The Little Lock That Could by warg on WoW

The story follows a young warlock, Aldwyn Nightingale, and his adventures in the world of Azeroth in which he works to master his craft and find his purpose as a warlock.

Aldwyn has a strong impact upon the world and its denizens, changing the fates of several characters and disturbing the balance between the Alliance and the Horde.

The Little Lock That Could is, at its core, a coming of age story, Aldwyn leaving his home in Duskwood as a naive, inexperienced and immature child with several flaws that negatively affect his interactions with others, such as his pride and his anger when he is underestimated or called a child. As the story progresses Aldwyn faces several trials and tribulations which lead him to gaining knowledge, experience, tempering his emotions, reaching a state of making mature responses and decisions and, most importantly, improving his social skills... at least a little.  finished  mature  2 day read  Tags:  worldofwarcraft wow warlock male characteroc startingat vanilla noharems nosmut darkisntedgy

  I'm honestly surprised by how enjoyable this quest is. QM is good writer, he's got no outstanding grammar fails or writing mistakes. The story flows properly and doesn't at all seem chopped up. But best of all you can tell he has a basic story line and plot. He uses the dice as a supplement, to add to the story instead of leaning on the dice to actually create one. We're still early into the quest but I advise anyone who enjoys WoW to join.

Reminds me a lot of Sophos Warlock quest. Ah...good times, good times. Let's just hope our future companions arent as incompetent in this quest.Review by mondemon