Wild Kiss

He pulled away when both of them were totally out of breath. Zahra resisted him as much as she could but he was too strong for her. Her resistance was what he didn't like. He's her husband now and he has every right to kiss her then why the fuck was she so hesitant and resistive.

Zahra was panting heavily. Her face was all red due to the lack of oxygen. He sucked the breath out of her. His kiss was so demanding and brutal that she could feel her lips tearing up.

'What he is punishing me for?'

Her cheeks were wet by now. Her eyes were red and her lips were quivering with fear and pain.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Her voice was broken.

He didn't pay a mind to what she said and captured her lips in a soft and chaste kiss. Unlike his previous brutal and bruising one. He wrapped her legs around his waist and walked towards the bed while kissing her. His one hand was pressed onto her waist holding her and the other on the back of her neck. With a thud, he landed her onto the white-sheeted bed.

Fear bubbled up inside her. This was not right. This was not right at all. He pulled back from her and saw her fear-stricken face. He stood up and began to unbutton his shirt. His finger slowly opened the buttons of his white shirt and all the while he kept looking at her. Zahra crawled back. Fear was written on her face. She could feel her heart thudding in her chest so hard that it would almost pop out. Her legs were shivering.

He was her husband but no, she did not want that to happen. She can't let that happen to her.

"Please don't do this." She pleaded.

"Pl..ea..se I begg,"

Irtaza stopped after listening to her and dipped his hand in his pant pockets. He stood at the foot of the bed staring at her intensely. While her shivering body was crawling back on bed trying to be far from him as possible.

"Do you want divorce?" He demanded after giving her l good two minutes perusal.

"I already said in the morning. I don't want divorce." She replied instantly. Her tongue moving fast.

"I forced that out of you,"

"I ask again, do ya want divorce?"

Zahra couldn't understand him this bit. What was he trying to prove? She was so confused about whether to say yes or no. Was he asking for her consent? Without any enforcement? Then her answer is yes. She did want freedom from him.

"Yes," she answered.

"Zahra." he called out her name, "You should know there is no escape from me." His eyes held a dark promise in the. A promise which will haunt her in her dreams.

"What do... do you mean?" She stuttered. She knew what was coming up was not good. And his next words proved it.

"I told ya already. Be my wife or be my-"

"No! No! No! I don't want that. I don't want a divorce." She cried out hysterically. Indeed, she now knew there was no escape from him. She wholeheartedly accepted to be his wife than to be anything else. She was restrained. Either way, she was being crushed. But being his mistress was another level of crushing. She couldn't afford such a blow to her dignity and integrity. She clearly underestimated him by thinking he was going to leave her but he has other plans for her.

"Do you without any pressure accept this marriage then?" he asked taking his hand out of pocket and unbuttoned the third button of his shirt.

Now what she could do? She couldn't understand the motive behind his actions. He still was pressurizing her in a way that she was pressurized and at the same time she was not pressurized. If she says 'no' he will make her, his mistress which she can't accept. Over the years, she had learned the skill of reading people. Whom to mess with or whom to mess with not. And one glance at his face told her all, he was not the one to be mess with, and if you did, he will make you cry tears of blood. Her subconscious was telling her that this man standing right in front of him would not back off of his words. He will definitely act upon what he claimed. And Zahra can't afford that. She cant bear this much humiliation of being someone's mistress. Even the thought of it made her puke.

And if she said 'yes', she would by her own will and consent, accept this marriage. She then couldn't blame him that he forced her into this marriage. She willfully accepted this marriage. The selection of his words, the way he placed the options in front of her, the way he speaks, the way he looks everything about him was so clever. He indeed was a sharp man. A perfect definition for, 'Beauty with Brains'

"Hmm, Zahra? What's taking you so long?" He asked unbuttoning his cough links.

"I accept. I wholeheartedly accept this marriage without any pressure." She immediately said. Her breathing was fast and rapid contrasting with her heartbeat.

"Kiss me then," he demanded and her eyes widened.

He never failed to shock her every now and then. His words were so unpredictable. No one could ever guess what was going on in his head. He was just so sharp and clever that she was unable to understand any of his moves.

"I don't like waiting." his voice turned more cold and dominative causing a shiver down her spine.

She didn't want that. The mere presence of his caused her hyperventilation then how can she kiss him. When will he leave her?! How will she face Daniyal?

"Zahra," he warned and that was enough for her. She slowly moved towards her on her knees and was about to place her lips on his cheek when his next words stopped her.

"On the lips baby,"

She gasped with horror and begin to hyperventilate. She was unable to bring enough confidence inside her to directly kiss him on the lips.

"I repeat Zahra," his calloused hand abruptly groped her ass tightly, "I don't like to wait." he gritted and spanked her ass, hard.

She hissed and without pondering much attached her soft lips onto his pink ones for a nanosecond and was about to pull back when he jerked her head forward and prolonged the kiss by forcing her lips on his.

He pulled back and stared at her fear-stricken eyes. She thought i wast over but it had just begun.

"Dare to bite my tongue this time then see what happens," he said and striked her lips against his sealing them.

He was kissing her lips hungrily. He wrapped his hand around her waist and slowly pushed her back on the bed hovering over her. Her heart was thundering in her chest so hard that she could hear the beat in her ears. She kept pushing his chest with her tinie tiny fists but he was not even affected this bit.

