Chapter 177 Nancheng Auction

Feng Liuli, who has been undisturbed for a month, spends every day in cultivation.

On this day, I finally slowly opened my eyes, and when the pair of glazed eyes opened, the light flowed in an instant.

The depths of his intuitive eyes were full of dazzling brilliance, but Feng Liuli's face, which seemed to have not changed at all, suddenly had a faint sparkling color.

Since this month of training, Feng Liuli's strength has rapidly increased a lot.

And those contracted beasts of Feng Liuli also benefited a lot.

What Feng Liuli didn't know was that this Star Picking Pavilion was not an ordinary attic, and I was afraid that the entire Eastern Continent would not be able to find such a wonderful place.

One day in the Zhanxing Pavilion is equivalent to an hour outside. After such a month, how can the strength of Feng Liuli and the contracted beasts not increase.


Seeing Feng Liuli waking up, all the contracted beasts showed their surprises. After seeing the crystal clear and beautiful face on Feng Liuli's body, they couldn't help but show their amazed eyes again.

"Congratulations to the master's strength!"

As the contracted beasts of Feng Liuli, what they like most is to see that their master is good at strength. At this moment, when they see Feng Liuli's crystal clear skin, they suddenly show amazing surprise. Eyes come.

"It seems that you have also gained a lot!" Feng Liuli's beautiful Liuli eyes turned slightly, and she immediately looked at the few contracted beasts around.

When the beasts listened to Feng Liuli's words, they couldn't help showing smug and happy smiles.

"Let's go, since everyone is in such a good mood, let's go out for a walk!" At this moment, Feng Liuli was really in good spirits, she stretched her muscles and said to the contracted beasts.

Hearing Feng Liuli's words, the beasts couldn't help but feel excited and happy again.

Feng Liuli slowly stood up from the ground and recalled all the contracted beasts, leaving only Tiger King and Binglan.

Tiger King and Bing Lan can be transformed into human figures, so they are naturally suitable to appear in front of everyone with Feng Liuli, and the others are too dazzling after all, so they are naturally sent back to the body by Feng Liuli.

Although the demon beasts were not happy, they could only stay obediently.

The group of three immediately left the Zhaixing Pavilion and walked outside.

As soon as I walked to the gate of the school, I saw a carriage coming from a distance.

Feng Liuli frowned slightly and gave way to the side.

The carriage slowly stopped in front of Feng Liuli, and suddenly a quirky and cute face came out. At Feng Liuli, she smiled and said, "Sister Feng, come up quickly!"

Feng Liuli's slightly frowning brows gradually stretched out. Come on, I didn't expect Ling'er to be in this carriage, so he nodded and took Binglan and Tiger King onto the carriage.

After getting on the carriage, Feng Liuli saw Yun Junfeng looking at her excitedly.

"Sister Feng, you're finally out of the customs, woo woo, I miss you so much!" Yun Junfeng couldn't help but wanted a tiger hug from Feng Liuli when he saw Feng Liuli, but he was caught by the tiger king beside him. Coldly stopped.

"Hey, Brother Tiger, what are you doing so fiercely?"

"Your brother-in-law said, let me help your brother-in-law look at the woman, and I will give Tiger King a good beating for any wicked boy who dares to eat his master's tofu. , why do you want to be beaten by me!"

Tiger King with a dangerous look on his face raised his eyebrows and looked at Feng Liuli, his eyes full of playful light.

When Yun Junfeng heard that it was Jun Limo who gave the order to the Tiger King, he shrank back in fright, and shrank to the corner of the carriage.

That terrified look made Feng Liuli and Linger laugh for a while.

Feng Liuli glanced at the Tiger King, and the Tiger King lowered his head in embarrassment. Feng Liuli laughed when he saw the Tiger King's guilty look.

I really don't know that the man who was gone and even paid her to take care of her, the courage is really getting bigger and bigger, hum.

However, even though Feng Liuli thought so in her heart, there was a gentle smile on her face. If anyone knew about Feng Liuli, they would know that some people were angry!

"Sister Feng, do you want to do this, it's too scary!" Yun Junfeng looked at the gentle smile on Feng Liuli's face, but he felt scary and panic.

The Tiger King tried his best to hide behind Bing Lan, and that wild man could have such a side, which immediately made Bing Lan laugh happily.

Feng Liuli gave Tiger King a cold look, then turned her head immediately.

At this moment, the Tiger King's heart is full of grief, woohoo, if I knew he would not listen to Zilong's words, woohoo, now he has offended the master, his life in the future must not be better, woohoo.

"Sister Feng, are you also going to the auction site?" Yun Junfeng looked at the shriveled look of Tiger King, and was happy for a while, and then asked Feng Liuli seriously.

