7: Start of the Blockade

<-[Naboo - 35 BBY]->

It had been so long since Damian first appearing in the Galaxy with a System and discovering all of these new things. Ever since acquiring his Class, he put himself in isolation to attempt deepening his understanding of all the events which were set to transpire with this one event.

Padme and Anakin meet each other within this year while Qui-Gon is fated to die by Darth Maul, but that is not all. With the advent of the Clone Wars, the Jedi Purge and the rise of the Empire was assured.

Of course, he can change the lines of Fate itself yet there is something else which bothered him.

As he sat within his Voidship meditating on the events yet to pass, Damian felt the duality of the Force itself surrounding him. The calmness of the Light and the volatility of the Dark.

Both sides vying for his attention and granting him dominion over their respective aspects, but Damian had long since discovered the hypocrisy of this nature. He knew there were more powerful aspects than either side by itself and even his System told him as much considering the tempering of his cultivation rank.

'Why should I fall into the trap laid out by the both of you and gain dominion over a single aspect?' Damian pondered to himself as he quietly dispelled the deep connection to them both-opting to resolve such at a later time. He slowly stood up and stretched to warm up his muscles which were stiff after a full week of contemplating the nature of his Force alignment.

From the knowledge of what was to transpire, Damian had to play his cards right and not join the Jedi Order or the Sith lest the prejudice affect him as he was. He was only here to acquire more power before leaving to the other Variant Timelines.

'I wonder how many timelines I have to venture through before I can return home?' He thought to himself as he finished stretching and teleported straight up to the command deck from the meditation chambers. 'Maybe I'll be able to adventure in Marvel or DC after this? Probably just wishful thinking.'

As for how he knew this?

Two weeks ago, during one of his meditation exercises, Damian managed-through a stroke of great fortune-to peer beyond the limitations of the Galaxy through the Force itself and discovered the dimensional boundaries to adjacent universes. He could tell they were vastly different to the one he was within now, but what cemented this fluke of fortune was how the System itself reacted.


[Ding! You have discovered the Omniverse Pathways through a stroke of great fortune!]

Due to your fortune, the System has been updated (Version 1.0 ->Version 1.1) to reflect the changes made through personal advancement.


Available Destinations:

[Star Wars Galaxy: Level 0 to 20 (Current Location)]

[Marvel Universe: Level ?? to ??]

[DC Universe: Level ?? to ??]

[Wizarding World: Level ?? to ??]

[Nine Heavens (Cultivation Online): Level ?? to ??]

[Heavenly Dao Immortal World (Top Tier Providence): Level ??? to ???]



Due to insufficient levels, you are unable to leave your current destination. Level up to the maximum level for your location before attempting to traverse the Omniverse Pathways.


He was surprised back then to find out that once-in-a-lifetime fluke benefitted him by allowing his System to update and discover other places he could go, but the fifth, sixth, and seventh destinations were places he wasn't familiar with at all. Damian ended up shrugging and thinking if fate wanted him to go there later on in his adventures, he would.

What Damian didn't know was that due to this achievement he had stumbled upon by sheer luck, the System updated with new stats for him to view along with dropdown menus.

Returning to the present, Damian stood in the command deck with Arch's holographic avatar standing next to him watching the vacuum of space above Naboo-waiting for the first Trade Federation ships to make their appearance.

Over these past few weeks since appearing in the Galaxy, Damian and Arch have been making headway on planning their next few moves leading up into the plot of the prequel trilogy utilizing their Outworlder knowledge. Even with his presence on Naboo so far going undetected due to his Voidship's powerful cloaking technology, Damian was not willing to leave anything to chance.

Not even the temptations of the Dark Side nor the soothing embrace of the Light would ever be enough to make Damian let go of his desire to save his home world of Earth. His remnant soul-while being worth less than a normal flexible soul-was slowly being tempered by the primordial qi within his body alongside his dark motivations to pursue power regardless of his seemingly noble intentions.

Like most fan fiction protagonists-despite being unaware of it-Damian did possess a primordial bloodline through his time within the Deadlands. What no one would expect was in the future and during the darkest hours of his immortal life, this very bloodline was enough to call upon far more powerful arcane forces that would in turn save the Variant Timelines as a whole with a dangerous cost. That part of the story-however-is not yet ready to be told.

"It is almost time," Arch said to Damian with a slightly disinterested tone. "The blockade of Naboo will happen within the hour."

"It has been two whole months since I came to this galaxy," Damian groaned in disappointment as he had only advanced to level five through the holographic training courses within the Voidship-studying lightsaber combat forms along with various Force techniques and minimal sleep. "Two whole months preparing for this event which will certainly capture the attention of the Jedi and Sith."

"That is certainly true, Master Taylor," Arch agreed with a light nod as a small box manifested on the table in front of Damian-giving him a look of surprise. "To mark this turning point, sir, I have created your weapons utilizing your Kyber Crystals. Both are designed up to the specifications of historical accounts dating as far back as the Old Republic."

Damian quickly opened the box to reveal two metallic hilts that were exact in length and design, yet bearing different color schemes. Picking up one of them and using [Analyze], Damian was stunned.


[Item: Twin Sabers of Yin and Yang]

[Type: Magitech - Crystal (Melee)]

[Bound to {Damian Taylor}]

[Growth Type Blade]


Designed by a high-tier [Cyber Monarch] for his benevolent Immortal Master, these lightsabers utilize an inverted color scheme (Black/White and White/Black) and can be used to deal Arcane damage due to their magitech design. When used together, even the powerful Force Deities may find their fortunes inverted...


- Due to being soulbound to {Damian Taylor}, these weapons cannot be lost upon death.

- Growth-type weapons grow in proportion to their user.

- Black/White saber: {White Kyber Crystal}

- White/Black saber: {Black Kyber Crystal}

- These weapons cannot be stolen, traded, or destroyed.


"These are called the {Twin Sabers of Yin and Yang}," Arch explained as he noticed Damian holding the White/Black saber in his hand-admiring the design which was similar to the Archon Elite saber from Saberforge. "Due to the Kyber crystals' nature to be imbued with this living energy field, I had constructed a suitable housing frame which took these last two months to complete entirely."

Damian just nodded silently as he felt the two sabers bind to his remnant soul-triggering a System achievement notification upon completion.


[Ding! Achievement Unlocked: First Weapons - Awarded +2 Levels]

[Ding! You are now Level 8! Due to levelling up outside of experience points, your current experience counter has been extended to reflect your new level. All rewards from levelling up have been awarded.]

[Upon reaching level 10, you can choose to exchange the experience counter with Soul Points, but upon exchanging, this choice cannot be reverted!]


'Huh?' Damian thought to himself as he read the last part of the notification. "What are Soul Points?" he said aloud.

"Soul points are a more powerful version of experience points," Arch promptly replied. "Think of them as gasoline from Earth. Experience points are normal gasoline whereas Soul Points are more refined like premium gasoline."

Damian blinked. "That the best analogy you know of or?"

Arch just shrugged. "The only one I'm familiar with."

It was at this moment they both heard ships coming out of hyperspace over Naboo and the ship's sensors being triggered. Damian quickly took his soulbound weapons and placed them within his [Inventory]-going to get his armor on. Arch watched and even silently hacked into the Trade Federation ships over Naboo while Damian did this so he could find a way to rewrite their basic programming. The sentient AI even scoffed at this supposedly 'advanced' civilization's technological progress as if disgusted with how it was so simple to hack into.

The blockade of Naboo has begun.