He thrusted his tongue into her lips but she tightly held her teeth together not giving him any entry. He smirked against her lips and bit her lower lips hard causing blood to ooze out. Without thinking much she hissed and her hold on her teeth dwindled and he shoved his tongue down her mouth tasting every bit of it. His tongue danced against her and coaxed it to move but it didn't budge. Her mouth which was dry due to the immense fear she felt at the moment got wet by his tongue. He roamed it around her mouth and sucked on her luscious lips.

One of his hands was knitted in her locks and the other cupped her cheeks tightly holding her face. His elbows were propped on the bed bearing his weight. His legs were bound around her waist ceasing all her movements. She was constantly squirming and moving her legs to loosen his hold but he was too heavy. He was practically eating her lips and giving her no time to breathe.

The silent room was reverberating with her muffled cries and the sound of his harsh kisses. She constantly was fighting him but he was way too stronger than her. His immaculately well-built body was proof of his gym sessions and her tiny and fragile body was evidence of her never even seeing the face of the gym. How can she fight him? He was so muscular and brawny and he was not even stopping. Her lungs were constricted due to the lack of oxygen and her body was heating from inside as someone had placed hot coals in her system. He was choking her without even holding her neck. Zahra's throat got parched and her eyes were red due to the lack of oxygen.

Irtaza hardened the grip on her locks and she yelped with pain in his mouth. He pressed his body on hers and her eyes almost came out of their sockets when she felt his member stroking on her stomach. She thought she was going to pass out due to lack of oxygen, her head began to feel light and all the room started to swirl around in front of her eyes. He bit her lips, hard on the same spot where he bit before and pulled back panting heavily getting off of her.

As soon as he pulled back she began to take big large breaths gulping down as much air as she could. Her whole face was red and streaked with tears. She placed her hands on her chest and breath in and out heavily while Irtaza sat on the sofa slightly panting.

"I treat a slut more worse than this. You took a wise decision," he said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"But then why did you reject and humiliated me in front of the whole family?" she cried after catching her breath.

'Why did you give me the hope I'll be free from you?'

In a flash, he sat by her side on the bed. She immediately cast her eyes down not looking straight at him. His grey metallic shards do things to her heart and she felt like melting away in those eyes but they scared her more than anything else that is why she does not rather she could not look straight into his eyes.

He rose her head with her chin and compelled her to look straight in his eyes. His gaze lingered to her wet bruised luscious lips and Zahra's heart stopped there.

No! Not again! My lips can't bear it anymore!

She abruptly took her lower lips between her teeth ceasing any action by his side. He was amused at her response and slightly chuckled. He released her lips from her teeth by his thumb which held her chin and pecked on the same spot where he bit her making her hiss.

"Didn't I tell you last night? These lips are mine too kiss."

Anger flashed in her brown orbs. He was dominating her controlling her and never in her life she had liked to be dominated. First, he kissed her brutally and then claimed her lips as his. She has to bear the pain inflicted on her lips not him. Her anger raised. Her heart began to beat rapidly due to the anger swelling inside her.

"These lips are mine. Not yours and I can never be yours." she blurted without thinking.

He smirked. An evil smirk, that made her anger fly out of the window and replace it with fear.

"Oh really?" he cocked his brow and her heart stopped.

She began to crawl back fearful of what was about to come. He suddenly held her by her waist ceasing her movements.

"I should show it to you then," he said and smashed his lips once again against hers.

This time he took more time in sucking out all the life out of her. He hovered over her and place half of his body weight on her. He didn't pull back and kissed her brutally for straight five minutes. She kicked, squirmed, turned but all in vain. Her screams came out muffled. She was begging her with his eyes to leave her but he wasn't paying any attention. She was not able to catch her breath properly from his previous assault on her lips and he was kissing her again.

"Who these lips belong to senorita?" he asked after pulling back.

Her face and ear were all red and she was breathing heavily. Her shoulders began to pain due to the constant lack of oxygen.

"Say it!" He growled.

She flinched at his loud voice. Her brain froze and senses were shocked and she only felt immense fear. She could not bring it in herself to answer him. She did not want to back off of her words.

"Say before I fuck your mouth" he snarled.

"You. They belong to you. Only you." she said breathlessly. She cannot bear that happening. The mere thought of it once again made her want to puke.

He got off completely of her body and she sat down draping her dupatta on her chest still panting heavily.

"I rejected you because you rejected me infront of my whole family. I, not in any way, tolerate disrespect and disobedience. It was simple, you disrespected me I humiliated you." he said staring at her fragile form while pushing his hands inside his pockets.

Her eyes widened. He only rejected her in front of the whole family to humiliate her. She never rejected him with the intentions of disrespecting him. He was so inhumane, cruel and cold like a monster who does not possess even a single emotion.

"Next time you will think thousand times before saying any fucking thing to me."

"As I told ya think before you speak." he smiled, a smile which didn't reach his eyes. He was looking deranged to her, scaring her more.

Her fear for him was growing after every second. From last night she had felt complete repulsion and utter terror from him.

He held her chin to which she flinched, his slap resonating in her ear.

"Ask them I am convinced for the marriage."

He retreated his hand back, buttoned his shirt, took his coat from the sofa, and opened the door to go out. He was about to leave when he slowly turned around and saw her gawking at him.

"And Zahra never think of betraying me. Not even in your dreams," he said and her breath hitched because of the intensity she witnessed in his eyes. He shut the door leaving her all alone to dwell on the miseries of her life.

But she just kept thinking about Daniyal.