2: Training

It has been a week since my mother's death, Fugaku-sama offered me to lived at his house but I politely refuse saying 'I would like to visit my mother everyday', it would definitely cause a ruckus if I would start living at his house. And thankfully, Fugaku-sama didn't urged me any longer and just said that he would be sending me allowance every month until I became a Genin.

If there is one thing I'm sure off then it is my mother's death that was strange. Before her death she was just fine and was still energetic as ever. The tombstone of my ancestors and mother were a clue for sure, seeing how old they died, they didn't even past the age of thirty years old.

And my mother, no wonder she looked young! It was because she was still twenty-three years old! And here I though that maybe my mother was one of my Aunts in my past life that wanted to look so young.

Even though I am physically three years old, I am now mentally eighteen but my IQ is about 210 over according to my online doctor in the past. With my knowledge about this story I'll become strong and find out about what is the cause of my mother's death.

I suspect that my mother had already awakened her Mangekyo Sharingan judging from how she took her eyeball and transplant them into my eyes and the thing is that it only took maybe about nine days to regain my eyesight.

In other words I'm the second person to have possesed the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. . . Or am I?

And thanks to my Sharingan awakening together it had also awaken with the chakra. But I have no intention activating my Sharingan until I have a better chakra control and I'm strong enough to protect myself from the old war hawk.

If I remember from the story, in order to master the Tree Walking Exercise, I need to balance my chakra in my feet.

I had completely forgot about the hand seals in the story but thankfully the library in my house seemed to have knowledge about everything a shinobi needs.

But first I need to increase my strength in this infant body of mine even more, so I'd do some physical exercise, first I run around my house to see the limit on how much I could ran around from the house, earlier I calculated that the house is 16 meters in width and 14 meters in length. And if I were to run around the house in 4 laps then I could ran 1 kilometer and 20 meters.

Huff. . .

Sweats covered my body as I dragged myself on the bed, I could tell that I was about to pass out from exhaustion, I was quite suprise for a bit from the power that my new body displayed, I was able to run around for sixteen laps and if it were put into a kilometer it'd be 4 kilometers and 80 meters.

The next day I began with eating a crumbled egg and rice for breakfast. . . But there was nothing for me to taste, I couldn't taste anything at all, it felt like all I'm eating was burned ashes.

Sigh. . .

I should just eat, my taste buds doesn't matter what matter the most is that my stomach won't feel hungry.

After I finished eating I stretched for five minutes and began running around the house for just 4 laps, 20 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, and 20 squats, it would be better to let my body grow more stronger.

After I've done all of those exhausting exercises, next I began with the Leaf Exercise, since I've been meditating to increase my Spiritual energy since I was a week old or so maybe?

It caused me to have large Chakra Reserves, not that it was a bad thing though.

It took me 4 days to master the Leaf Exercise and the Tree Walking Exercise in just three days, after that, I move onto the next Exercise. This exercise is a bit hard as it took me a week to master it, but nonetheless my chakra control had improved.

I've already made a plan that I would not learn a single Jutsu until I turned 4.


If there was one thing in my past life that I couldn't do then it would be pulling off stunts.

My body was so weak that the left side of my stomach would start aching so much.

But now that I'm here there would be no problem pulling off some impossible stunts.

If I remember correctly in the original story Hatake Kakashi's father would be dead by now.

It was too bad since I'm sure that he would definitely be a strong shinobi that is able to go toe-to-toe such as Ōtsutsuki Kinshiki.

And if I train those two geniuses of the Uchiha Clan then they'd be even way stronger then the original story.

And about the Uchiha Clan they were quite strange, they were a bit different than what the original story said about the Uchiha Clan. This Uchiha Clan that I know were kind to the civilians and some seemed to be aware of the Uchiha Clan curse.

How did I know that some of the Uchiha members are aware of the Clan curse.

Then here's the answer; two months ago, I was just training my body when I accidently heard one of my Clans men saying to suppress the curse.

This is definitely different from what I knew, it would make sense that the Uchiha Clan still treated the civilians with respect, but that was until the Kyūbi incident happened, the village began suspecting them which led them to distrust each other and the Uchiha members began treating the civilians in the opposite of respect.

Sigh. . .


