In addition to the door at the entrance, there was another door on the side of the Tiantang Hall, but instead of using wood, it was only covered by a red curtain made of an almost transparent thin cloth.

The door was directed to the room where the Tiantang courtesans were preparing, and before the performance in the Tiantang Hall started, the Tiantang courtesans would usually peek through the curtain to see how many guests they had received that night.

In addition to thinking about numbers, the girls also thought about what kind of guests were coming, and if they saw some very rich men coming from the main entrance of Tiantang, they would try to hold back their squeals.

"Master Fang is the richest person in this city, but since he is dead now, I no longer feel that the people sitting on the seats reserved for the guests are special," two girls peeked through the red curtain, and one of them whispered to voice her opinion.