
Daniyal was in his room thinking hard about the present situation. Zahra was on his mind day and night. He wanted to somehow get her out of that wretched haveli and out of Irtaza's paws. The day when Zahra told him the whole story that how Irtaza coerced her into this marriage, how he slapped her, how he forcefully kissed and how he spanked her, made his blood boil uncontrollably. His heart filled with the fire of revenge. Zahra was the love of his life and when he came to know somebody else apart from him have touched her, it made the fire of revenge sprout from the pit of his heart. He wanted to teach a lesson to Irtaza for touching his Zahra. And the day when Zahra told him that Irtaza had let her go to the university, brewed up a plan in his mind.

Striking at his weakest point!

Zahra used to tell Daniyal that Irtaza always warned her not to betray him and that's from where Daniyal got the hint that Irtaza did not trust someone easily. His weakest point is his trust. Breaking his trust will break him. That's why Daniyal forced Zahra to somehow have Irtaza's trust. He knew Zahra's conscience won't let her follow such a thing so he stuffed into her mind that whatever he is saying is right, he also knew that Zahra always trusts whatever he said so he manipulated her mind by making her think that she is doing nothing wrong.

He was the one who told Zahra to kiss Irtaza, though he didn't want that to happen he gulped it all down as it was a first step in misguiding Irtaza that Zahra has accepted this marriage and forcing Zahra that she has to kiss him.

Daniyal had already planned out everything. After running away from university, they both will be filing a divorce case against Irtaza and when Zahra will successfully get freedom from Irtaza they both will marry.

He was counting the days on his fingers that when the time will come and he will reunite with Zahra and marry her. He was already so happy.

"Lost in the thoughts of?" Shoaib asked while entering the room, breaking his trance.


"As in?"

"You know" He smiled.

"Hahhahaha I surely know. Zahra! How is she doing now?"

"Good. But you know she just keeps missing me." Daniyal answered dramatically.

"But I must be on her mind all the time," Shoaib muttered under his breath but Daniyal heard it.

He was referring to the harassment that he did with her.

"Brother please stop thinking about it," Daniyal said, understanding and misunderstanding the meaning behind his words.

"Ahh... ignore whatever I said." He said, shrugging it off.

"Listen I've to tell you something."


And then Daniyal told him about his whole plan of his that how he and Zahra will escape.

He never hides anything from his brother.

Shoaib was extremely shocked after listening to Daniyal's scheme, he was afraid for his younger brother.

"Brother Daniyal are you in your senses. He is a mafia boss. How you both can escape him?"

"And our father is in the police. Only his name would be enough for that Irtaza to run like a cat."

"Are you sure of it?"

"Yes, I am."

"Be careful then," Shoaib said and smirked internally, thinking that he once again will be getting some time with Zahra.

And then they both got engaged in their conversation.

It seemed like they both didn't know the real power of the mafia.


The clock stuck at 8 and she was ready, wearing a beautiful black dress which was sent to her by Irtaza. She placed the mascara back after applying it to her long lashes and looked at the mirror, which reflected her fragile frame. She wore minimal makeup and let her brown wavy hair fall freely on her back. She was looking like an enchantress, with her big eyes, slender nose, and pink plump lips.

Her attention diverted towards the phone which began to ring and she picked it up. It was Daniyal.

"Hello, Daniyal." She greeted.

"Zahra, are you ready for the dinner?"

"Yes I'm"

"Zahra just be on your best behavior. Make him think that you've accepted this relationship."

Guilt instantly clutched her heart. She was betraying Irtaza. Rather betray would be a small word for what she was going to do with him. She accepted the fact that he had physically hurt her but no pain is parallel to the emotional pain. He had never emotionally hurt her because he never meant anything to Zahra other than her tormentor. His actions emotionally tortured her but didn't hurt her. If Daniyal had betrayed Zahra, it was what she will call, 'heartache' because she loved her. Daniyal was practically asking her to make him fall in love with her and after she will be successful in her mission, they both will run away.

Her conscience was eating her.

"Daniyal I don't want to do that. I don't want to make him feel that I accept this relation whereas, in reality, I know my heart will never accept this forced marriage."

