
The door shuts.

And she was left alone.

She helplessly looked towards the closed door. Her heart drummed in her ears. Her face paled and her hands clammy with nervousness and fear.

"Zahra" he called out her name. She turned around and saw him seated on his chair, pensively looking at twirling the pencil in his fingers. His thick black eyelashes shadowed his well-defined cheekbones as he leaned against the back of his chair. His face was stoic, void of any humane emotion, and depicted as if he was in deep thought. Moments passed but he continued to look at the twirling pencil. And then he slowly and steadily looked upwards. His eyeballs follow the slow movement of his eyelids.

It was then their eyes matched.

Gleaming grey against dull brown!

His strikingly sharp gaze pinned her to the spot. His eyes were intense as always and his grey iris was as usual sparkling like diamonds in the middle of his eyes. His eyes can engage someone just by a single glance. They were like a universal magnet that can attract anything towards them. If one stares directly into his glassy greyish metallic eyes he would be lost in them and continue to focus on them until his trance is broken. So was Zahra, lost in the beauty of his eyes. They were elegant and shining and then she got lost somewhere.


"The sky is beautiful." She said staring at the sky with her brightened eyes, which were full of life. The sunlight reflected on her brown eyes.

"And you're beautiful more than the sky itself." Daniyal complimented while staring at her intensely.

"What if I was not beautiful then would you have loved me?" She asked out of nowhere, still gazing at the sky.

He stopped for a moment and pensively thought on her statement.

'Is it just only because she is beautiful?' his mind questioned.

'No' his brain denied.

'Yes,' his subconscious spoke.

They both sat on an isolated bench in a garden, watching the sunset. The sky was glimmering with the mixtures of yellow, orange, and blueish shades. The sharp orangish sunlight was standing alone in that sea of colors. It felt like nature has drawn a bright fire in the sky. The rays encircled the little looking sun making its rounded shape prominent in the middle of the oceans of that fiery sky. The mere scene was so eye captivating and enticing that no one would ever like to look away from that beautiful scene, especially from the sun which stood in the middle of those myriads of colors making the sky more alluring. It was the sun that was engaging her mind to an extent that she forgot her question and his reply which was nothing.

The sun had the power to captivate her mind and so does his grey eyes.

Flashback ends

'Daniyal' she muttered in her mind.

"What are you gawking at?" He asked breaking her trance, already knowing her deep intense stare on him. His voice was playful. Then it fell upon her, she was staring at him like a total fool.

"Uhh... I'm sorry." She replied looking away.

"Come here." He ordered, placing the pencil back on the table and steepling his fingers before leaning his elbows against the desk. His voice back to his dark and dominant tone.

Her heart which calmed for a moment was back again in its abnormal rhythm. The situation slowly sank into her mind again and she realized that she was in big trouble. His eyes have captivated her so much that she forgot everything for a moment.

He didn't say anything but rather continued to stare at her scared form for a moment. He could see her face getting paler and paler with every passing second. Her irregular breathing began to sound in the silent office.

"If you want to walk out on your legs then come straight here," He warned.

It was then she decided not to even move an inch from her place. She cannot walk towards her doom. She tightly fisted her hands to stop them from shaking but her legs were already giving out. They turned into jelly and was unable to hold her weight. Her heart was violently stroking her ribcage making her unable to breathe.

He stood up and began to move towards her. He knew already that calling her to come to him over and over will not make her walk to him on her foot as she was too afraid of his presence.

Zahra gasped with horror, watching him move towards her. She could hear the irregular beatings of her heart in her ears. Her ragged breathing increased with his every step. She immediately turned around in an attempt to run for the door. Her fingers reached for the door as she half-opened the door and before she knew it, a large calloused hand was placed on the door, pushing the door shut and locking it

She was caged between him and the door. Her back slightly pressed against his front as his expensive cologne invaded her senses.

"Now if you want to walk out of this room alive then turn fucking around!" He gritted his order, whispering it near her ear.

Her breath hitched. Her heart dropped into her stomach. Helplessness and utter terror again consumed her senses, panicking her brain.

