

It was what she felt the very next second those words left her mouth. She didn't know what brought those words out of her mouth. For the past few days, she felt everyone around was pushing her into an abyss of darkness. She didn't want this marriage yet she already had given her consent. Every single soul around her was busy with the preparations for her wedding. But she wanted to stop all of these arrangements and hustle and bustle in the haveli at any cost. With every passing day, she felt an unusual feeling surrounding her. She was feeling that soon she is going to be caged as few weeks were left for the rukhsati. No idea was coming to her mind that how to stop this marriage. She wanted to run and run until no one can find her. She wanted to scream this in front of everyone that she is being forced into this marriage. But she didn't have the courage to do so. She did not know how to stand for herself.

Only one crazy thought hit her mind that compelled her to blurt those words out. She thought to beg Irtaza to stop this marriage, maybe he will listen to her but as soon as she said that regret was the first feeling that entered her system and the second one was,


She heard no sound from the other side of the phone. Nothing came. No sound reached her ears. He was silent. Utterly silent

Every feeling consumed her system as a ray of hope begin to shine in her mind. His silence means he might be considering her words. A small new courage entered her soul with only this thought as she decided to continue.

"Ple..ase." She insisted.

She knew she was playing with fire but she wanted to give this thought a chance. She wanted to persuade him to divorce her. According to her, there was always some goodness in everyone and she was trying to provoke that 'goodness' out of him. And his silence on her words was giving her new hopes and guarantees.

"Pl..ease stop this marriage." She continued. She felt every single thing at that time, courage, hope, fear.

Still no answer. Only his calm breathing could be heard. Her hopes grew high now.

"I don't want it." She carried on.

Still, no answer came. She expected him to lash out at her but his response was the opposite, silence, which grew a lot of courage in her. She was still thinking that he will let her go.

How naive of her!

And then she uttered the next words which provoked the beast inside him.

"I won't divorce." She pleaded.

"Zahra," he called out, his voice calm and composed, opposite to his demeanor, "I am gonna give you a set of advice," he told, "for your betterment."

She was confused about what did he mean as regret and utter fear again consumed her and it grew by leaps and bounds with his next words.

"First, I will never let you go. You can never leave me rather I won't allow it and if you are so hell-bent on not being my wife then my second option is still there for you. Remember what was it?"

Her hands begin to shiver badly as she recalled every heinous deed he did to her. His words lingered in her brain as she remembered his words.

Be my whore

Her hopes were trashed within seconds causing her heart to shatter in million pieces as a sudden fit of fury absorbed her.

"Mein bhaag jau gi." She declared feeling brave but she knew she was doing the most foolish thing ever in her life. Her state would have been different if he was in front of her.

(I will run away)

"My wife, My naive wife," He chuckled darkly and the very next second every bravery, courage, hope left her, and fear entered every ounce of her body. Her hands begin to shiver badly as she tightly held onto the phone.

"Try it. Do try it but then I will not be responsible for what I'll do to you. Maybe you'd have the opportunity to hold your broken legs in your hands. You wish for that?"

"N..nhi," her small voice answered.


"And if you want to save your ass from me then never dare to utter those words again, you've only seen a part of me yet, don't fucking provoke me." he gritted the last part, "Trust me I am being very lenient with you. You can't afford to face the real me."

"And if next time I hear that you want a divorce from me then I will fucking do that but after that, you can't stop me from making you, my mistress." He gritted.

Cold sweat begins to pop out of her forehead as she begins to feel dizzy. What had she done?

"Sor..rry" She stuttered breathlessly and cut the call very next second before he could say anything. She took large gulps of air. Soon big sobs began to rack her whole form. She felt helpless and hopeless now. He won't let her go ever.

She immediately called Daniyal trying to get over her anxiety. The call was answered instantly.

"Daniyal he won't let me go," She helplessly said in her broken voice.

"Zahra, what happened?" He asked worriedly.

"I asked him.... to divorce me.....but he says that he won't let me go and I told .....him that I'll run away so he said that...I've only seen a fraction of him. I can...t afford to see the real him. Save me... Please... Daniyal. I run from him." She cried profusely as she told him everything.

"Zahra are you in your senses? Why did you tell me that you will run away? What if he got a clue about our plan!" Daniyal exclaimed worriedly.

