Ch 4 : Then What Would You Do?

Raw in MTLNovel : "The Red Devils Successor"


Tiger King feels that the situation at Manchester United is not very optimistic, the team lineup is in danger, and the prospects are not optimistic. Suddenly someone from behind them said, "In a crisis? Tiger, what do you think of the team's future?"

The two of them looked back, and they suddenly froze.

"Sir Ferguson, where did you come from?"

"I came from the moment when you said 'crisis'." Mr. Ferguson's face was serious, without any expression.

McGuinness feels bad, it seems Tiger made Sire upset. At this time, a player on the field fell to the ground. McGuinness quickly scurried away in the name visiting the player. At this time, only Tiger King and Sir Ferguson were on the sidelines.

"Tiger, let's sit down and talk."

"Good jazz."

The two sat on the coach seat and remained silent for a long time.

Ferguson first said, "How are you?"

"I'm alright Sir."

"I think you look a lot better. McGuinness told me that your spirit has changed a lot in the past few months." Ferguson looked at Tiger King and said with satisfaction, "That's right, you should stop thinking about the past and be a coach honestly. Maybe you can take my place one day. "

Tiger King smiled: "If I want to reach the level of Sire, then I have to study for twenty more years or maybe more."

After hearing Tiger King's words, Ferguson shook his head: "I think you are not that low now."

"Pardon?" Tiger King froze.

Ferguson went on to say: "You have already discovered that the first team is 'crisis-ridden'."

Tiger King suddenly flushed: "Sir, I just made a mistake, please don't take it seriously."

Tiger King thought that Ferguson was angry, but Ferguson shook his head: "Everyone now says that Manchester United's lineup is strong enough, the age structure is reasonable, and the young reserve talents are many, but only I understand in my heart that Manchester United does have a lot of problems now. You are the first person to speak that out in front of me, and I'm relieved. Tiger, what do you think of the future of the team? I want to hear it. "

Hearing Sire question, Tiger King was still a little embarrassed: "How dare I talk nonsense in front of the Sire."

"Our 20 years of mentoring and apprenticeship, haven't you understand what kind of temper I have, just talk, I won't be angry."

At the same time on the first team training ground, all the players are very relaxed, and Captain Giggs is taking everyone on a recovery jog. There is still a month before the end of the league. At this time, Manchester United is at the top, leading the second place, Manchester City, by as much as 7 points. With 4 games remaining, and the not-so-strong opponents, the league championship can be said to be guaranteed.

However, Manchester United's poor results in the European Arena this year is regrettable. Right after the group qualifying, Manchester United tragically met the strong opponent Real Madrid in the 16th round of UEFA Champions League and finally lost the game with a total score of 2 : 3 in the two rounds.

In addition to that, in the FA Cup and League Cup matches, Manchester United also eliminated early and lost the opportunity to compete for both cup championship.

Therefore, although in mid-April, Manchester United was desperate. The players were at ease at this time, and they would laugh when training.

But they didn't know that the conversation between the two people at the training field of the youth team determined the future of some of them.

Hearing Ferguson's greetings, Tiger King was silent for a moment. In his memory, Tiger King was a man of few words, serious and stubborn, but Jin Taige was not. Although he lost the memory of the previous life, his temper has not changed. Jin Taige was decisive and daring. Although he has only recently integrated into this world, everyone around him felt a change in his temperament. When he saw Sir Ferguson just now, he looked very respected. He heard Ferguson's question, Jin Taige's heart burst into flames.

I am also a coach now. Since the Sire wants to listen, I will tell him what I think.

Thinking of this, Tiger King no longer hesitated. He picked up a formation tablet from the side seat and said, "I think there are hidden dangers in almost every position in the first-line squad."

"Goalkeeper position, now De Gea is the main force, De Gea is an excellent young player, over time, will certainly be able to become a top goalkeeper like Casillas. But the substitute goalkeeper Lindegaard has limited strength. if De Gea is injured, then the entire team strength will be greatly reduced. "

"On the back line, the best central defender partner of the season is Ferdinand and Vidic. Both are old and can't play well for a year or two. Both Phil Jones and Chris Smalling have little experience in the game and are too young. Michael Keane is in an unstable state. On the full-back, left-back Patrice Evra and right-back Rafael are very strong, but the two didn't have suitable substitutes. The two have not been injured much this season, so the problem is hidden. Not many people pay attention to it, but if this hidden danger is not resolved, it will always be a trouble. "

"In the midfield, Scholes retired this year, Giggs will retire next year, Carrick is also older. Although the remaining young people are good in skills, but they can never reach Giggs and Scholes World-class level. After they retire, the entire Manchester United midfield line will dropped by one level, and most importantly, since Roy Keane left, we have never found a tough midfield barrier. I think this is an urgent issue for Manchester United."

"The forward line is better. Rooney and Van Persie are both playing. Hernandez is full of aura and Welbeck has great potential. Now the situation of the forward line is the best."

"So I think the top priority next season is to supplement the defense, especially the central defender; then quickly find a tough midfielder to put Manchester United's midfield up, if there is still plenty of money in the transfer, you can buy a fast forward, it will make our lineup richer and more varied. "

Tiger King spoke for a long time, Ferguson said nothing, he look at the disciple in front of him, with Tiger King's words, the eyes of the Sire became brighter. When Tiger King was finished, Ferguson closed his eyes and exhaled.

When Tiger King looked at the Sire like this, he thought that he didn't like what he said, and he closed his mouth and looked at Ferguson.

After a long time, Ferguson opened his eyes. He carefully looked at the disciple who had made him so heartbroken in front of him. After watching for a moment, Ferguson asked: "If my successor is you, what do you think Manchester United should do?"

"Bring the old with the new, build another young team like Class '92." Tiger King said.

"Oh?" Ferguson was very surprised. "Aren't you afraid of the team's unstable performance in such an urgent change?"

"The arrow has to be sent on the string. If we don't change it now, we will have to wait for death after a few years. Only by building a young and energetic team can we guarantee the glory of Manchester United for the next 20 years!" Tiger King said firmly, A star flashed in his eyes, and he seemed to see the brilliant future of the Red Devils in front of him.


I will go back and forth using both names Jin Taige and Tiger King.

Jin Taige when the Author referred to the past life MC.

Tiger King when the Author referred to the current life MC.