Ch 23 : Surprise Spending!

Sorry for not updating for a long time mates! Been busy with college. Hope you can understand...

Raw in MTLNovel : "The Red Devils Successor"


On the way back to Le Havre, Woodward can't help but asks, "Tiger, I'm starting to not understand you more and more. We were supposed to take a day off, but you ended up buying that young man, and after taking a phone call, you suddenly want to go back to Le Havre. What's going on?"

Tiger was very happy at this moment, as he had stumbled upon two treasures out of nowhere: "Ed, let me tell you, Keita will be a star midfielder for Manchester United in the future. I can't believe he hasn't signed with any clubs yet, we are so lucky. Also, just now the president of Le Havre, Sloka, called me and said there is a young player who is very good and he wants us to come and take a look."

"Tiger, I really don't understand you..." Woodward was helpless about Tiger's unusual behavior, but he was also very curious about what kind of player would make Tiger call him the future transfer king.

When they arrived at Le Havre, Sloka was already waiting for them. Tiger asked directly, "How much? Name your price."

Sloka was surprised, then immediately smiled: "My dear friend Tiger, I really like your character more and more. There is a young player under my command, and Marseille wants to buy him for 4 million euros, which I find very surprising. But I thought about our relationship, so I decided to ask you first. If you can offer the same price, I will sell him to you."

"Okay, I'll buy him for 4 million euros!"


When Sloka brought a French black player to Tiger, the player was a bit nervous: "Mr. King, hello."

Tiger extended his hand with a smile: "Benjamin Mendy, nice to meet you."

Tiger had Woodward act as a translator and talked to Mendy about his future plans. Mendy hesitated: "Mr. Tiger, Marseille has already talked to me, and they want to buy me for 3 million euros and let me play as the starting left back next season."

"3 million euros?" Upon hearing this, Tiger glanced sideways at Sloka and cursed in his heart: You just earned an extra million euros out of thin air, you old fox.

Sloka chuckled but said nothing.

Mendy continued, "I really want to continue honing my skills in Ligue 1 for another two years, but I also really want to go to Manchester United..."

When Woodward finished translating this sentence, he looked at Tiger and thought to himself: If you can't give him a starting position, he might not come to Manchester United.

Tiger pondered for a moment, then smiled, "That's easy, I'll buy you now and then loan you to Marseille in Ligue 1 for two years. What do you think?"

Mendy was overjoyed, "Thank you, Mr. King! If that's the case, I'm willing to sign with Manchester United."

Easily, Tiger recruited Benjamin Mendy under his wing.

In the summer of 2017 in the future, Manchester City spent 57 million euros to buy Mendy from French club AS Monaco, making him the most expensive defender at that time. Mendy is extremely fast, has a precise crossing ability, explosive power, and strong ball holding ability. Although he looks burly, he is a perfect combination of strength and skill. Being able to become the world's most expensive defender, Mendy is indeed one of the best defenders.

Tiger was surprised to find that Mendy was also in Le Havre, which was an unexpected joy. At the same time, Sloka earned 1 million euros, while Marseille did not spend a penny and obtained Mendy's two-year loan. Everyone was happy.

Benjamin Mendy successfully transferred, and the transfer fee was 4 million. Now Tiger still has 28.7 million in transfer funds to use.

That night, sitting in his hotel room, Tiger took out a piece of paper with a list of top striker candidates he was preparing to buy.

At the top were Griezmann and Lukaku, followed by several secondary candidates.

Tiger said to Woodward, "I still have 28.7 million in transfer funds. It should be enough to buy a good forward. These are the candidates I have prepared."

But Woodward shook his head, "Tiger, did you calculate the money wrongly?"

Tiger was stunned, "It's impossible. I definitely didn't make a mistake. I bought a total of 13 young players for a total cost of 21.3 million euros, and now there are still 28.7 million in transfer funds left."

Woodward patiently said, "You forgot someone."


"Wilfried Zaha." Woodward pointed out, "During this winter transfer period, we spent 15 million euros to buy this 17-year-old young player from Crystal Palace. At that time, they only signed the contract in advance but did not pay the fee. He transferred to Manchester United this summer, and this 15 million euros must also be deducted from your 50 million euro transfer budget."

"Oh, F ** K!" This was the first time Tiger swore in front of Woodward. "What's going on? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"I thought you already knew," Woodward said calmly. "Tiger, don't get upset. I suggest you readjust your transfer targets and choose players who are more suitable for the team."

Tiger slumped onto the sofa, closed his eyes, and thought to himself, "28.7 minus 15 is 13.7 million euros left. With so little money, I can't even afford a substitute striker, let alone a top-level one."

But complaining wouldn't help. Tiger took the transfer list and reluctantly skipped over Griezmann and Lukaku. He scrolled through four more players until his eyes settled on the name of one player - Aubameyang.

Tiger asked Woodward to immediately negotiate with Saint-Etienne in Ligue 1 to purchase Aubameyang. Saint-Etienne's asking price was 15 million euros, and although Woodward promised to apply to the board for additional transfer investments to cover the 15 million euros, Aubameyang ultimately refused Manchester United and moved to Borussia Dortmund because he strongly demanded a starting position.

Tiger sighed. He knew that Aubameyang was about to enter the peak of his career, but unfortunately, he missed out on this powerhouse striker.

Over the next few days, Tiger made several offers for several outstanding European forwards, but their asking prices were exorbitant, all hovering around 30 million euros. Tiger could only lament in private.

Since he couldn't buy a suitable striker, he decided not to rush. After all, the combination of Van Persie and Rooney was very stable, and Javier Hernandez was also decent. He would leave it at that for now.

Next, Tiger and Woodward flew to Brazil to find the last name on his transfer list - an outstanding young goalkeeper.

Although Tiger encountered failure in his pursuit of a top striker, he was successful on this trip to Brazil and gained a lot.