End of Chapter 11

He began to cry, and she swore there were real tears, glittering in dazed half-lidded eyes. His slick spilling down raised hips, trickled like rivulets of silver. His hands closing into fists as he squeezed so tight around the head of his cock. Then slipped the sensitive flesh over the webbing of his fingers, his hands teased at the spongey curve.

His thumbs were drawing circles around the slit, dipping into the fluttering hole. He thrust and fisted, cock so veiny, so thick and so angry. Then he was on his knees, ass to her fucking face. And he continued fucking his hands, his hole gaping and closing as he shoved it closer to her face. It was a very pretty pink, spewed sweet clear syrupy like sleek, and looked far too clean for an asshole.

Quinn blew out a breath, completely mind fucked by the nudity before her. He was like a goddamn cat in Heat.

"Alpha, am gonna cum," he began to cry, shaking violently. His arms moving rapidly around his cock. "Could cum. Rowan could cum. Please, please. Please. Nga—"

He gasped, hips stilling and yet nothing came. There were small jerks of his body, a wail stuck in his throat. His cock continued to stand, hard and angry. And then he seemed to snap, leaned back with a growl far too malicious to be normal. He turned; teeth barred. And Quinn could only stare at the sharpness of his incisors that caught the light.

"Fuck!" he snarled, poison dripping from his lips, a semblance of recognition flashing in his eyes. He sat up, spun on the sheets almost crazed. "FUCK!" A hand was raised, and she noted now the ripple of fur, the twist of wolf ears forming upon his head, human flesh steadily vanishing. His teeth only grew sharper, and fur lined the corners of a sharp jawline. "Fucking beta bitch, fucking with my body, cursing my fucking cock."

She flinched, her eyes growing wide. Did he know? Could he tell? But he didn't seem to, swaying upon the nest. His eyes dancing around, madly. His hands moving to adjust more sheets. The peach was snatched from the ground and crushed, the juices dripping all over his hands. He licked it, then scowled as if disgusted.

The ruined fruit was thrown across the ground. Quinn thought about cleaning it but he roared, rage rippling through his skin. His powers burning through the ground, and she could feel his heat radiating in waves like a furnace.

"Can't fucking cum. I can't fucking cum!" He seemed to break, tears running down his cheeks as he shook. "It hurts. It hurts." And this had her heart breaking for him.

His eyes were on her now, no longer orange. The colour was gone, and all that was left was an endless void. A primordial darkness that had her shivering, warning bells going off in her head. But there was no where to run no matter how hard her body begged her to leave. They seemed to shiver, trained upon her soul as if he were drinking her in deep. And then he began to sniff the air, he paused, wet his lips.

"Alpha…" he purred, and suddenly he was docile, eyes wide. "Alpha…" He leaned closer, beautiful face once again catching the light. He dipped low, seemed almost ready to pounce. And that got her tongue flopping into action.

"Fuck," the first words out of her mouth were a gasp. "Uh, sir…" she cautioned as he took a curious step towards her. "I'm not an Al—" He swayed in his nest, his eyes fixated on her neck. And she decided to change her tactic. If he wanted her to be an Alpha, she would be one. "Why don't you stay in your…" Her mind stretched, searched for the right words to say to an Omega. "Pretty nest?"

"Pretty?" he blinked; lips parted.

"It's uh, yeah," she cleared her throat searched her mind for lines from porn. "Perfect for raising kids—uh pups."

"Good for pups?" his smile was almost loopy. She was distinctly reminded of Helios, and she wondered if he had the same affliction. Was just as mentally ill as his mate was. It explained the change in plot and story. God, they were all insane. Euodia was truly a cunt.

"Yeah, looks amazing," she soothed. "Why don't you rework on the pillows?" He didn't bite the bait, continued staring at her. His wolf ears didn't disappear, alert and twitching at her words. "The back is a little crumpled?" His ears pressed flat against his head. "Okay, okay no working on the nest. Perfect nest, could raise a hundred fat babies, yeah?"

"Alpha, come into the nest. Your Omega wants you in his nest."

"Let's wait for your mates, yeah?" she tried, inching back. "Remember your mates? There's a very pretty fairy."

"I don't want Omegas. Please, please Alpha it hurts. Your Omega hurts." There were tears in his eyes, tears that sprang and began to drip down the length of his nose. It was strange that he listened, that somehow, she had some semblance of control over his mind. But an Omega was at his weakest in his Heat, and she was sure he could tear her into bits easily once he was out of it. That had her resolve growing.

"You would kill me if I did that."

"I would not," he answered, voice sharper than normal. "It's a fucking order, haven't you heard of an order from your king?" His eyes flickered, danced with something else as his voice deepened. And she flinched, noted the crawl of understanding seeping into his eyes. He was so similar to Helios it made her throat tighten.

Shit, she was playing with fire dancing upon the lines of death and life. If Quinn played her cards right, she might survive Rowan, but would she survive the Omega soldiers that lined the walkway outside?

"Okay, lie down for me. Uh, lie down for your Alpha." He blinked but somehow Rowan complied, his body snuggling into the sheets. His frame curled in the carpet. The anger was gone, the Omega in Heat returned.

"It's hot, it's so hot—"

"I know," she soothed. "I know."

"It hurts."

"I know," she sighed, voice cracking just a little. "And I'm sorry." Her mind spun and suddenly her throat seemed choked, emotions spilling. "You were in pain for so long."

"If Alpha is sorry about it, Alpha would come into the nest."

"No, baby," she couldn't help the term, "I can't. There are cameras in this room. And I'll—"

There was a smash, and then a crack, debris rained from the ceiling. Quinn stared, befuddled as the CCTVs broke, falling to the ground with chunks of the ceiling. Float thrummed; enhanced hearing activated as she registered the sound of the Omega soldiers panicking outside the door.

