Ch 6 : A New Coach!

Raw in MTLNovel : "The Red Devils Successor"


After Ferguson talked with Gill, more than ten days passed, and in a blink of an eye, it was May, and it was getting closer to his farewell day. He knew that Gill might support his decision, but Malcolm was hard to say. The Glazer family is like this, everything is aimed at earning money, this time advancing a youth team assistant coach, and not the youth team's head coach. Such a decision would certainly be difficult for Malcolm to accept.

No matter how much Ferguson reputation, he transferred Tiger King from the youth team to his side a few days ago and became his second assistant coach. On May 12, 2013, Manchester United won Swansea 2-1 at home, and Sir Alex Ferguson completed his final battle at the Dream Theater, ending the era perfectly.

Although the league is going well, Ferguson is very disappointed with the club, because the club still does not have any sign to announce his successor, Ferguson thought: since you do not want to decide, then I will force you to decide.

So, on May 19, 2013, in the last round of the Premier League, Manchester United tied West Brom 5: 5.

After the match, Sir Alex Ferguson held a press conference and he announced two things that caused a sensation in the football circle.

At the end of the day, Sir Alex Ferguson completed his 1500th game coaching at Manchester United today and officially announced his retirement.

And then, Sir Alex Ferguson suddenly recommended Tiger King to Manchester United as his successor.

On this day, the entire football circle was in turmoil.

Now there is only one question in everyone's mind: Who is Tiger King?

On May 20, 2013, this was Sir Ferguson's first day of enjoying retirement, and the visitors came early in the morning.

The servant maid brought an old man in a luxurious dress to the living room, and Sir Ferguson smiled: "Mr. Glazer, I rarely saw you when I was coaching, but as soon as I retired, you came."

Ferguson is taunting Glazer. One of the most ridiculous things about the Glazer family is that they have never set foot at Old Trafford since they acquired Manchester United Club, which makes many Manchester United loyal fans very dissatisfied.

But Malcolm Glazer was not angry. He sat opposite Ferguson: "Old friend, you did a good job yesterday."

Ferguson knows what he is saying: "Since you are not in a hurry to choose a coach, I will make some suggestions for you. Don't rush to thank me, this is all I should do."

Malcolm smiled bitterly: "Old friend, You say, who will take over Manchester United's position now? I am afraid that even the African football circle now knows that Sir Ferguson supports Tiger King as his successor. At this time, who will take over the hot potato of Manchester United? "

"This matter is very easy to solve, you just have to appoint Tiger King as my successor." Ferguson said lightly.

Malcolm did not speak for a long time.

"What are you thinking about? Coffee or black tea?" Ferguson said, personally handing Malcolm a cup of warm water. "If you are thirsty now, then I recommend this. Although the taste is milder, it is the most effective for quenching thirst. "

Malcolm looked at the clear water in front of him for a moment, then looked up at Ferguson: "Jazz, do you think Tiger King is suitable?"

"Trust me in my choice. Yes, whether it is Tiger King or this cup of warm water. I swear by my loyalty to Manchester United. My love for Manchester United is deeper than anyone, including you." Sir Ferguson said word by word.

The two talked for a long time. An hour later, Malcolm walked out of the three-story villa where Ferguson lived. Ferguson said behind him, "Mr. Glazer, do I need to tell you where Tiger King is living? I believe you are now carrying a contract. "

Malcolm shook his head helplessly: "You are such an old fox that you guessed everything."

"Come on, I haven't gone anywhere these days, just sit at home and watch the news."

Just before Malcolm walked out of the estate, he turned around and said, "you won, Ferguson."

Ferguson's face was very serious at this time: "Mr. Glazer, you're wrong. It wasn't me who won, but the club won."

Malcolm drove away from Ferguson's home, he has decided to bet on a big one. As a successful businessman, he is good at gambling and rarely loses at critical moments.

But Malcolm doesn't know yet. His gambling decision today has given the Glazer family another victory, and this time, he has won the future for decades.

A day later, the Manchester United club held a press conference. At the press conference, the club's CEO David Gill unexpectedly announced that the assistant coach of the Manchester United youth team, Mr. Tiger King, became the new manager of Manchester United. The journalists below were in an uproar.

Although at the Ferguson's farewell press conference, the Sire recommended Tiger King to be his successor, but almost everyone does not think that Tiger King would actually take over as Manchester United's Manager. They believe that Manchester United's helm will most likely go to Mourinho. Because some reporters have discovered that Mourinho has returned to England from Madrid and appeared at the airport.

"Jose, how do you feel returning to this place?"

"It feels good, except the weather is a bit worse."

"Fortunately, you didn't sell the villa when you left, otherwise I have to lend you a house."

At this time in a villa in London, Chelsea boss Roman Abramovich is welcoming his new guest, and it can also be said that he is an old friend-Jose Mourinho.

"I thought the news of your return this summer must be the most shocking, but I didn't expect Manchester United to be even more shocking. They actually raised an unknown guy from the youth team. Who is he? He hadn't even had any coaching experience in the first team then suddenly came out to replace Ferguson as a manager. It seems that Malcolm is getting older. "Abramovich gently swayed the red wine in his hand and teased.

Abramovich looked at the man sitting opposite him, Mourinho. Abramovich had been as close as a brother to him, and had been divorced and separated. But when Chelsea was back in danger, Abramovich reached out to this magical coach for help. Mourinho is also looking forward to returning to the Premier League after a difficult journey with Real Madrid.

I heard Abramovich' ridicule, Mourinho shook his head: "Maybe this Tiger King is also a Guardiola-like figure, and his debut is the pinnacle. But ..."

Mourinho smiled slightly: "I'm back, so Tiger's life would be more difficult than him."

At the same time, in another house in London, a gentleman-like French man was watching the Manchester United press conference on TV. He saw Tiger King's young face and exhaled: " It should be easier for the next Premier League season. "


Wow, would you look at that, 3 chapters in a day ... I am bored with my games so I waste time by editing these chapters.

Have a good day!