"I don't know... I don't know what got in me. I thought he might leave me if I will ask him to. I don't know why I said that to him..... I don't know but there was a hope inside me that he might listen to my pleads. I don't know, I don't know!" She sobbed.

"Zahra don't ever repeat this mistake. I've sorted out everything. I already have rented an apartment where we will be staying for a few days after that we will move to another city. I have talked to the lawyer as well. He will help us to get you a divorce."

"Daniyal what if he caught us?"

"He won't. He had no clue about our plan Zahra but the only thing is to get you out of the haveli somehow. I came to the haveli two days ago just to know about security. The security is extra tight at both ends of the haveli. There is no possible way you can run out of the haveli. I'm still thinking about it."

"I am afraid Daniyal. Dada had already declared that I can't leave haveli without Irtaza's permission. And after the previous incident, he has a strict eye on me. Every security guard knows here that I am not allowed to go out without his permission. I'm practically caged in this haveli. No one can go against him as he is the head of the haveli. I don't know how will I get out of this wretched haveli."

"I am always there for you Zahra. There is no need to be afraid"

"Thank you so much Daniyal"

He was her sanity.


"Dua, Haya beta at least drink juice. You both didn't even have your breakfast properly "Their grandmother said as both Dua and haya were rushing out of the haveli. Their summer breaks from the university were over and today was there the first day after the holidays.

"No dadi please we are already late," Dua said quickly as she watched her clock and her eyes widened for a millisecond.

"Haya when is your first class?" She asked.

"At 9:30. Now come on hurry we're getting late." Haya said.

"Dumb it's 8:30 yet we still have an hour left."


"Yes, the arrow of my wristwatch was showing it at 9:30 but when I saw it it was 8:30. We woke up extra early."

"Now you both come on and get your breakfast." Asma aunty said as they both moved towards the table and got seated.

"Zahra what are you studying? Why don't you get admission into one of the universities in this area?" Dua asked Zahra as she poured some juice into her glass.

"Doctor of pharmacy. Next year will be my last year." Zahra said proudly.

"Ohh nice. Mine and Haya's uni is the same but they don't have a department of d-pharmacy there. There is a university just a few minutes away from our university, it is one of the best institutes here which helps you in becoming a D-pharmacist. You can take admission there. Come with us today."

"Really? I wan-"

"If Irtaza approves it only then Zahra is allowed to go to university." Her grandfather cut her.

Zahra was flabbergasted. Now even this decision was also in his hands? She felt like a doll who does not have any emotions. Tears begin to sting at the back of her eye. She was caged here in every way. Her father dreamed that she could be one of the well-known D-pharmacist but bit by bit everyone here was shattering her hopes and dreams here.

No dialogues were exchanged after that. Soon the breakfast was over as everyone retired to their respective businesses and Dua, and Haya left for their universities. Zahra looked at them longingly and then went to the kitchen to make a fruit salad for her. She always craved a fruit salad whenever depression or anxiety hits her.

Taking the bananas out of the fridge she peeled them off and begin to cut them into chunks on the cutting board.

'Baba, do you remember the first day when we both went to the university for my admission? How much happy were you! How much happy was I! It was your dream baba to see your daughter as a successful D-pharmacist but you know what baba everyone here is crushing my hope. Every day here brings me a new sorrow. Baba am I a sinner? Have I ever committed such sins which are unforgivable? Why Allah don't listen to me? No one cares about my emotions, my feelings, what I want. The days I've seen after you've left me were no less than a calamity for me. Baba, I want to die! I've no desire to live anymore. Every single decision of my life is in Irtaza's hands. I know he won't let me go. I know he won't let me continue my studies. I feel choked and restrained. I'm tied to him. Can't you come and save me?

It was then her sanity cracked and tears begin to flow out of her eyes. Her emotions welled up and she begin to cry. She viciously cleared her tears but they kept on flowing down.

'Now am no longer able to fulfill your dreams baba'

Another tear slipped and fell but she didn't care now.

'My hopes are shattered'

Another tear flowed and dropped onto her hand which was busy cutting the chunks of the fruit.

'I'm caged baba'

It was then tears begin to freely flow out of her eyes as her lips begin to quiver. She placed the knife beside the cutting board and begin to softly cry without any sobs.

Suddenly two hands encaged her between the shelf and his muscular body. A familiar cologne invaded her senses causing her breath to hitch.

It was Irtaza!