The library in my house sure has lots of Jutsu's that my ancestors own. As I planned I'm already 4 and the first Jutsu I would like to know is the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

This Jutsu was one of the reason that I choose to learn at the age of 4. Since the Shadow Clone consist enormous amount of chakra just to create a single Shadow Clone, for the past year I've only been physically training and increasing my chakra by meditating every day.

Looking at the books and Scrolls that my ancestors wrote with their own hand it made me come to a conclusion that they are a powerfull shinobi.

But the question is; Why did they die so young?

Sigh. . . This question of mine should be ask for another time, as I still have 5 years before the Third Great Shinobi War.

Damn, I have to prepare for the upcoming danger. And the only solution to that is to become strong enough to protect myself.

I performed the hand seal as a puff of smoke appeared revealing am exact replica of me.

Now that I saw myself I'm quite suprise at my appearance, normally, I never really cared about appearances but this was different in this body I have messy, neckline-length thin and black hair in a curtain style that I wear downface; I have long eyelashes and dark circles around my dark ######### eyes.

Anyways, I slapped the Clone as it didn't disappear. All of those training in one year finally paid off.

I summoned an another 4 clones as I felt my chakra decreasing, I tasked all of my clones to read the Chakra Theory, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Konoha History, and last but not least a book that contains information about the human body while using the Sharingan.

It would be great to defeat enemies faster with the knowledge I have about the human body.

While all of my clones began reading, I one sitting with my legs crossed, and put my hands together and began channeling my chakra throughout my body and focusing it as much as I can,

meditating will help strengthen my control over my chakra and increase it.

Moments later a memory transferred into my mind, I'm thankfull I have the Sharingan if not it would take hours to finish reading those Scrolls and books.


It has been a month since I learned my first Jutsu. I remembered Fugaku-sama stating that mother was like an older sister to him, I could use this to my benefits and read the Uchiha Clan Genjutsu techniques.

I knock on the door three times as Fugaku-sama opened it.

"Shota, what can I do for you?" He politely asked.

"Fugaku-sama if I may, could I enter the Uchiha Library that consist Genjutsu techniques?"

"It is fine. The Uchiha Library is not the same as the Konoha Library where you need a shinobi license to enter the Shinobi section."

At his reply, I do not know if he was comparing the Clan and the Village or he is just mocking.

But what he stated was true, the Uchiha Clan Library only allowed the Uchiha members to enter freely but needed the Clan Head's permission if a person doesn't have a Shinobi License.

But nonetheless, it is none of my business, after all, I obtained the permission that I needed.

I entered the Uchiha Library as an old lady librarian greeted me with a soft smile on her face, to which I smiled back and ask the directions towards the Uchiha Clan Genjutsu Section.

"It's in the left end corner, young man."

I thank the librarian as I head towards the left end corner of the library, I made sure that there was no one who could see me and quietly made 5 Shadow Clones and activate the Sharingan to absorbed all of the Genjutsu that was stated in the Scrolls and book faster.

All in all I read about 20 book and 10 Scrolls.

I head home as soon as I can and began organizing my thoughts filled with information and techniques about Genjutsu's.

It only took me an hour to organize my thoughts and understand the information, and my body collapse from the information that was transfered into this young body of mine.

I paitently waited for 10 whole days and began training my Genjutsu.


I spied on one of my Clansmen who was training shurikenjutsu, it is better to observe his training with my Sharingan since it is faster for me to master shurikenjutsu.

"Come out! I know that you're there!"

Well it is not a suprise for me that my Clan member was able to sense me.

"I apologize that I spied on you."

I bowed down at him and secretly observed his facial expression and as expected, the Uchiha Clan is better at hiding their emotions.

"Why are you observing me?"

"I wanted to train my Shurikenjutsu, but you see, it is my first time training this specific art and I absolutely have no idea what to do. Then I saw you walking onto the forest while holding a shuriken, so I'd assumed that you were about to train shurikenjutsu and I was right."

I stared at his eyes that widen for a bit, if I had to guess then he's shock after hearing me well-spoken with an advanced vocabulary and upper-class Japanese accent.

Well in my past life it was one of my habits, despite being a Filipino I like speaking an upper-class British accent, it even made my siblings wonder if I was ever adopted.

"Then why didn't you just say so? I could teach you."

I gave him a smile as I accepted,

"Thank you for giving me an opportunity to learn the arts of shurikenjutsu. My name is Uchiha Shota."

"Uchiha Asashi."