"Auction? What is that!" Feng Liuli asked Yun Junfeng with a puzzled expression.

"Well, it turns out that Sister Feng didn't know that there was an auction in Nancheng today. I thought that Sister Feng came out because she knew about it!"

Yun Junfeng glanced at Feng Liuli sadly and then said with a smile on his face.

"Why don't Sister Feng come to see the auction with us, it will be very lively!" Yun Junfeng looked at Feng Liuli expectantly, with a smile on his face.

"Okay!" Naturally, Feng Liuli saw the look of hope in Yun Junfeng's eyes, and immediately nodded happily and said happily.

"Oh, great, Sister Feng is going to the auction with us, yeah!"

Listening to Feng Liuli's full promise, perhaps it was because he hadn't met with Feng Liuli for too long, Yun Junfeng suddenly showed a happy look and shouted excitedly from the carriage.

"Okay, this is going on, people outside think it's going crazy inside!"

Feng Liuli glanced at Yun Junfeng with a funny look, and said with a blank look at Yun Junfeng.

After listening to Feng Liuli's words, Yun Junfeng also felt that he had gone too far, and suddenly smiled shyly at Feng Liuli.

The group walked quickly. After half a column of incense, the carriage stopped in front of a magnificent building. Yun Junfeng and Linger jumped first, followed by Tiger King and Binglan, and finally Feng Liuli.

As soon as Feng Liuli got off the carriage, there were a few gasps, and her eyes were full of surprise when she looked at Feng Liuli.

Feng Liuli has never been seen since she entered the First Imperial College, and everyone who came out now naturally did not know that she was the first genius girl Feng Liuli who shocked the Eastern Continent.

Feng Liuli raised her eyes and glanced at the majestic building in front of her, and nodded immediately, and then followed Yun Junfeng and the others towards the majestic building in front of them.

"A few, please show the invitations!" The guard at the door immediately stepped forward to stop everyone, and said coldly with a serious face.

Yun Junfeng took out an invitation card from his arms and handed it to the guard. The guard opened it and took a serious look, and handed the invitation card to Yun Junfeng again respectfully: "A few please!"

Yun Junfeng's proud face Pride and pride flashed on the top, and they walked in with Feng Liuli and his party.

Feng Liuli looked at Yun Junfeng who was dancing with radiant brows and couldn't help but joked: "It's not bad boy, where did you get this invitation?"

Yun Junfeng listened to Feng Liuli's words, his face suddenly turned cold, and his face was dark and sullen. .

"Sister Feng, how can you slander me like this? If I can take out the invitation, it must have come from an improper place. Hmph, you really hurt my heart!"

Yun Junfeng looked at Feng Liuli, his face was filled with deep sadness and grievances.

Feng Liuli glanced at such Yun Junfeng and couldn't help but smile a little embarrassedly, but she didn't know how to coax Yun Junfeng.

At this moment, he said awkwardly: "Okay, okay, didn't I just say this casually, let's go, the auction should start!"

Feng Liuli left a sentence, touched her nose, and followed her followers Go to the upstairs room.

The room was reserved by Yun Junfeng, and the large private room can seat a lot of people. At this moment, Feng Liuli, Yun Junfeng and others sat quietly in the private room, waiting for the auction to start. .

Although this auction house looks grand and domineering in appearance, it is very low-key inside.

The entire auction is in a circular state, with a circular stage in the middle of the entire first-floor hall.

The stage is not high, but it is enough for everyone in the private rooms on the first and second floors to see it clearly.

Especially the lighting effects on the stage are very good.

There are rows of seats around the stage on the first floor, and those with a little identity are gathered in the private room on the second floor.

The environment in each private room is very good, at least it is very spacious, and the side close to the stage is a long piece of transparent glass.

Through the glass, you can clearly see every move on the stage below, even more clearly than the location on the first floor.

More and more people entered the venue, most of them were located on the first floor, and a few with some backgrounds were greeted by their entourage to the private room on the second floor.

For a time, the brightly lit auction site was about to start shooting, and there were many young men and women dancing on the stage.

Now that the atmosphere has reached a peak, the host of the auction site finally stepped onto the ring, and began to speak to the crowd with excitement and excitement on his face.

"First of all, welcome to our auction during your busy schedule. I am the host of this auction. In this auction, we will show you some good things. The next auction will be held. The meeting will officially begin!" On

the stage above, the emcee of ceremonies began to make the opening remarks, and then the attendants of the auction house put the first item to be auctioned on the stage.

With the arrival of the first item on the stage, everyone's eyes suddenly turned towards the stage, and their eyes were full of excitement.

"Next, the first item we are going to auction is to seize the thousand-year-old Lingzhi. It is the Lingzhi that was cultivated only in the previous year. The reserve price is 10,000 purple gold coins. Please start bidding now!"