Chapter 209 Random flowers and charming eyes

Feng Liuli immediately followed with a glass sword in hand. At this moment, her face was fierce, her glass-like phoenix eyes were dark, and her whole body exuded a bloodthirsty light. The appearance of flying from the sky was as arrogant as a god.

"Damn beast, go to hell!" With Feng Liuli's roar, a dazzling purple light instantly shot out from the end of the Liuli sword, and rammed straight towards the Hantan Jiao in the distance.

Hantan Jiao, who was still attacking the three of Ouyang Ling, also sensed the danger behind him at this moment.

Between the electric light and flint, the dazzling rays of light collided together, spreading with astonishing momentum, flooding like a flood.

"Ah, hateful, hateful human being, I'm going to kill you!" The

purple light flashed, and the Hantan Flood Dragon burst out with a roar, and the bright red blood was flowing from the Hantan Flood Dragon's tail, dyeing the whole piece of red cold pool.

Suddenly, a strong bloody smell drifted out in the air, making people feel extremely disgusting.

The three people who had been frightened by Hantan Jiao now had pale faces and stared at Feng Liuli in stunned eyes. They almost really thought they were dead, but Feng Liuli saved them in the end.

For a time, the thoughts of the three people turned a thousand times!

This time, Hantan Jiao was completely irritated, and his hurt tail swept across the entire Hantan recklessly, bringing up a large amount of water, splashing on his body with a chill.

An angry face full of anger, charged towards Feng Liuli, with an aura that seemed more violent and powerful than before.

At first glance, this Hantan Flood Dragon was clearly insanely irritated, and Feng Liuli couldn't bear this kind of impact, so Feng Liuli swung the glass sword and suddenly greeted him.

She couldn't use contracted beasts, even Xiaobai and Phoenix couldn't be summoned, so she could only rely on her own strength. Thinking of this, Feng Liuli could only make a desperate attempt to kill this abominable Hantan Jiao with one sword.

"Destroy the sky and destroy the earth, attack!"

Feng Liuli raised the sky and roared coldly, and suddenly, the Liuli sword turned into countless sharp blade tips, and attacked the Hantan Jiao fiercely.

Just like the name of this move, it roared and roared with a strong aura like destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

For a time, the originally rippling Hantan roared and screamed because of this destructive momentum, and the water in the Hantan turned into countless transparent swords and attacked the Hantan Jiao. .

Hantan Jiao was in a state of anger. At this moment, when he noticed such a huge pressure, he suddenly couldn't react. By the time he reacted, he couldn't stop it.

A pair of angry, hideous eyes opened wide, and at the moment there was nothing but panic and fear in their eyes.

"Roar..." Accompanied by a shrill scream, Hantan Jiao's huge body fell heavily into the cold pool. In an instant, the cold pool was blood red, and there was no trace of cleanliness to be found. land.

This blow from Feng Liuli almost used up more than half of the spiritual power in her body. At this moment, when she saw the Hantan Flood Dragon falling into the water, she felt that her whole body was soft, and her body suddenly fell to the cold pool below.

Fortunately, Xiaobai in his arms showed his body and immediately caught Feng Liuli who fell down. A white shadow flashed by. Feng Liuli was already standing quietly by the cold pool, but at this moment, he suddenly fell down. Sitting on the ground panting.

The three of Ouyang Ling also breathed a sigh of relief, and then rushed towards Feng Liuli by the cold pool, asking with concern.

"Are you alright? Are you scare us?"

Feng Liuli shook her head when she heard the caring words from the bottom of her heart. She didn't think that this episode would actually make the relationship between the four of them so much better. .

At this moment, none of the people sitting outside the crystal tower took a long sigh of relief, and their worried bodies all breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the eyes of several figures are still closely watching the weak sitting on the ground panting on the screen at the top of the crystal tower. At this moment, there is not the slightest image of a woman.

Even if he made such a rude action, it did not damage the splendor of the peerless man in the slightest. He was still dazzling, shining like a star, and lost everyone's eyes.

Looking at the greedy eyes of Feng Liuli from the few people around, Jun Limo sighed helplessly in the bottom of his heart, it is really difficult to chase his wife, so many people are jealous.

It seems that when he finds his future father-in-law and mother-in-law, he must marry this woman back home early, otherwise he will be too sorry for himself.

After resting for more than half a day, the spiritual power in Feng Liuli's dantian came back continuously, and was full of energy for a while. The three of Ouyang Ling were both pleasantly surprised and envious, but at this moment, the three of them were no longer jealous. color.

After getting along with these three levels, they still have full respect for Feng Liuli. If it were them, they knew that they would definitely not be able to do this.

