Fang Delun's house was not far from Tiantang House, but it was still quite inconvenient if she had to walk from Tiantang to the man's house, so Yi Xue asked for a palanquin to send her to the man's house.

Tiantang was famous in Chang City, and even if the place wasn't much different from a brothel, the people in Tiantang were quite respected by the people in the city, and it was also normal for some people in Tiantang to use a palanquin when they were about to go somewhere.

Yes, only a few people could use the palanquin freely in Tiantang, and those two people were Duan Shuchun and Yi Xue.

It might not be an exaggeration to say that Yi Xue was Tiantang's second boss judging from the privileges she received. Even the boss of Tiantang was sometimes afraid of her, and understandably, people often referred to her as the second boss of Tiantang.