15: I Knew It

Kanae followed Number One to a narrowed alley way. kanae didn't know the reason why Number One suddenly told her to follow him so that they could talk privately. Kanae don't know what Number One would exactly tell her, but she had a feeling that it was something important.

Seconds had past and yet Number One still hadn't opened his mouth.

Seeing Number One didn't have the intention to speak first, she spoke.

"One-kun, what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

Kanae asked with a worried expression, who wouldn't be so worried when Number One just stared at her without smiling since the beginning.

At her question, he finally spoke.

"So tell me. . . How are you in this world?"

'Heh? How did he know. . . But I shouldn't make any assumptions.'

"What are you talking about One-kun?"

Number One scratched his neck. Right. . . He had forgotten, if anyone were to be reborn in this world like he is, they would do anything to hide this phenomenon.

"It's completely fine to freely speak in here, since no one would enter this abandoned alley way." Seeing that Kanae was confuse by his remark, he explained it in a most understanding way.

"I mean that no one here and we could now discuss how are you here in this world?"

Kanae gasped with widen eyes and put her hand over her mouth in realization.

"You mean you're also reincarnated into this world!"

Number One covered her mouth with his hand and 'shush'ed' her.

"Affermative. And the question is, why are you here in this world? Weren't you supposed to be fighting Demons? Flower Hashira."

"Who are you?" Kanae asked very cautiously, this boy in front of her know her past life.

"Who I am is irrelevant. What I'm about to say to you is very important. You should never become a shinobi."

"You're not the one who should decide whether I want to be one or not."

Number One scoffed at her remarks and smirked. He was gonna show this new reality to this girl.

"In your past life, it was your job to protect humans from the Demons who had been lurking around for about thousands of years. You and your younger sister Shinobu, became a Demon Slayer after your parents were killed from a Demon Demon. And together both of you vowed to protect others so that they would never feel the exact same pain you both went through. However, in this world you are gonna protect the village and the mission you were assigned to. And to complete a mission you kill others that were deemed as threat, do you think you can do it? This world as way more dangerous than you could ever imagine. This world is way more dangerous than your previous world. Do you still want to walk on the path of being a shinobi?"

Kanae was deep thought, her expression had said it all. What Number One said was true, her academy instructors has been also saying the same thing. But she doesn't like killing humans so she had made up her mind.

"Then I won't kill."

"Tell me Kanae, why do you want to be a shinobi?"

Number One asked while tilting his head to the side.

"In my past life, I hated that I was so weak and because of that our parents died. I hated it that I was too late that I couldn't protect other people's love ones. And to your question, I want to become a shinobi and be strong enough to protect my live ones."

Number One stared at her deeply onto her eyes. She had stated everything with determination. Number One smiled.

"You might regret your decision of being a shinobi."

"I'll try not to regret it."

Number One put his hand over his chin and asked.

"How come you still haven't unlocked your chakra?"

"Hmm, mother and father said that I will be unlocking it when I turned 6. But, how come you know so much about me?!"

Fuck. Number One hadn't thought about this situation.

"That is irrelevant. Come with me we'll start unlocking your chakra."

Number One said as he unknowingly grabbed Kanae's arms and headed towards his home.

"You do understand the concept of chakra right."

It wasn't a question. But a statement.

"Of course I do. Can't you atleast have a little faith in me."

Number One let out a mental sigh. He knew that Kanae was teasing him but payed now mind about it.

"Ne~ Ne~ I heard rumors that your clan are very arrogant."

"What arrogant? They are confident. Don't tell me you believe on those rumors?"

"Of course not!"

As they entered the Uchiha District, Number One Clan members noticed him bringing a girl in their compound. With a mischievous grin they whispered out loud in purpose.

"Would you look at that. Number One has a lover."

"I'm so jealous, being so young yet already have a beautiful girl."

"This guy and his beauty. Tch."

"Number One when's the wedding!"

Number One felt his eye twitch. This must be a payback since he had been teasing his clanmen out of boredom.

"Shut up! I'm only helping her with something."

The Uchiha Clan members snickered behind his back and continued whispering about him and Kanae.

"Don't pay any attention to their remarks."

"Oh my, maybe in the future you might need to be responsible about me. Fufu~"

'As if!'

* * *

"This is your home. There's no one in here."

"Number Two and Three are training."

"I never knew that you have an another brother."

"You never asked."

Number One said while passing her a scoll to which she swiftly caught.

"By the way how did you know that I am also reincarnated?"

"Your breathing is different."

