students from other departments.

According to so far, the most talented young disciple in the god-level hall is named Xuan Chen, who has the cultivation base of the eighth rank of the acquired realm, and is the apprentice of the chief elder of the First Empire Academy, Zhixian.

At the same time, he is also the male god in the eyes of all the girls in the entire Imperial College.

As Ling'er spoke, she couldn't let go at first. She looked at Feng Liuli's face from time to time. Seeing that Feng Liuli didn't want to interrupt, she let go of her courage.

Until very late, perhaps because she was a little tired, Linger fell asleep in a daze, Feng Liuli smiled helplessly, her eyes were still a little cold, but with a faint smile.

Early the next morning, Feng Liuli got up, Linger patted her head in annoyance when she saw Feng Liuli getting up, and shouted loudly, "Oh, I fell asleep while talking yesterday, sister Liuli. Don't you blame me!"

Looking at the slightly pouted mouth, with a bit of annoyance in her eyes, Feng Liuli shook her head lightly and said, "Let's have breakfast, it's time to go to class!

" Mmmm, good!" Seeing that Feng Liuli was not angry, Ling'er swept away the sullenness before, and immediately put on a cheerful smile.

Feng Liuli looked at Ling'er with a bit of envy. She had never lived such an innocent life before.

Thinking of the bits and pieces of the previous life, it seems that it is far away, but the figure of the lonely eagle has been entangled in my heart, where are you, the lonely eagle.

Thinking of the lonely eagle, Feng Liuli's brows furrowed tightly. After searching for so long, she could not find the whereabouts of the lonely eagle. She even wondered if the lonely eagle was really dead.

He died in his own hands, and when he thought of this, his chest felt an indescribable stinging pain!

The next period of time was very calm. After getting up and having breakfast every day, Feng Liuli would go to Zhaixing Pavilion to practice with Likong. From Likong's counseling, Feng Liuli's cultivation improved by leaps and bounds.

In just one month, he has successfully advanced from the cultivation base of the fifth stage of the acquired spirit to the peak of the seventh stage.

You must know that the further you go in the practice, the more difficult it is to advance. After reaching the realm of the Houtian spirit, the seventh stage is a hurdle, but what I didn't expect was that under the guidance of Likong, Feng Liuli quickly stepped into the seventh stage. part.

Even Li Kong couldn't help but be stunned at Feng Liuli, even back then he didn't have the perverted training speed of Feng Liuli.

In just one month, he has been promoted two levels, and others may only be promoted one level in two or three years.

However, the party involved muttered in his heart that the promotion was too slow. If Li Kong heard these words, he would definitely beat Feng Liuli severely.

This is also called slow. It depends on luck in two or three years. If you are lucky, you can go up to one level. If you are unlucky, you can't go up to one level. This little guy has been promoted to two levels in a month and still complains about the slow speed.

Just looking for a fight!

However, Feng Liuli also knew in her heart that it would be more difficult the longer she went on, and one should not be too hasty in cultivating one.