Chapter 199 Strong duel

Su Mu, who was standing in the first row of the venue, looked ugly at the moment. He just recovered from the shock and looked at the redness between the world and couldn't help but be startled.

But when he heard the arrogant and arrogant voice, he was extremely angry, and his face sank: "You are courting death?"

As Su Mu's cold voice fell, the cold and arrogant low voice resounded in the air again.

"Death? A joke, a little spiritual god has not yet the ability to kill me, but I can give you a ride!" The arrogant voice was full of domineering, and he descended into the sky with a strong attitude.

As soon as that arrogant and arrogant voice came out, some people who had seen Feng Liuli before suddenly looked horrified, and one by one opened their eyes wide and stared in the air.

Could it be that Miss Feng's contracted beast, Emma, ​​that is a very scary thing!

Thinking of this possibility, those who knew that Feng Liuli had a powerful and terrifying monster immediately grabbed the vegetables and trembled uncontrollably.

Between the heavens and the earth, the dazzling crimson light became stronger and stronger, and when everyone was horrified, a crimson figure pushed aside the clouds and slowly appeared in front of everyone.

In the large competition venue, everyone suddenly burst into sobbing.

I only saw a dazzling red-clothed and beautiful young man standing in the flames.

As soon as the young man's figure entered the eyes of everyone, his body trembled intuitionally, and the evil and arrogant phoenix eyes swept away, and suddenly many people knelt in fright.

The beautiful red-clothed boy was wrapped in flames, his delicate and fair skin radiated dazzling light in the flames, and the flaming flames were beating in his demonic arrogant phoenix eyes

. Frightened, at this moment, the entire venue was silent, and Feng Liuli, who was about to fall off the stage, had long since been forgotten.

With a wave of the red light and a hold, a spiritual force suddenly floated into Feng Liuli's body in a strange arc, Feng Liuli was startled, and suddenly opened his eyes.

Liuli-like eyes lit up, like the most dazzling stars in the sky. At this moment, Jun Limo had already hugged Feng Liuli's toes and tapped lightly, and jumped and landed firmly on the arena.


"Don't scare me in the future!" At this moment, Jun Limo's heart just returned, and the feeling of regaining it made Jun Limo panic, and tightly hugged Feng Liuli in his arms.

When her eyes touched the arrogant and beautiful figure in the raging flames in the air, Feng Liuli couldn't help but struggled away from Jun Limo's arms and looked at the red figure in surprise.

"Huang, you came out, and you saved me again!"

"You died, I can't live, I came out when I heard your call, hey, every time you come out, you will be hurt, so you can't take care of yourself. !"

Phoenix glanced up and down at Feng Liuli, and said helplessly, as Feng Liuli's life contract beast, although Feng Liuli rarely summons Phoenix, the two of them have a good heart.

"I didn't expect this to happen, I was quite sure!" Feng Liuli couldn't help lowering her head a little aggrieved, causing Fenghuang who was beside her to shake her head helplessly.

Jun Limo even secretly swore in his heart that he would never let Li'er be hurt again, and that he would become stronger to protect Li'er!

"Boss Huang, Boss Huang, Xiaobai misses you so much!" Xiaobai, the Prince of Silver Dragon in mid-air, waving five cute little heads and rushed towards Fenghuang.

Tiger King and Bing Lan were also shocked. Originally, they thought Xiao Bai was the master's most powerful contract beast, but they didn't expect this red-clothed boy to be the master's most powerful contract beast.

Just feeling the momentum released by this adult is scary.

"This little girl, do some scary things, haha, such a powerful killer must be saved for the end!"

Seeing the appearance of Phoenix, Li Kong, who was originally anxious, couldn't help but tear off a smile and let out a low laugh.

This handsome red-clothed boy bathed in flames turned out to be a phoenix, and he was also the phoenix with the purest bloodline, the emperor of all beasts.

And this phoenix called himself "the monarch", could it be the legendary monarch!

Thinking of this, Li Kong couldn't help laughing, this disciple of his would always have some miracles, and there is actually a legendary king beast, which is simply too scary.

The king is now, the world has changed!

Unexpectedly, this Eastern Continent is about to change after all, Li Kong sighed in the bottom of his heart, but he was happy, and he was even more gratified to see his dazzling and unparalleled disciple.

"It's my master you bullied, hum, an ordinary person who dares to fight, die!"

Phoenix's cold and arrogant gaze stared at the person on the arena, a crimson flame had already lit up, towards the Followed the shadow of the person who attacked Feng Liuli.

The unbelievably powerful fiery flame flew away in a hurry, and when the person had no time to reflect, the red flame immediately fell on the person.

The light sound of "Wow" spread immediately, submerging the entire figure into the crimson flame, and the sound of scorching flesh and flesh was heard in the air, accompanied by painful mourning.

It was just a moment of effort, and the figure that was struggling with the fire had disappeared into the air, leaving only a faint unpleasant smell in the air.