His head dipped into the crook of her neck as he placed her hands on her belly and flushed her body against his. Her back towards him.

"I missed you wife." He whispered huskily and slightly pushed aside the dupatta covering her neck, placing a soft wet kiss over there. He pressed her body more into him showing his need for her. His free hand begin to draw patterns on her waist as he continued to smell her strawberry scent. His stubble tickled her jawline.

Zahra wiggled in her grip and tried to free herself but all in vain against his strong grip. He turned her around to lock her lips in a deep passionate kiss but before he could do that, his eyes fell on her tear-streaked face,

He frowned and trace his thumb on her lower quivering lips.

"What happened to my senorita? Why is she crying?" He questioned softly while tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear as he continued to caress her lips.

"I wanted to go to university... but Dada said I can't go....until you approve and I know you won't approve." She croaked out in her heavy voice as big sobs began to rack her whole frame.

Irtaza pulled her in a hug as his fingers threaded into her locks and begin to softly massage her hair. She was crying on his chest. His heartbeat reached her ears and his expensive cologne hit her olfactory bulbs.

He placed a soft kiss on top of her head as she continued to cry but his next words nearly got her breath hitched and ceased her sobs.

"Who told you I won't approve it?" He questioned.

She pulled away and looked at him all surprised.

Is going to let me go to University?

"You don't have any objection?" She asked uncertainly.

"No" he replied looking sincerely into her big brown eyes.

"It means I can go to University?"

"Yes" he answered and her eyes glimmered with happiness. Her heartfelt light and a bright cheeky smile adorned her face. She was so happy! She can fulfill her father's dream now!

"Thank you so much. Thank you so so much." She squealed with joy whilst clearing tears from her face.

He smiled, looking happily at her innocent wife.

"Thank you is not enough." He said taking a step towards her.

She looked at him, unsure.

"Umm... What do y..ou" She asked innocently, feeling her heartbeat escalate as he took one more step towards her, almost caging her between the shelf.

"I mean this" With that being said he smashed her lips onto hers and passionately captured them into a deep kiss.

His lips softly moved onto hers as his fingers threaded into her locks to manoeuver her head. She suddenly jumped when his fingers moved and groped her ass, pulling her up to settle her on the shelf. He opened her legs wide and settled himself between her whilst kissing her. His lips sucked at her lower lip and he trusted his tongue into her mouth in one go deepening their passionate moment.

His one hand was on her waist and the other roaming on her body. He pulled away and slowly begin to pepper sloppy kisses starting from her jawline to her neck. His lips moved towards her cleavage which got visible because of the low neckline. He planted a soft kiss there and then attached his lips again onto hers while his other hand viciously groped her bosoms as he tightly held onto her hair pushing her face more into him.

Zahra's eyes widened for a second when she saw who was standing near the kitchen door. She pushed at his shoulder and wiggled in his grip causing him to pull away. He got the hint someone was standing behind him. He grabbed her dupatta and laid it on her front to cover her chest. He turned around and saw Haseeb standing near the door with a flushed face and a wide mouth. As soon as his eyes matched with Irtaza he looked down and immediately turned around to leave the kitchen.

"Haseeb" He called out.

"Join me in the gym tomorrow. And from tomorrow you will be accompanying me in the meetings as well." He ordered. Irtaza knew that Haseeb was not a skilled person when it comes to the mafia, that was why he decided that he will be accompanying him to know the adroitness and skills of the mafia.

Haseeb nodded his head and his eyes for an instant moved towards Zahra, who was still sitting on the shelf with a flushed face and cherry red lips, her hair disheveled badly. On the other hand, Irtaza was looking so calm as if just two minutes ago he was not sucking the breath out of her.

"Now leave." He commanded and he complied immediately living the kitchen leaving the two love birds behind.

Irtaza turned towards Zahra who was all flushed and red, her eyes showing her surprise.

"He saw it." She whispered.

"It doesn't matter"

He held her chin looking straight into her eyes.

"You can join University from tomorrow but Zahra don't try to outrun me." He warned, his voice again gained its dominance. He looked her for a second in the eye making her shudder and then left the kitchen.

She rushed her room and called Daniyal, telling her everything from the start.

"Daniyal I am so happy. I can fulfill my father's dream now." Zahra announced happily on the phone after finishing her long speech.

Daniyal remained quiet for a moment as if contemplating something.


"Zahra, I have a plan."