She slowly turned around and looked down towards the wooden floor, not able to match his intense raged eyes.

He raised her head by her chin and compelled her to look straight into his eyes which she hesitantly did.

His sharp grey eyes inspected her face which portrayed only fear and anticipation.

Anticipation of what he will be doing to her.

Anticipation of how he will be punishing her.

Anticipation of how she will survive these horrendous minutes of her life.

And the fear of him!

He narrowed his eyes at her causing her breath to stuck in her throat. His fingers slowly moved and stroked her perfect jawline. His eyes stared directly into hers. His face was stoic as he continued to stare at her with deep emotion.

"Why do you insist on defying me Mrs. Irtaza?" He asked, playfully moving his thumb on her jawline, causing a cluster of tingles to arise from there.

"Hmn? What should I do about that?" He questioned and retreated his hand back, dipping it into his pockets.

She remained quiet and her big fearful widened eyes continued to look into his grey ones. She felt weird about him calling her that.

Mrs. Irtaza?

She could figure out the lingering threat behind his words. Moments passed but she didn't answer as nothing was coming into her chaotic mind at the moment.

"Answer baby girl." He frowned urging her to answer him.

"I....did..not...mean to." She immediately replied stuttering with the first thing which came into her mind.

He chuckled in response.

"If you don't mean to then how is that whenever I order you to do something you directly defy me. Just like now, I called you to come to me but you didn't. What should I do about this attitude of yours?" He mused.

"You scare me." She blurted out whatever was in her mind and braced herself for his assault, immediately looking away from his eyes to the floor.

He slowly grazed her white cheek making her flinch. Her skin was smooth against his fingers.

"I scare everyone señorita." He huskily whispered and raised her head by delicately clasping at her jaws.

"Imagine my disappointment, when I already had decided to take you on a dinner with me but found you out in a restaurant, already enjoying yourself and that too when I clearly had ordered you not to step out the haveli. I always have reasons for reprimanding someone for not doing something. And now you've become another goal for my enemies who are keeping hawk-like eyes on me and my family." He stated in his low yet deep voice. His rhythm was slow letting each syllable sink into her mind.

"Now time for the punishment." He said and unclasped his hand around her jaw.

"Kneel." He ordered causing her heartbeat to go wild.

"Sorry" she abruptly said.

"Shh..... not a single word." He replied. She knew what was coming will not be good and will traumatize her. She cant do it.

"Kneel Zahra" He ordered in his manly voice causing cold shivers to run down her spine.

"No! Please! No am sorry!" She hysterically said.

A voice kept on banging at the back of her head.




She took a step back towards the door and moved her hand towards the doorknob to unlock it whilst still looking straight into his eyes, already knowing he is watching her every move like a hawk. But nothing was coming into her mind at that time. It was chaotic, filled with horrifying thoughts, frightening her more and more. Her sanity was running out and she did what that voice said, made an attempt to run.

He tilted his head and watched her amusedly, his hands in his pockets. He already had told her, that her petite frame was not able to bear the wrath of his punishments but she kept on defying him.

Her fearful widened eyes continue to stare at him as she somehow tried to unlock the door but her hand was shivering so bad. She was half-turned towards the door, her eyes chaotically moved toward the doorknob which wasn't opening and suddenly the familiar dark aura surrounded her senses making her breath hitch.

The devil encaged her between him and the door.

"You don't like it easy." He admonished in his cold and deep voice causing a river of goosebumps to wash over her body. She tightly closed her eyes hoping all of it was a dream but his hot breath fanning against her neck told it all to her.

"Turn around" he ordered stoically.

Ya Allah!

With the speed, her heart was beating she was sure she will soon have a heart attack. She took a deep breath to calm herself but it didn't work much. She slowly turned around and looked down towards the wooden floor.

He raised her chin and compelled her to look straight into his eyes. Fear was evident as water in her eyes.

"Sorry," she said the first thing which came into her terrified mind.