Feng Liuli was the happiest at this moment. I didn't expect that all the spiritual energy that had been consumed had come back, and Hantan Jiao had also died, so even if it was a victory, he passed the third level.

At this moment, the blood-stained Hantan had already passed the third level in Feng Liuli and disappeared, and all he saw was nothing but an empty space.

If it weren't for the thick smell of blood floating in the air that has not yet dissipated, a few people would have almost thought that all this just didn't exist, then Hantan and Hantan Jiao never appeared at all.

"Let's go, it's getting late, let's go to the fourth floor!" Feng Liuli got up and walked towards the checkpoint on the fourth floor. The three behind Ouyang Ling followed without even thinking, and almost Feng Liuli was their leader. generally.

When the four entered the fourth floor, they saw an entire beautiful flowerbed.

All kinds of flowers are blooming, and the beauty is unbelievable. The air is full of floral fragrance. Taking a deep breath makes people feel particularly refreshed.

"Wow, so beautiful, so many flowers, so fragrant!" One of them smelled the rich and tangy floral fragrance, and smiled with a relaxed look on his face and full of admiration.

Occasionally the breeze blows, and the flowers all over the ground are constantly shaking their heads, extremely beautiful and bright.

"It's so beautiful. I didn't expect such a beautiful place in the crystal tower. It's amazing!"

Even Ouyang Ling, who was beside him, couldn't help but yearn for it.

"This place is really good, if only I could transplant these flowers into my yard!"

Thinking of this, Ouyang Ling still had some regrets.

Think of her as a dignified princess. Although there are all kinds of beautiful flowers in the palace, she has never seen such a beautiful, bright and fragrant flower.

Feng Liuli looked at the large flower garden in front of her, but she couldn't help frowning Zou's brows. She didn't admire like the other three, but felt that something was different.

But that weird feeling is impossible to say, what went wrong.

However, I couldn't help but smile when I saw the beautiful garden in front of me, it's really beautiful here.

Little did they know that Feng Liuli's faint smile became even more greedy in the eyes of many obsessed men outside the crystal tower.

Smile all over the city, smile all over the country, maybe that's the case.

Jun Limo listened to the sound of inhalation coming from the surroundings, and the dark jade-like eyes became even more dim, looking at Feng Liuli on the crystal screen, not to mention depressed.

Who said that men provoke peach blossoms, this woman's ability to provoke peach blossoms is even worse than that of men.

Suddenly, the expressions of everyone on the crystal screen became strange, and the expressions of everyone suddenly changed, and they shouted badly.

On the fourth floor of the crystal tower, Ouyang Ling and others were still admiring the beautiful flowers, but they suddenly became dizzy. The screen rises.

Although Feng Liuli was crying badly in her heart, she felt a little dizzy because of the scent of the flowers, and a terrifying picture suddenly appeared in her mind.

In the picture, a man in a black brocade robe and a robe tightly hugs the beautiful and gentle woman in his arms, but Feng Liuli can clearly see that the handsome and evil man with his head full of gentleness is not facing himself. but another woman.

And the handsome and innocent man was Jun Limo, but the other woman was not familiar to Feng Liuli.

In an instant, Feng Liuli's beautiful eyes were dyed with a storm, like a violent storm passing by clearly, full of anger and disbelief.

Almost at this moment, Feng Liuli felt that her whole heart was shattered, and her heart was so suppressed that she could hardly breathe. It was also at this moment.

She clearly felt her love for Jun Limo.

It turned out that she already loved him as much, and it turned out that Jun Limo had already exceeded her original plan in her heart.

In an instant, Feng Liuli swayed the glass sword and attacked a man and a woman in front of her.

Desperately thinking in my mind, all this is not true, not true, but it is unable to control the magic in my heart.

Outside the crystal tower, looking at Feng Liuli whose eyes were dyed blood red, Jun Limo stood up with a "clatter", and looked at Feng Liuli on the screen with worried eyes.

That almost crazy appearance shows that Feng Liuli is in a state of madness at the moment, it is completely irrational.

Almost in an instant, the people outside the crystal tower felt the difference in everyone, and their hearts were horrified.

"No, no, all this is not true, not true, repressed, repressed, this is not true..."

Feng Liuli reminded herself over and over again in her heart that all this was not true... Really, but seeing a man and a woman cuddling in front of him in front of him was indescribably dazzling.

Suddenly, Feng Liuli lowered her eyes, didn't move, just closed her eyes so quietly, so that her heart was quiet and quiet.

After a while, until Feng Liuli's entire body was in a quiet state, she slowly opened her eyes again.