The yellow ones were chrysanthemums, the pink ones were Chinese roses, camellias, azaleas, and also peonies, the red ones were hibiscus, the white ones were narcissus, and there was even a magnolia in the garden.

All the flowers grew very well, indicating that people took care of them carefully until they could grow beautifully in the Imperial Palace.

"I don't like flowers," a reply came from Lan Zihao, and Xia Qiao immediately turned to the taller man.

She was almost lost in thought again when she once again focused her black eyes on the colorful flower in front of her, and when the Prince gave a verbal response, the black-clothed girl finally turned to the man.

However, the response from the man was quite unexpected for her. Why would Lan Zihao maintain a flower garden if he didn't like flowers?

His answer contradicted the scene before her eyes, and that was why Xia Qiao once again felt that she could not understand the man.