He inspected her pale face for a moment making her heartbeat go wild. Anxiety is conspicuous on her face. Her chest heaved up and down with her small irregular breaths. Her stomach twisted with fear. She knew what was coming will good for her. She shouldn't have disobeyed him. Guilt strongly clutched at her heart. She continued to pray inwardly to get her out of this ordeal. Ominous thoughts were constantly running in her mind. She just wanted to run and run and go far away from him where he could never catch him.

"Pl..eas...e" She insisted in her shuddery voice.

He slowly begin to graze the back of his fingers on her protruded collarbone causing tingles to arise from that area. His eyes fixed on her jutted-out clavicle.

It was then she knew something sadistic running in his mind and she is doomed. Her breath got stuck in her throat. She braced herself for his upcoming assault.

He sensually brought his lips near to her ear causing her heart to drum in her ears. She knew he would not spare her and that thought alone made her system nauseatic as she felt dizzy and light-headed.

His hot breath fanned her neck. His front slightly pressed against her front. His fingers still stroking her beautiful bone. He nibbled on her earlobe and she knew she was done. He slowly tucked some stray strands behind her as he breathed in her strawberry scent and his next words made her eyes widen with surprise and uncertainty.

"You're forgiven" He whispered in his deep husky voice just a few centimeters away from her ear as he removed his fingers from her collarbone and pulled away from her. He wasn't surprised to see her astonished face.

"Really?" She asked uncertainly.

He nodded his head curtly as a response but still, she was uncertain. She wanted to confirm whether he meant what he said.

"D..oo you for..give me?" She meekly asked, still unsure.

"Yes, I do señorita." He replied shortly, keenly observing her suspicious face.

"You wo...not pun....ish me for, for dis...obeying you?" She hardly got the sentence out of her.

"Do you want me to?" He mused.

Her mouth gaped as she violently shooked her head.

"No! I just thought-" She hysterically replied.

He chuckled after seeing her innocent reaction and held her wobbly chin delicately.

"I won't punish you." He replied firmly.

"Waada?" She asked again like an innocent four-year-old kid. She had that thing in her, she did not trust anyone easily and that was why she continued to ask him over n over.


"Waada" he replied as he pulled her thumb away.

"Irtaza," she called out his name, "pakkay Wala?"

(A real one?)

Something hit him, his name sounded so surreal and charming in her voice to his ears.

"Pakkay wala." He replied staring directly into her uncertain eyes and looking at her as if she is real. Her innocence attracted her more to him than her beauty.

(Yes a real one)

She visibly sighed in relief as her shoulders slumped down and the breath which got stuck in her throat was out again. Her heartbeat and breathing were back to normal, the fog of looming threat was no more there and a small smile broke on her lips. A small smile of success and suddenly tears begin to flow down her eyes. She felt as if a heavyweight is lifted off her shoulders. She did not know why she was crying but she felt overwhelmed. She was so afraid and fearful that her legs won't stop shivering and after listening to his three words she felt so relaxed yet so vulnerable. Her heart wasn't in her control as she hugged the first person which came into her sight which was the devil himself and began to cry on his shoulder.

She needed that. Someone's hug, someone's shoulder, and at the moment she didn't care on whose shoulder she was crying her heart out. She only wanted to make her heavy heart light as she tightened the hug making his shirt wet with her tears and soon small, soft began to rack her petite form.

Irtaza was taken aback when she suddenly engulfed him in a bone-crushing hug. He let her go this time only because of the immense fear he witnessed on her face so he decided to let her disobedience slide this time but in actuality, his callous mind wanted to punish her so badly because he never had taken disobedience well. But he wanted her to breathe freely so he let it slide moreover her childlike tactics turned him on and he wanted to take those quivering lips into a chaste kiss while tying her to the table and fucking her brains out. Yet her broken bone-crushing hug was least expected.

Her little sobs gained his attention back as he begin to run his fingers slowly into her silky hair to soothe her hysterical nerves. She had tightly gripped her shirt like her life was dependent on it, making him slightly chuckle.

"Tumhari aadhi jaan tw muj sei darney mein nikal jati hai," He muttered to himself and continued to massage her silky locks.

(You are so afraid of me)