Ch 11 : 15 Unknown Young Players!

Raw in MTLNovel : "The Red Devils Successor"


When Tiger King left Gill's office, he was thinking quickly. He is recalling the memories of the last life.

In the summer of 2013, which future great players that is currently unknown that he can sign cheaply?

It is now 2013. Messi, Ronaldo and other superstars have long been signed by giant clubs and had now been turned into a World-class Superstar. Neymar has also been signed by the Spanish giant, Barcelona. It is said that the official announcement will be coming in a few weeks. Not to mention about the small transfer fee of 50 million that he had, who else is left?

In fact, since the day he took office, Tiger King has been studying the situation of the club's lineup, so he now has a rough idea in his mind, and now the transfer fee has been determined. He just needs to make the final confirmation.

In addition to the training field office, Tiger King didn't go anywhere before he walks back home until he opened the door, and he looked like he was tired.

Today is Sunday, so his Wife, Winna, is playing with his son Joa and daughter Elisa in the living room. When they see Tiger King coming back, the two children run towards Tiger King: "Daddy!"

Tiger King hugged Joa in one hand, carried Elisa in one hand, and looked at Winna with a smile on her face, he could not help feel warmth whenever he see them.

After he crossed to England, his previous life's memory of relatives was lost, and the three people in front of him were his closest ones. The first few weeks Jin Taige entered Tiger King's body, he was a little overwhelmed by the three people in front of him, and Jin Taige didn't know what status he should face them. But after a long time, Jin Taige also slowly enjoyed all the arrangements that fate gave him.

"Daddy, are you tired today?" Elisa gently wiped the sweat beads on Tiger King's forehead.

"I was a little tired, but all of it is gone when I see you." Tiger King kissed his daughter gently.

"Dad, I feel very proud at school today." Joa looked proud.

Tiger King smiled and asked, "Oh, what happen?"

"Now that my classmates know you are the new head coach of Manchester United, they are all envious of it! Someone even asked me for your signature."

Tiger King laughed: "Tell them how much they want!"

"But ..." Joa hesitated. "My classmate, Tom said Manchester United is not easy to coached, and you will end your coaching soon."

Before Tiger King spoke, his wife Winna crouched down: "Joa, don't say that to Daddy, Daddy will be unhappy."

Tiger King smiled, his face showed a very confident: "Joa, tell that Liverpool little fan, your dad is not sure to win this season, but it must be higher than Liverpool' ranking! And we will also defeat Liverpool both at home and away! "

"Yeah! Dad is so cool!" Joa jumped happily.

The family was happy, playing and having dinner, and then Tiger King and Winna accompanied Joa and Elisa to play on the bed until the two fell asleep before returning to their own bedroom.

When Tiger King closed the door, and Winna looked at her husband in front of her. She found that his husband's face was a little tired: "Tiger, are you tired these days?"

Tiger King nodded: "Yeah, the pressure is great. I come back a lot later than usual, but fortunately your work is more free and can help me take care of our children."

The two sat next to the bed, and Winna leaned gently on Tiger King's shoulder: "I found that your temperament has changed a lot in the past few months. Before, you are a very serious person and now you said you will defeat Liverpool confidently."

Tiger King kissed his wife with a smile: "People will always change, isn't it better?"

"Well, yes." Winna also laughed. "Because your father is Chinese, you always carry a humble and low-key characteristic of the Chinese. Now, you are more and more cheerful, which is good."

The two talked for a while, and Tiger King said very sorry, "You go to bed first, I still have some things to do. During this time, I may be on a business trip for some time, and some information must be available tonight."

"All right, goodnight Tiger."

Winna soon entered dreamland, and Tiger King looked at his wife with a tender expression on his face. He had signed a new contract, and his salary has increased more than ten times compared when he was in the youth team, which is enough for the family. If Winna is really too busy to raise the two children while working, then she can quit her job raise the two children full time.

Tiger King went out gently, turned off the light, came to the sofa in the living room, holding an Apple notebook in his hand. Now he is going to make a transfer list.

But those who Tiger King wants to buy, it's difficult to find their information. While checking the Internet, he racked his brains, and haven't prepared the purchase list until late at night.

The next day, Tiger King came to Gill's office as promised. After knocking on the door and entering the room, he was surprised to find that there was another person in the room.

"Mr. Manager, why are you so surprised to see me?" A middle-aged man in his 40s sitting on the sofa stood up, came to Tiger King, and extended a friendly hand to him.

"Hello Ed. Well, I didn't expect to see you today." Both hands held together.

The person standing in front of Tiger King is called Ed Woodward. He is the commercial director of the Manchester United Club. He is mainly responsible for the operation of the club. He is a trusted director of the Glazer family. In general, he rarely appears at Carrington training base.

Club CEO Gill said with a smile: "Mr. Manager, I told Mr. Glazer of what you were going to talk to me about today. He was very interested in it, so he sent Ed to me, three of us will talk about it together. "

Woodward also said very curiously, "Mr. Manager, I am also very interested in the transfer lists in your hands. I want to see who your favorite players will be?"

Tiger King came to the photocopier, and made two more copies of the transfer list in his hand, and gave them to Gill and Woodward, and said, "The reason I am so anxious to write this list is because we need to hurry up. If we don't hurry now, these young talents might be poached by other clubs."

Gill looked at the list in his hand, and for a long time he didn't say anything. He opened his mouth and shook his head, but still didn't express his opinion. He thought to himself, "Sir, the guy you recommend is really out of the ordinary. Even the transfer list is so unique."

When Woodward on the side just got the list, he still had a little smile on his face, but after reading the the names on the list, Woodward looked up and looked at Tiger King with a puzzled and questioning look: "On your list of transfers, there are 15 unknown young men I have never heard of? "