Ch 8 : Captain!

Raw in MTLNovel : "The Red Devils Successor"


At this time, in a manor on the outskirts of Manchester, a warm family dinner will be held. The protagonist of the banquet is Sir Ferguson.

Ferguson invited several of his close disciples to host a banquet at home. Many of these people lived in England, so it's not a burden for them to visit for a short time. Tiger King was on the invitation list.

Tiger King came over some time in advance. Since Ferguson retired, Tiger King has never seen him.

Ferguson's first words when he saw Tiger King was: "How does it feel to be Manchester United's head coach?"

Tiger King smiled bitterly: "It's difficult."

After saying this, Tiger King remembered what happened half a month ago.

When Sir Ferguson recruited himself to become the second assistant coach before the end of the season, he was already flattered at that time; and at the Ferguson's retirement press conference, the Sire himself personally recommended him to take over Manchester United. At that time, Tiger King felt like a thunderbolt had hit him. When Malcolm Glazer himself came to his home and gave him a three-year contract, he felt like he had flew to cloud nine.

So at that time, Tiger King signed the contract reflexively, and Malcolm nodded: "Young man, you are well prepared, good. Manchester United's future depends on you."

When Tiger King sent Malcolm out of the house, he was very depressed: I was not prepared for it, I was stunned silly and sign it unknowingly ...

At that time he tried to sign the contract as Jin Taige, but he suddenly felt that his body seemed to be out of control, and all the experiences of Tiger King appeared in his mind. Those regrets that drove him to sign the name of the contract: Tiger King.

There seems to be a voice in Tiger King's head: Since I can't get any honor as a player, then I will win all the championships as a coach!

Ferguson saw that Tiger King was a little embarrassed. He asked his servant to bring a glass of water: "Tiger, drink a glass of water."

Tiger King just reacted, and he felt a bit rude at the Sir: "I'm sorry, Sir, I was a little bit lost."

"It's understandable, when I became Manchester United's coach, I was more restless than you." Sir Ferguson laughed. "How is it? What are you doing now?"

"The players are on vacation, so I sort out the team's data every day, and just check the situation of both our opponents and our own players from there." Tiger King said.

"Um." Ferguson nodded, not talking.

Tiger King thought that Ferguson would say something to himself, but Ferguson didn't. He leaned on the sofa and looked at the trees in the manor outside the window, looking relaxed and comfortable.

When he didn't speak, Tiger King also didn't speak. Although Tiger King was bold and courageous in front of friends and colleagues, in front of Sir Ferguson, he always regards himself as a student, quiet and low-key.

After a while, several other guests came in front of the villa, and the Sire pointed to the door: "Tiger, please meet them for me."

Tiger King nodded, got up and went outside the manor. This time the Sire invited all his favourite disciples in England. When they saw Tiger King, they all respectfully greeted: "Captain!"

If anyone outside sees this scene, they will be stunned and fall to the ground. Standing in front of Tiger King are all internationally renown football figures: David Beckham, Ryan Giggs, Paul Scholes, the two Neville brothers, Gary and Phil, and Nicky Butt . (hole) (sorry, can't help it)

The six of them are Tiger King's teammates in the youth team. The deep friendship at that time had continued all the way 'till now. Each time these old friends met Tiger King, they always called him "Captain" very respectfully.

Tiger King smiled and looked at six people: "I haven't seen all of you together in a long time. The Sire is waiting for you inside, so hurry up and come in."

Tiger King entered the house with several people, and came to Ferguson, who bowed respectfully to the Sire: "Hello Sir."

Ferguson smiled: "Don't be so restrained, we're all a family, sit down."

He looked at his beloved disciples in front of him, Ferguson felt extremely proud.

"David, how are you after your retirement?"

Beckham smiled with an iconic smile: "It's still a bit uncomfortable not to play on a field, but fortunately, Victoria recommended me to invest. So now, I'm considering going to the United States to invest in a football club."

"Just do it, you are a genius, and it is also true outside of football." Ferguson nodded, and looked at Scholes, "Paul, what are your plans after retirement?"

"I haven't figured it out yet," Scholes answered honestly.

Ferguson looked at the Neville brothers and Butt: "I heard that after you retired, your life is still very leisurely, and only Ryan is still playing."

Giggs smiled: "I will retire in another year, but ..."

Giggs paused, then looked at Tiger King with great anticipation: "It should be a wonderful experience to be able to play under the captain's hands."

Beckham waved his hand: "Ryan, you'll have to call him Coach when you see the captain after the vacation is over."

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed.

Ferguson raised his eyebrows slightly: "Tiger, let me, an old man, look at the Champions League trophy again, this task is left to you."

Meals came on the table, everyone laughed and enjoyed the tranquility outside the stadium.

After eating, everyone chatted for a while, seeing that the Sire was a little tired, Tiger King got up first and left, and Giggs and others also said goodbye to the Sire.

"Come and see me as an old man, save me from being bored."

Ferguson sent everyone out of the manor, and everyone waved farewell to the jazz.

Seeing Ferguson's departure, Beckham sighed, "An era is over."

"But a new era is starting, isn't it?" Gary Neville said with a smile. "I'm looking forward to the captain's coaching. Maybe the captain can be like Guardiola, and his debut in Manchester United will be marvelous."

Bart gave a thumbs up: "Captain, I am waiting for the day of you holding six crown at the same time."

Tiger King waved his fist: "Okay, I won't let you wait too long."

Everyone laughed, everyone thought it was a joke, only Tiger King never let go of his clenched fist.

Everyone came by car while Tiger King came by taxi. Among these people, his financial situation was the worst. An assistant coach of a youth team couldn't catch up with the famous football stars. Of these people, only Giggs and Scholes still lived in Manchester, and Giggs wanted to invite Tiger King to ride in his own car.

But Scholes spoke before Giggs: "Captain, let me take you back to Manchester."