Chapter 14

It was a hectic day for Ella as she walked down the alley leading to her apartment. She decided to take a stroll after her car broke down some blocks away.

She was in deep thought as she walked down slowly. She was thinking if it would be okay to tell Mona about her father. He looked ill and haggard. She had wanted to keep it to herself but she had seen him twice now hiding from her.

It's like he eagerly wants to see Mona but at the same time, he feels sorry for his actions. That was the expression Ella saw on Mona's father's face.

How would Mona feel if she told her about her father? Wouldn't she be pissed? As much as she doesn't trust Mona's father, he looked ill. Maybe she should just tell Mona. There was no harm in her knowing.

It would be her decision if she wants to visit him or not. Only Mona knows best what to do.

Ella got to her apartment and opened the door. She was surprised to see Mona at home this early. Wasn't she on night shifts? What happened?

"Mona, didn't you go to work today?" Ella asked, looking all over Mona's body to see if she was sick.

"I asked for a leave. I needed to sort some things out. What happened? You looked tired" Mona asked.

"It's been a very hectic day for me and my car had to break down today of all days!" Ella replied, sitting on the couch tiredly.

"So sorry. I had already heated your food. You can go and eat after you freshen up" Mona said.

"You are darling. I wonder what I would have done without you"

"Nothing. Nothing. That's how lazy you are girl" Mona said with a chuckle.

"That hurts, girl. I thought you loved me! You are so cruel and biting" Ella pouted.

"Yeah. I love and that's why I am telling you the truth. Nothing else but the absolute truth" Mona winked at her friend.

But it was clear from her expression that she wasn't too happy. Ella drew closer to her and watched her sigh deeply.

"Mona, is this about your father?" Ella asked. Somehow her mind was telling her that maybe Mona had seen her father.

"How did you know? Did you see him too?" Mona asked in surprise.

*Yeah, I did. I am sorry I couldn't bring myself to tell you. I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how you were going to feel"

"It's okay. You don't have to be sorry. I guess no one would blame you for doubting him. Even I also doubted at first until I traced him to the clinic he was admitted in. My father is very sick" Mona said, holding back her tears.

"What? Oh my God! What is wrong with him? I was shocked when I saw him and I wanted to tell you today too" Ella said.

"It's fine Ella. I already met the doctor in charge and according to the test results and diagnosis, he has a liver infection. But he says my father can be cured through a minor surgery which might cost up to five hundred thousand dollars in the first stage" Mona explained.

"Money is not the problem, Mona. Did the doctor say he can treat him? If possible we can move him over to my family's clinic. You can pay in instalments for the medical bill" Ella offered.

"That's what I have in mind too. So I would be moving him very soon. But I don't think I can afford the expenses at the hospital you mentioned" Mona said.

"You don't need to worry about that. I will work that out with my father. And it will also enable us to know if the diagnosis is correct too. What if this doctor is a fraud?" Ella said.

"I guess you are right. I am not getting a good feeling from all this but I have to put that aside for now. I need to attend to my father's health first. I warned him several times to quit drinking but he wouldn't listen!" Mona was so angry and pissed off.

"It's okay. Just get ready to transfer him by next tomorrow. I will speak with my father tomorrow so he can speak with the doctor in charge" Ella replied, calming her friend.

"Thanks for the offer. I didn't know of any good hospital that accepts instalments. All I have to do now is to pay for the accumulated treatment fee before transferring him over to your family clinic"

"Accumulated fee?"

"Yeah. The doctor had not been paid a dime except for the consultation fee. Luckily, the doctor has his lab. And he was saying something like he knows my mother way back in college or something. That was why he saved my dad when they rushed him in" Mona explained.

"Oh! That means he is quite a good doctor" Ella said.

"I guess so too. The fee is around ten thousand dollars. I just collected my pay for this week. It's around five thousand and my savings are about two thousand. I just need to get three thousand and I can discharge him. I will ask for a salary advance from my boss so I can pay for the instalments" Mona said.

"That's good. Don't worry about the remaining three thousand. I will give you that one. Just get prepared to take care of your dad, okay?" Ella told her.

Mona's eyes were filled with tears as she embraced her friend tightly. She was lucky she had a friend she could rely on.

All she had to do was to save her father. He was still her father and the only one she has in this life. No matter how many wrongs he had done to her, she can't deny the fact that he was her father.

She just can't watch her father die when she could at least try to save him. She was ready to do all she could to save her father.

"Don't die on me, father. You are all that I have" Mona mumbled to herself.