This bloody scene immediately frightened the people in the entire venue, and everyone couldn't imagine that the powerful temple team lost two masters of the Soul Mirror in an instant.

The remaining two masters of the Holy Realm are undoubtedly a piece of cake, not to mention that when Longyuan and Ji Bing saw the terrifyingly powerful Phoenix, their legs were already trembling.

Long Yuan and Ji Bing wanted to run away, but they didn't want Phoenix to move. With a little finger hook, Long Yuan and Ji Bing seemed to see something terrible, and they were instantly killed by a single blow.

Moreover, he is also a master who can kill two spiritual realms in one blow at the same time.

With such an easy instant kill of the two masters of the Holy Spirit, everyone was once again frightened by their intuition.

Looking at Feng Liuli at this moment, she can't help but be full of fear and panic, and full of envy and worship.

With the appearance of the phoenix, the four members of the temple team were easily eliminated, and the imperial team did not lose the slightest, which made the temple master Su Mu very angry, and the expression on his face sank again and again.

Originally, I wanted to get rid of Feng Liuli and Jun Limo today through the competition, but I didn't expect an accident. It seems that it is impossible to get rid of Feng Liuli today, so I can only think of a way later.

However, he will definitely not let Feng Liuli grow, but he can't move Feng Liuli, but Jun Limo can move. He must get rid of this traitor today.

At this time, the chief elder of Nancheng, Your Excellency Nanfeng, had already walked to the stage, and after the initial shock and shock, he quickly woke up and announced.

"This competition in Nancheng is officially over. The first place is the Empire team. Later, this elder will give the prizes of the competition to the people of the Empire team!"

When everyone in the venue heard the word "prize", they turned to Feng Feng. Liuli and the others cast envious glances.

Feng Liuli and the others were also very happy. After the moment of life and death just now, Feng Liuli breathed a sigh of relief, because the Phoenix sent a spiritual power into her body, and Feng Liuli ate a few more spiritual pills, and her body became better. a lot.

However, eating the elixir like eating candy still made Jun Limo and Renault twitch their mouths. This continent has never seen such a wealthy man.

Spirit Pill, I don't know how much a Spirit Pill can sell for, and I ate so much in one go.

"Jun Limo, the competition is over. Now it's time to settle the account between us. As the holy son of the temple, you dare to betray the temple, but you will be punished by death!"

Su Mu suddenly shouted angrily at Jun Limo at this moment, his gloomy face was dark, and a pair of cold eyes stared at Jun Limo on the arena.

"Master Su Mu is really funny. This young master was originally the young master of the four esoteric sects, but he was kidnapped by some demon heretics who claimed to be the descendants of the gods. How can you say that this young master is a traitor!"

Jun Li Mo snorted coldly, his face darkened at this moment.

"I'm afraid the world still doesn't know that the temple is dedicated to doing some shady deeds, nothing good can happen, murder and arson, all evils are common, and they have to pretend to be holy. It's nonsense!"

Jun Limo snorted coldly, not at all feeling that what he said made his teeth tickle, but in Su Mu's ears, his face became more and more gloomy and terrifying.

In the huge venue, everyone was shocked when they heard Jun Limo's loud voice, and they just woke up.

It turns out that the temple is a deceit, it turns out that all the descendants of the gods are deceitful, it turns out that the people in the temple do not do good things, but only do bad things like murder and arson

. It turns out that the temple they have always worshiped and revered is fake, how can it make people not angry, not angry.

Su Mu naturally felt the hatred and anger that erupted from the crowd in the audience, and his face became even more gloomy and grim. He suddenly shouted at Jun Limo: "Jun Limo, you are courting death!"

"Hmph, it's uncertain who will kill the deer, but today, the young master of Japan is going to settle with you about kidnapping me back then!"

Jun Limo snorted coldly, not feeling the slightest inappropriateness, and immediately used it as soon as he got started. The secret collection of the four tantras "The Secret of Quiet".

As the leader of the temple, Su Mu is not to be feared, but Su Mu's strength makes Jun Limo beware. After all, Jun Limo is only at the initial stage of the soul, but Su Mu is already a master of the spiritual realm.

"Destroy the Overlord Spear, go!"

"Hunyuan Shura, destroy!"

In the first confrontation, the two were unambiguous at all. Jun Limo and Su Mu were both shocked. Facing the divine weapon in Jun Limo's hand, Su Mu still couldn't get any benefit even if he was a god-level master.

Feng Liuli on the side is looking at Jun Limo with some worry at the moment. Feng Liuli knows how strong Su Mu is, but Jun Limo is invincible.

At this moment, Li Kong's face was also very ugly, and worried eyes fell on Jun Limo.

"Okay, as expected of the secret guard of the four esoteric sects, it's really powerful, come again!" Su Mu shouted and bullied himself again, and Jun Limo, not to be outdone, also waved his hands.