Fang Delun and Mo Shu married twenty-three years ago, but unfortunately, they were unable to have children even after being married for a long time.

Fang Delun was actually one of the subordinates of Mo Shu's father, but because the two of them fell in love and Mo Shu's father also trusted the man with all his heart, the two of them ended up getting married despite having different statuses in society.

Not only did they get permission to marry, but they were also completely blessed by the Mo family, and it seemed that status didn't matter anymore when the two of them finally got married.

Matters related to the status, the Mo and Fang families, of course, stood on opposite sides as if one of them was in the north while the other was in the south.

The Mo family was a wealthy merchant in a city far from Chang City, while Fang Delun only came from a peasant family but his luck was so good that he managed to marry a daughter from a rich family.