Only Me

'Y-N wake up, it's already late!"I heard a voice coming from the bathroom.

"Okay... !" I yelled back.Even though I didn't want to get up yet because I have been doing the office work till late at night and now I'm hella tired. However, I sighed and eventually sat up rubbing my eyes when Jungkook got out of the bathroom. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist. Water still dripping off his body making it glow. He was damping his hair which made his biceps full on display. Not to mention I have a obsession to trail my fingers onto his perfect abs. I sometimes can't believe that the dream man of every girl is my boyfriend and not only that but he belongs to me! ONLY ME.

"For how long you are going to stare at me?"A voice echoed in my ears bringing me back to reality. I didn't even realized that I was staring at him for so long and when he made a remark on it I got so embarrassed which made my already red face turn into the darker shade. I quickly got out of bed and grabbed an outfit from my wardrobe before running to the bathroom to avoid the situation. I could hear him laugh at my reaction. I got into the shower and recall the event which just happened.

"Aish Y-N are you pervert or what, now how you gonna face him?"I bury my face in my palms.

It's been 2 year's since we started dating. I am a manager in his company. I was so shocked when he asked me out. Afterall he's Jeon Jungkook Korea's biggest Businessman. I kept questioning myself why would he like to date a girl who belongs to a normal family, is not so pretty and most importantly who is nothing but an employee to him. He can date any girl so why me? I was so confused at that time when he proposed me but still couldn't say "NO". How can I though after looking into his big doe eyes which only spoke how genuine he was being and the fact that I also had a big fat crush on him which I didn't want to risk and then regret it later so I finally said "Yes" to him and we started dating from there.

I am done with the shower so I quickly damp my body with a towel and wore the dress which I took with me earlier. I blowed dry my hair before stepping out of the bathroom. I did my makeup and then grabbed some important files from the table beside the bed, took my heels and stormed out of the room thinking Jungkook would be mad at me for taking alot of time in getting ready.

My eyes wide opened when I saw Jungkook making breakfast all calm and happy.

"Ah Y-N I was about to call you it's good you are already here. I am almost done come let's eat together!" He exclaimed.

I slowly walked to the table and sat down. He put two plates on the table before sitting opposite me. There was pancakes with the fruit toppings, my fav black coffee and some boil eggs. It smelled so nice and I was hungry so I took big bites and gobble the food.


She was looking so cute while eating that I forget to eat mine because just by seeing her eating I feel full.

"Y-N eat slowly otherwise you'll get choked on the food!"

"But Jungkook we are already so late we need to hurry to catch up on the meeting. "She replied munching.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about it because I have postponed it to the afternoon! I told her."

She looked up from her plate before saying ...."Did you do that because of me?"

"Not really! I have to go through some documents to make sure everything is fine before the meeting as you know it's a very important project."

She hummed in response and gave a weak smile.

"Why aren't you eating? 'She asked me noticing my untouched plate.

"Well I am now hehe.." I replied and dig into my food.

Time Skip *Y-N POV*

We got to the office and Jungkook straight walked to the conference room while I managed to talk with some employees asking about updates and all.

After awhile Jungkook called everyone in and held a meeting. It was 2 hour long but finally we were done.

I was so exhausted and Jungkook seems to notice that so he held my hand taking me to his personal room.

Everyone here knows about us but I had still insisted Jungkook on continuing the professional like behaviour in office. Well even if he agreed with me on this I can't see that happening. He is always taking care of me when I don't feel well and scolds me when I do extra work.I really am lucky to have him by my side .

In the evening we packed up and left the office. I was waiting for him in the parking area as he went to bring his car. My phone beeped indicating I got texts. I checked and it was from my sister so I started talking with her when I felt eyes on me. I looked around but there was no one.

*Horn* Black mercedes stopped in front of me, I got in and Jungkook drove away. After some time I noticed that we are not on the way to our house so I asked him where are we going.

"I'm taking you to the newly opened restaurant for dinner. I've heard from my friends that it is really amazing." He told me.

"Oh okay, I am excited to see that."We both smiled to eachother.

After sometime we finally reached the restaurant. It was decorated with blooming lights and antique decoration pieces. The manager came over to assist us. Since Jungkook has made the V.I.P reservation so he guided us there. The atmosphere was romantic and calm with a candle light dinner. Jungkook pulled out the chair for me like a gentleman he is. We had our fancy dinner while chit chatting.

"The food is really delicious and our time together spent well!"He said ..

"Yeah right, we should come here often."I replied to him.

He nodded and went to pay the bill. After he was done we head back home.

"Ahh it was such a tiring day!"Jungkook said sitting on the couch in a living room.

"You are such a Big Whining Bunny!" I commented on him.

"What did you say?" He asked folding his arms.

"Nothing!" I bring him a glass of water and told him to freshen up first so we can go to sleep.

He nodded and we walked upstairs to our bedroom. He headed to the bathroom and I started making the bed. After awhile he came back and I went to take shower. I took a long warm bath before stepping back in the room. As I did, I went "Uwu" seeing Jungkook sleeping. My baby was literally so tired that he passed out without waiting for me. He looked so cute and I couldn't hold back myself from pecking his forehead. I whispered "I love you" in his ears and laid beside him, listening to his heartbeat I felt myself going into the deep slumber.