Chapter 201 Su Mu VS Likong

"What are you embarrassed about, don't worry, although my uncle has long known about our relationship, he won't laugh at you!"

Feng Liuli was muttering in her heart, when she heard Jun Li Mo Xie's enchanting lazy voice, she was startled. , raised his eyes and glared at someone fiercely, this big liar, the soul is pale!

At this moment, the opposite Su Mu was also stunned, and said coldly: "Are you from the Tantric Sect ?



"Your temple has done so many bad things, and you still dare to think about it today. Since you want to settle the account, should you first settle the account that your temple killed my college students?"

Su Muyi Hearing Li Kong's words, his eyes suddenly filled with deep eyes, and the dark and cold light in the bottom of his eyes was even more intense. He looked at Li Kong and said gloomily: "Okay, there should be a break between us!"

Li Kong saw Su Mu agreed, and then said softly to Jun Limo and Feng Liuli behind him: "Go down!"

"Master, be careful!" Feng Liuli knew that relying on her and Jun Limo's strength to stay on the arena would not help. , on the contrary, it will be hindered by backlash.

And although Jun Limo has done dozens of tricks under Su Mu on the surface, Jun Limo knows what is going on inside, and Feng Liuli and Likong are equally clear.

Right now, it's better to take Jun Limo down to heal her wounds. Feng Liuli floated down with Jun Limo as soon as she finished talking to Li Kong, away from the arena.

"Pfft" As soon as he got off the stage, Jun Limo couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and Feng Liuli was shocked, knowing that the man was seriously injured and had been enduring it, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

But Jun Limo didn't feel it. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, although his face was pale, he was still dazzling.

Jun Limo's lazy and evil laughter came from Feng Liuli's ears, Feng Liuli glanced at someone coldly, but ignored him.

"Haoli'er, don't be angry, I'm not afraid that you are worried, and although I am seriously injured, it doesn't matter much, just rest and rest, don't be angry!"

Jun Limo looked at someone With a cold and gloomy face, in addition to being happy that Feng Liuli was worried that she cared about herself, she was also a little unbearable, and she didn't want to make the woman she loved frightened.

It's okay for Jun Limo not to say this, but this statement made Feng Liuli furious and shouted angrily: "You're still like this and say it's okay, do you think it's okay if you want your own life to die!

" When a woman who was not angry got angry, even Jun Limo couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He knew that Li'er was angry, but he didn't expect Li'er to be so angry, so he softened and comforted softly.

"Li'er, I was wrong. I'll never hurt myself like this again. Don't you get angry, Li'er!"

At this moment, Jun Limo is still the handsome, lazy, strong and domineering tantric master. Lord, at this moment he is just a little kid who has been wronged.

When has such a Jun Limo ever been shown in front of others, just to please a woman who is angry at the moment.

Feng Liuli was originally full of anger, but at this moment, seeing that someone was soft and unable to be soft, she suddenly vented her anger. However, there was still a cold look on his face at a certain man, and he said in a cold voice, "This is not an example!" As soon as he heard Feng Liuli's softened tone, Jun Limo suddenly

opened his eyes and smiled, and the pale and handsome face under the silver mask showed a happy smile.

I agree, nodding quickly.

"Okay, listen to Li'er, it will never happen next time!"

Feng Liuli has always eaten soft and not hard. Seeing such a soft Jun Limo is very useful, she took out a porcelain bottle from her arms and poured out a pill, and stuffed it into Jun Limo's mouth.

Jun Limo didn't even think about it, and immediately swallowed it.

Seeing Jun Limo's defenseless appearance, Feng Liuli couldn't help but said coldly, "You're not afraid of me poisoning!"

"Hehe, everyone in this world will harm me, but Li'er won't. So I'm not worried or afraid!" Jun Limo said with a smile, looking at Feng Liuli with a smile in his phoenix eyes, full of love and trust.

This made Feng Liuli very useful, she snorted softly and turned her head away.

Looking at Feng Liuli in such a young daughter's posture, Jun Limo's beautiful phoenix eyes deepened even more, and the smile on his face became thicker and thicker.

In my heart, I was thinking that Li'er, who had always believed in herself coldly, also had such a lovely side.

In the bottom of my heart, I made up my mind that in the future, I must be more coquettish and cute, and talk more softly. At first glance, this little woman will eat soft and not hard.

Thinking of this, someone's eyes were full of light, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was even more dazzling.

Just as he thought happily, he felt several scorching gazes looking at him, and he suddenly looked back alertly, and the beautiful phoenix eyes were full of deep rays of light.

Seeing that the scorching rays of light were all facing Feng Liuli beside him, Jun Limo's heart was even more sour, and he dared to miss his woman and court death!

The icy rays of light suddenly looked towards the people with hot gazes, their eyes were full of warnings, and the sparks of lightning had already competed for a while.

