Prologue: The End of the World

Today was supposed to be the day I died.

We had heard all about how the government failed to stop a large asteroid from hitting the Moon which set off an extinction-level event where 95 percent of the Human population would be wiped out. Supposedly because of some drunk fucker who couldn't hold his damn liquor long enough to hit the red button that COULD have saved billions of lives, the rest of humanity now had our days numbered. It was too bad that the rockets couldn't be deployed in time, but for me, I wallowed in agonizing depression due to Impact Day. My mother, father, and younger siblings were all going to die since we all lived within the impact zone where death was guaranteed to occur-somewhere in the Pacific Northwest.

Let me give you all a bit of a backstory as to who I am and how we came to be in this situation.

My name is Damian Taylor and I am what you would call a "gamer nerd." I enjoyed reading fictional literature from both the East and West countries like the United States and Japan, but I also enjoyed the Star Wars franchise. A few months before Impact Day was even mentioned on the news, I was introduced into the literary role-playing game genre (also known as LitRPG) and got instantly hooked since my family and I loved playing games. Every weekend when our parents weren't bogged down by their jobs as a college professor (father) and software engineer (mother) during the day, we all sat down to play games that we either just bought from the store or hadn't finished playing yet to 100 percent completion.

Oh man, those days were the happiest moments of my life, but it was also the calm before the storm.

Fast forward to a month before Impact Day. Everyone learned through various social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter feeds, Facebook posts, and news channels-everywhere basically-that an asteroid was discovered by astrologists which had a direct collision course for our Moon within a month. Most of the news sites covered this story and advised everyone to seek shelter far beneath the Earth's surface if possible to avoid being destroyed by the impact, but it only served to send everyone into a panic-creating chaos and rioting in the streets. Two weeks later, we learned that the government had devised a last-ditch effort to stop the oncoming extinction-level event from happening by sending rockets up into space and diverting the asteroid off course.

Twelve days later, our fates were sealed.

We only had two days left before 95 percent of humanity was wiped off the face of the Earth and no chance in hell to change our fates. I didn't pretend to know what was happening at the time and understood we faced the End Days, but if there was a God out there, I prayed heavily that we'd be saved or at least redeemed for our sins. Our parents kissed us goodnight the day before Impact Day and stayed by our sides.

They were the best parents I could have ever asked for.

Now, there were only seconds before the Moon crashed. My family and I held each other close as we silently accepted our fate. Again, today WAS supposed to be the day I died, but like many other web novel protagonists, I didn't stay dead for long. Instead of going into the afterlife with my family and most of humanity that day, this marked a turning point in my fate.

This is the tale of how I became the Remnant Soul.