"Zahra there is no other way I can sort out other than that. If he thinks that you don't accept this relationship he will continue to cage you and keep a strict eye on you. He wants to possess you, Zahra. Can't you understand this? He wants you to be his and only his. You're his possession, Zahra. He would never let you go easily. He is a very dangerous and intellectual man, outrunning him won't be that easy. And do you think that he will go easy on you if he came to know about me, that you were still in a relationship with me despite being married to him? No Zahra! He won't! There is no way out for you other than running away with me and for that you have to act in front of him like you accepted this marriage. So follow whatever I say." He explained causing goosebumps to surface on her body. He was saying the truth.

"Still, I don't want to backstab him." She cried

"Then you're free to leave me." He said and cut the call, leaving her behind all alone to dwell on her wretched fate.

She sat on the bed helplessly. Her heart was in a dilemma. Her conscience wasn't allowing her to betray Irtaza at the same time her heart wasn't letting her leave Daniyal. She didn't know what to do but this thing was crystal clear to her mind she wanted Daniyal and no one else.

But she felt remorse, she didn't want to betray Irtaza, cheating on someone was so low according to her but there was no option left for her. She had to make Irtaza think that she accepts this marriage with her whole heart. She had to do this all for Daniyal, she can't leave him.

She got Daniyal when she was broken in her life when there was no one to give her a shoulder, he came like a savior for her to give a shoulder on which she could cry and share her sorrows. She can't leave him at any cost but this was the first time in her life she had to eat her conscience for Daniyal. She didn't want to betray Irtaza but she knew he won't let her go easily and she wanted to go, to leave him and go to Daniyal.

Yet she was feeling bad for Irtaza.


Both of them were in the car, driving towards the most luxurious restaurant in the area. Irtaza was left awestruck when he saw his wife beautifully dressed up in black, coming down towards him. He looked like a fairy to him, even more, beautiful than a fairy. And Zahra's reaction was the same. His whole aura screamed power and dominance. He was wearing a black tuxedo, his hair perfectly combed and his sleek black shoes, perfectly polished, reflecting the light in the room.

Zahra was continuously fidgeting her fingers while gawking outside the window. She was always nervous in his presence. Moreover, Daniyal's words were lingering in her mind. She was scared. Many assumptions were going through her mind. She was afraid that Irtaza might get to know about her's and Daniyal.

Many what if's were running through her mind.

What if he caught her?

What if he came to know about her and Daniyal's relationship?

What if he got the hint that she is putting up an act of accepting this marriage?

What if he perceived that she is betraying him?

And what will he do to her if he caught her?

These thoughts were causing goosebumps on her skin, making her more and more nervous.

"What are you thinking so hard?" Irtaza asked, bringing her back from her thoughts. His muscle flexed as he took a turn to the left.

"I.... me... its nothing." She said nervously.

"Why you're nervous?" He asked.

"No..I...I'm not" She stuttered.

"You're." He asserted and looked towards her scared face.

"You make me nervous" She uttered the truth, making him scowl but then he smiled.

"There is no need to be nervous until something fishy is brewing up into your mind." He told, increasing her heartbeat.

"No nothing is going on in my mind. I wasn't thinking about something fishy. Trust me nothing is brewing up in my mind. My brain wasn't thinking straight at all, actually-" She blabbered whatever was coming on her tongue, but he cut in.

"Zahra calm down, relax."


"Shh... relax senorita. Relax and enjoy."

She nodded and tried her best to relax. She placed all her assumptions aside and took a deep breath to calm herself and thought to follow whatever Daniyal said.

The whole ride Zahra was trying to calm herself internally by taking deep breaths, counting in her head, and trying to create a positive image of Irtaza in her mind so she could be less fearful and less nervous in his presence it worked.

While Irtaza was noticing everything, her every single action and he figured it out that she was dead nervous.

They both reached the restaurant and Irtaza parked the car in the parking area. His actions surprised her when he opened the door for her.

She never expected that from him.

Holding her by her waist, they both went inside and got a table in the VIP section. The restaurant was huge and opulent, with a sweet melody flowing in the air.

"What you'll eat?" Irtaza asked as he studied the menu, which was placed on the table.