Feng Liuli naturally didn't notice the thunder and lightning between several people, and at this moment, a heart has long been placed on the arena.

Su Mu and Likong had already fought together.

If it is said that the battle between Su Mu and Jun Limo just now made everyone forget their own mind, then the battle between Su Mu and Likong at this moment can be called a peerless battle.

Whether it is Su Mu or Likong, the two are the peerless powerhouses in the Eastern Continent. It is natural that people do not want to miss such a battle between the two powerhouses.

Golden rays of light filled the entire sky, and the duel between masters and masters has long since needed no gestures, and the comparison is naturally its own spiritual power and momentum.

The powerful golden spiritual power spreads out, like a golden dazzling flower, everyone can't open their eyes, and it is extremely scorching.

Above the arena, one black and one blue, one ruthless and one gentle, two and two fighting, it is indescribably gorgeous and eye-catching.

The wind blew up, the world changed, and the fiery golden flames burned wildly around the two of them, and the fiery heat on the entire arena also rose.

The powerful energy of such a spiritual realm burst open, and how can ordinary people resist it? Everyone in the audience has already automatically retreated, leaving an empty battlefield for the two of them.

The golden light was extremely dazzling, and in an instant it engulfed two peerless figures, one black and one blue.

The golden light flickered, and Su Mu still shot ruthlessly and ruthlessly in the light, without leaving the slightest gap, the gentle and elegant Likong still saw tricks and dismantling tricks, and did not show any mercy in the face of powerful opponents.

In the golden light, ordinary people can't see clearly, but people above the innate masters can clearly see everything inside.

In the bottom of my heart, I couldn't help being excited and excited for the two peerless masters.

After a few violent sounds of "bang bang bang", the golden light became more and more fiery and powerful, and the powerful golden spiritual power suddenly sounded like a bomb on the arena.

The arena was destroyed in an instant, and the dust was flying for a while, and the arena instantly turned into a large piece of ruins and collapsed.

In the dust, the powerful golden light still could not be covered. In the light, two figures, one black and one blue, were not affected in the slightest.

There was silence around the auditorium. It was terrifyingly quiet at the moment. Until the dust flew up and was sucked into the nose and nose, everyone coughed violently and came back to their senses.

After a while, the billowing dust gradually dissipated, and the two hazy figures became clearer and clearer. Under the bright sunlight, the golden rays of light became more and more hot and shiny, wrapping one black and one blue figure.

The two of them were not hurt in the slightest.

"Likong, die!" In the

mid-air, in the hot and dazzling golden light, Su Mu shouted angrily, and suddenly raised a powerful golden spiritual power to break through the air, facing Likong.

The powerful spiritual power struck, so that the people in the venue could not help but turn pale, and the coercion at that moment made everyone feel a kind of depression coming to the end of the world.

The power that is too strong to compete is even more deeply shocking the hearts of all people.

Divine Rank, I didn't expect the power of the Spiritual God Realm to be an unimaginable existence, and it was really scary.

At this moment, feeling the aura of death coming towards her face, Feng Liuli's face turned cold, and she thought fiercely in her heart, if this time passed, she would definitely improve her strength.

"Su Mu, it's not necessarily me who died!" A soft

voice floated over, and within the golden light, the blue figure suddenly moved, and a dazzling light flashed, but suddenly appeared in front of the blue figure. A golden shield.

The shield exudes a dazzling and powerful aura all over it, and it does not give in at all in the face of the powerful spiritual power that strikes.

"Shut up", a powerful metal crash came from mid-air, and everyone followed the sound.

In the midair, Su Mu suddenly took three steps back before he stood still, while Likong only took a step back and stood still, and the golden shield in Likong's hand was even cracked with a few slits.

It can be seen that it has long been clear who Su Mu and Likong are better.

Who is Li Kong? After all, he is a god-level master who has already entered the realm of spiritual gods, but Su Mu has just entered the god-level. It can be said that although he entered the god-level, it is not stable, and Likong has long been stable. .

So this blow, Li Kong took one step back, but Su Mu took three steps back.

"How about it, do you still want to try it?" Likong Wenya's face was full of light clouds and wind, but there was a bit of coldness in the bottom of his eyes, looking at Su Mu and said coldly.

"Okay, okay, okay, this time this sect master will let them go for the time being, next time this sect master wants to see how you can protect them, hum!"

Su Mu angrily shouted at Li Kong, his heart was full of deep feelings However, after a battle, Su Mu knew in his heart that it was impossible to kill Jun Limo and Feng Liuli today.

Besides, Li Kong entered the god rank earlier than himself, and his strength was higher than himself. At this moment, although they were both seriously injured, he was still weaker than the other party.

After thinking about it, even if I was not reconciled, I had to retreat.