Kanae nodded in understanding. If he know so much about her then he would also know about the Total Concentration: Constant.

"When did you know?"

"I have my suspicions in the hospital after hearing your family name and after that I continued to investigate it by observing your behavior, skills and everything."

"So in short you're basically stalking me."

Kanae teasingly said while her arms reflexively went up to cover her chest.

Number One don't know why, but this girl in front of him annoy him so much that even Number Two and Three couldn't achieve such annoyance personality.

"Just read the scroll and when your done tell me."

Number One said while keeping up with his facade smile and meditate.

* * *

"You didn't tell me that it take 5 days to finish reading the scroll."

Number One ignored Kanae's remark as motioned her to medidate.

"The scroll did state how to unlock a chakra right."

It wasn't a question. But rather to test whether she had read all of the sentences in the scroll.


She hummed while nodding.

Number One who just found out that Kanae was also reincarnated onto this world was very confuse. Does this mean that there are other people that originally didn't belong from this world. Number One would very gladly like to ask his only hope to answer his question regarding whether there are other people other than them reincarnated in this world, but he knew that its usual reply would be the; 'I lack information'.

30 minutes later, Number One looked at Kanae who opened her eyes with a smile on her face as she exclaimed.

"I didn't know that chakra could be this warm!"

It would made sense that her chakra is warm since it was stated that chakra seems to reflect its owner's personality and emotions.

"Okay since You've unlock your chakra, go home."

Number One said while taking a sip on his coffee, he could tell that Kanae was staring at him with weird eyes and confusion.

"I only said that I would help you unlock your chakra, not train you."

Kanae was silent for a moment. She wanted to get stronger after hearing the fact that this world was way more crueler than her previous world is, how else would she protect her family if she doesn't know how to increase her chakra. Her mother and father wouldn't allow to train her until she's 7. Number One was her only hope on getting stronger, she could take care of her physical body thanks to her knowledge.

"One-kun. Please, help me get stronger."

Number One was taken back at her sudden determination, that voice that wouldn't accept no for answer until he had agreed so.

"Fetch a leaf from the tree behind you, sit down and place it on your forehead. Now, take the chakra from your core and move it to your forehead and use the leaf as a focal point and gather your chakra there and concentrate on keeping the leaf stuck to your foreheads.  That is what you're going to start learning today, it is called the leaf exercise. The goal of the exercise is to control your chakra and focus it on a single point, thereby keeping the leaf from falling off. This exercise is meant to help you control your chakra, an aspect that is vital when it comes to furthering your career as shinobi. Without proper chakra control, you will just be wasting chakra. And thus, you would die if your chakra were to run out."

Kanae was delighted that Number One had agreed to her request and did so as she was told.

After a few seconds, Number One walk towards Kanae and attempted to blow the leaf off from her forehead as it didn't even rustle, when Number One decided to grab the tip it still didn't moved. Number One wasn't suprise at her endeavor since he did once asked Fugaku the kocho clans information. Fugaku said that the Kocho Clan was renowned for their kenjutsu style, medical knowledge and poisons and also high chakra control.

"You will repeat this exercise until next week. After that we would head to the next step of exercise."

* * *

'No wonder she's a Hashira in her previous life. She was prodigy when it comes to kenjutsu and a genius.'

Number One subconsciously exclaimed as he supervised Kanae who had just gotten on the top of the tree.

"Kanae-san! You should descend now!"

Number One said as he raised his voice just to make sure that Kanae could hear him. He rubbed his throat as he drank some coffee.

'This is why I dislike raising my voice.'

He thought in annoyance.

"Didn't I told you to drop the formalities."

"Didn't I also told you that you're way older than I am."

Number One said trying not to offend Kanae. 'Well, in consciousness that is.'

"Are you taking the Genin test in next month?"

"Hmm, well, I could of mother amd father would allow it."

Number One didn't say anything as he closed his eyes before reopening them again and let out a sigh.

"What now?"

Kanae at first didn't say anything as she just smiled, over these weeks Number One had already known almost everything about her.

"Next month is my birthday and my parents invited a lot of people this year since I am the next soon-to-be Clan Head. Can you come at my birthday."

Number One look away at her direction as her face seemed like she was begging him to join at her birthday since they were placed in a same situation.

"Fugaku-sama and Mikoto-sama said that they were friends with your parents, I figured that they would be also be invited to your birthday. So. . ."

"So. . . ."

"Yeah I could join your birthday."

Number One would have rejected her invitation m, but since Mikoto was friends with her parents then that also means that the protagonist parents might also also there.