"Everything except chicken roast," Zahra replied.

"You don't like a chicken roast?" he curtly asked, still studying the menu.

"No it's too dry and tasteless and I can't even take a bite of it, it's weird."

"Just like your cake. Right?" He teased causing her to fluster up and then she boomed.

"Really? My cake was so delicious. It's not fair! You first said it was tasty and now you're saying that my cake is dry and tasteless like a chicken roast! Now I'm not gonna make anything for you! I promise! It took me two whole hours to bake that cake for you. Now what I can do If I'm a horrible chef and you don't like my cake!! But it was tasty for me! I will now only make things for myself. That's an official end of my cooking!! I was so-" she exasperated.

"If you ain't gonna stop. I will kiss you right here and right now, in front of everyone. Don't blame me later." He stated with a calm tone and placed the menu back on the table, looking amusedly at her face.

And that made her stop, her hands instantly moved towards her lips so he could not kiss her, causing him to chuckle.

"Zahra your small hands can't stop me from kissing you if I want to." He winked at her causing her cheeks to turn red.

He smiled whilst looking at her and then placed the order for both of them.

She was so innocent like a child and he fucking liked it!

After that no dialogues were exchanged as Irtaza was attending a call while Zahra continuously fidgeted with her fingers, feeling out of place. She has never been to such an expensive place.

"What happened senorita?" he asked after hanging up the call, pointing towards her fingers which continuously fidgeted with each other.

"Umm... nothing."

"Then what's happening to your fingers?"

"Uhh.. actually...my family has never been to such an expensive place before. Umm...I feel..feel...out of place." she replied looking down, her tone law as if she was embarrassed.

"Hey Zahra," Irtaza cooed whilst holding her hand.

"Look at me." and she did just that, slowly matching his eyes which held softness in them.

"My everything is yours, you're the queen of my heart. Your standards are much higher than feeling out of place by visiting a mere restaurant. Know your place, Zahra. Money doesn't matter, people matters and I know you're a good human with a pure and innocent heart."

She smiled, he gave her the motivation she needed but it was a non-Irtaza thing for her. She was surprised by his words.

But a sudden uneasiness entered her heart by thinking that Irtaza thinks she's so pure and innocent. His actions were continuously playing with her conscience. Her heartfelt heavy as she breathed heavily to decrease her uneasiness but it was all in vain. She felt like crying for betraying him.

"Zahra how did Mujtaba uncle die?" He questioned after several minutes and that completely shocked Zahra bringing the haunting memories back.

"Why are you asking?" She questioned as tears were already forming in her eyes. Her mind begin to fill with the memories of her father when she used to sleep with him, when he used to smile at her and when he was cladded in a white shroud laying lifelessly in front of her.


"He had a heart attack. His blood pressure shot up because of hypertension and eventually heart attack. He was tensed because of the loan which he didn't even take." She replied looking down, trying to control her tears.

"Loan? What do you mean?"

"Baba wanted 1 million rupees to complete the construction of our house. His snake friend, Asim framed him, he made baba sign some documents in which it was claimed that baba had taken a loan of 20 million from a mafia man, Yawar shahid. He only gave baba 1 million and then fled away with the rest 19 million. And after that every month some goons were sent to our place demanding the money back. Baba didn't know how to pay that money, he was under constant pressure and at last, he died." A tear escaped her eye and she wiped it away instantly.

"Are you sure his name was Yawar shahid?"

"That's what mama told me." She said while cleaning another tear that escaped from her almond eyes.

He listened carefully, trying to put 2 and 2 together.

"I want revenge. I want to avenge my father's death. My baba is no more with me just because of him. I want that Asim behind the bars." She hiccupped as her tears were now freely flowing down her eyes.

He placed his hand on hers and gently placed his finger under her chin, lifting her head. His eyes now look straight into hers.

Grey to brown.

Her brown eyes were red with tears as he wiped her tears away which flowed proudly on her cheeks.

"I promise Zahra. I promise I won't let your father's murderer rest in peace."

His eyes held a promise. A promise that both of them knew by hook or crook he will fulfill.

The whole dinner passed in Irtaza trying to cheer up her mood.