Chapter 6

It's been two days now since Mona discovered her father's plot. Today was their graduation party and the last day of their school.

Mona and her friend, Ella, had thought of various ways to solve the issue but it seems to be impossible. They sat down in their empty classroom, as they thought hard about what to do to save Mona from her dad's plot.

"Hey, Mona, why don't you just arrest him? ", Ella suggested after Mona turned down many of her suggestions.

"You know I can't do that, Ella. He is still my father, the only family I have", Mona refused.

"How can you have sympathy for scum like that? He wants to sell you off to a brothel owner girl", Ella insisted.

Left for her, Ella would have either arrested him or simply sent thugs to beat him up mercilessly but Mona was against it.

"I know but I can't Ella. He is all I have got. I can't lock him up. I don't have the heart to", Mona still insisted.

"Then what do we do? We have just two days to come up with a plan. I am running out of ideas already", Ella shrugged.

"There must be a solution, Ella. We just have to think," Mona said.

The girls were in a thinking mood as they paced around their big classroom. Suddenly, Mona stopped in her tracks.

"Ella, what does my father want?", Mona asked her friend with a grin.

"Girl, has the issue gotten into your head? Of course, he wants to sell you off!", Ella said in confusion.

"Yes, but why?", Mona asked.

"Because you are…a virgin?", Ella said in contemplation.

In response, Mona nodded her head before looking at her friend.

"My father wants to sell me because I am a virgin but what if I am no longer pure?", Mona asked grinning.

"Mona, I don't agree. It's ridiculous. How can you even think about it?", Ella vehemently refused.

"Do you have a better solution?", Mona asked.

"No, but Mona, we will come up with a solution. Please don't do that", Ella pleaded.

"I guess I would just give up then", Mona said, putting her head down.

"But this isn't a plan. You will be ruining your life", Ella insisted.

Mona looked at her friend. In a way, she would be ruining her life but does she have a choice? Feeling devastated, she burst out in tears that she had been holding back all this while.

"You've got me, Mona. I will always be here for you"

Mona continued crying and the thoughts of being sold to that sleazy old man hunted her. She wondered if she would ever escape her fate

Ella knocks on her head to bring her back to reality. She knew Mona was drowning in her misfortune again.

"What are you thinking about?", Ella asked.

"What if I just let my father have his way? There seemed to be no solution so far "

"How do you mean, Mona? Are you crazy?", Ella asked.

"Yes! I am going crazy since I found out I was going to be sold to an old sleazy bag! But what else can I do?" Mona broke down again.

She had never been this defeated all her life. She had always believed that there was always a solution to every problem. But now, what to do? She was now faced with her problem!

"I won't let him have it! I won't continue being his money bag!" Mona whispered brokenly. She raised her head up as a defiant expression passed through her eyes.

Ella was taken aback by the look but she brushed it off. In an attempt to cheer her friend up, Ella held her hand tightly with a wide smile on her cheek.

"Girl, I have a surprise for you but first let's go and eat something. I am starving!", Ella said to her friend as she dragged her towards the school gate.

"Where are we going? The school canteen is in the opposite direction"

"I never said I was going to the school canteen. Come, let's eat out" Ella said with a grin.

Mona followed this troublesome friend of hers. She had no idea where Ella was taking her to. Anyways, at this point, she no longer cares about anything.

And as Mona's luck would have it or should I say ill luck, they had to go to a restaurant just beside the bar she ran away from that night.

"Why here of all places?" Mona murmured to herself.

"What are you murmuring about?" Ella asked her friend curiously.

"Ella, do you hate me that much? Do you badly want me to be arrested before my doom?" Mona asked her friend as she lowered her head.

"What do you mean, Mona?" Ella asked still looking confused.

"Remember the nightclub issue I told you about?"

"Yes. The one you broke their drinks worth lots of money and you met a very hot and smoky pervert?" Ella said with a grin.

Mona shot her friend's look. How can she describe him like that? That wasn't how she described him, alright?

"That was how you described him that night, okay?" Ella said, guessing at her friend's thought.

Mona looked defeated but she suddenly looked anxious again." Ella, what if someone recognized me? I mean the girl I took over from might remember my face. She was the one that got me dressed up that night"

"Stop thinking too much. She would not be able to recognize you. It's a club girl, the lights are usually dimmed" Ella tried to assure her friend.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am. Can we please enjoy this meal now?"

Mona beamed at her friend. She forgot that it was indeed very dark that day. If she couldn't even see that pervert's face, why would anyone recognize her?

She happily dug into the food the waiter just brought. She was very hungry. Her father had taken all her money last night. She barely have any money with her.

As she was eating happily, she saw two girls walking into the restaurant looking unhappy. Their voices were loud as they sat down at the table behind her.

"That bitch was lucky the wine was paid by the customers even though she broke them all. I would have searched for her till the end of the world! Those wines were damn costly" one of the girls with straight blond hair fumed.

"Calm down, Gina. But how could the club hire someone without basic information?" The other black hair girl asked.

"The manager had no choice as I was sick and we were lacking workers that day"

"What if the customer hadn't paid?"

"Don't you know what Manager Greg would have done? I would have worked my ass out paying the money! And trust me I would have hunted her down!" The girl said in anger.

"Take it easy. I am starving" the other girl said as she signalled a waiter.

Mona's heart started beating erratically. She couldn't go on eating. Ella seems to have noticed too. She called on the waiter and quickly paid for their food.

"Come on, let's go and see the surprise now," Ella said as they quickly exited the restaurant.