Their feet pattered across the ground, their voices rising. But none dared enter, and her collar did not buzz with electricity meant to kill. Rowan stared back at her, his hands now wolf-like and clawed.

She gaped.

"Let me do your neck?" he raised his clawed hands, seemed capable of throwing out deadly spikes of air—

"No, no!" she burst out quickly, knew that with his shitty drunk aiming he would hit a vital spot and kill her immediately. "Okay, okay. You want Alpha close?" She pulled gloves from the cart snapped it upon her skin. "I think, I've got something Omegas like. Yeah?" She flicked open Float her eyes spinning through the options. A purchase was made. "Lie down." She moved closer and he began to purr, growing excited. A tail burst free, wagged as she knelt by his nest.

A furry. She grimaced. At least his face was still human.

"I'm not going to touch you, but I have something very cool that might help you." She pulled out the thing, silicone and pink, smeared with lube. She held it up to his face, but he set his eyes on her, stared with eyes that seemed to burn her skin. "You press this button, look at it. Rowan, not me. You press this button, and it will vibrate." It buzzed and still the wolf did not budge. "It will—Fuck, you only want me, do you?"

The shifter remained transfixed, stared at her lips, sniffing. He leaned closer and she leaned away. He scowled. "Alpha, I order you to enter my nest and let me play with you." And the attitude was back, a deep frown on thick brow.

"And now you're lucid," she blew out a breath pulled the dildo away. "Please don't kill me I was just doing my job."

"You took so fucking long. I did everything. I'm naked. I showed you my ass, I begged. Isn't that what Alphas like? What else do you want from me? Should I sing?" he snarled, then a chuckle hissed through. "Do you need me to write it down? God, I'm so mad. I could kill someone. I could kill you." He hissed. "You're not even pouncing on me. First fucking time, I have to actually beg for an Alpha. Thought I could just fuck you and then kill you right after, that would be so fun."

"Please, don't joke about that." Her eyes twitched.

"Then come on, pussy!" he hissed, ass up. "Come on!" He wiggled. She couldn't help the laughter, the burst of giggles that escaped her throat. He was crazy, mad. A goddamn lunatic. "Just fuck me or I'll kill you. Hurry up!"

"Fine, okay. Listen, look at this. This is silicone." She showed it to him, and he growled. "Listen, okay? All I'm going to do is put it in and turn it on. I did not touch you. I'm helping you because you don't look so good. And you don't seem to understand what a vibrator is, which is fair. I'm sure they don't exist now."

He snarled. "Get on with it woman. I'm melting to death here."

"Right," she nodded, somehow felt better with the orders. "So, all I'm going to do is slip it in. Do you want to stretch yourself?" He fumbled, fingers dipping into his hole, scissoring and she grimaced at the noisy wet slurp of his hole. "Okay, okay." She positioned it at his ass, teased his entrance with gentle circles. "Slowly, I'm going to—" He snarled, pushed back against her hands. The head of the vibrating dildo slipped in deep and immediately he was whining, whimpering into the sheets. "God, okay."

"A-Alpha," he shook, seemed drunk on something as he tasted the air, his tongue lolling out. He groaned, and that sound went straight to her clit. Her pussy fluttering for something more. "Alpha, you feel so good. You're so big."

"Oh God, okay," she bit back the urge to laugh. She did not expect that line from him. "Wow. Um, awkward. So now, I'm just going to angle it a little to what I think is your prostate and turn it on. And hopefully that helps—" The button was pressed, and the object began to sing. It was top dollar material, with five million purchases from men worldwide and a number one popularity for all owners of the prostate. She had high hopes but—

"MMMm," he was squealing, his toes curling.

The purr that rumbled in his chest she expected, but not the scream that he muffled into the sheets. The spurt of a river of sleek that dribbled down his ass, shiny as it coated his cock. The tension seemed to curl in his body so fast he imploded, body spread, thighs parting wider as his hips were thrusting emptily into nothing. His insides seemed to seize on the vibrating dildo, wrench it free from her hands, his behind raised only higher.

He came untouched.

Rowan came so quick and fast, the semen jerked out of his cock in ropes and ropes that he spewed all over the sheets. There was no time for her to escape, but he splattered her knees in his pearly ejaculated. His orgasm was so strong that the dildo was expelled from his ass, landing wet and disgusting in her hands. But God it didn't matter, because the face he had for her was divine.

The shivering look he gave her, eyes rolled back, mouth open and body twitching through the endless spasms was everything. He acted as if she'd fucked him to heaven, as if she'd forced him to cum far too many times.

But it didn't matter because his orgasm continued spewed from his cock until it pooled around his knees. And he was drooling, saliva pooling down, tongue flopping, bodiless as it tried to form sound but all that came from his lips was an endless unspeakable moan. He convulsed with each pulse of his spewing cock, his climax continued in thick endless fluid until he was dribbling, and still he thrummed, continued with dry orgasms that seemed to stretch endlessly to make up for the years of lack.

"Oh, ngAHh," he cried, the howl continued muffled into a pillow. His semen stank in the room, but it was a good smell, muskier than his perfume. And so fucking delicious, it was as if she were at a roastery of the best, most fragrant nuts in the world. Each golden crumbly orb, coated with a generous amount of the sweetest, most profound honey in the world. Honey that spewed in thick sticky dollops from his long cock.

His fingers grasping for anything, and then there were tears through the shaking. Quinn could only stare, hands pulled back as he continued cumming as if he hadn't for years. And she supposed he had not.

But good fucking God, he was so lewd it had her heart pounding. And was that a knot forming at the base of his dick? A swollen bulge to plug up the huge mass of semen on the ground? She gaped, and he seemed to float, a billion light years away from Earth.

A final twitch and he came down from his high, laid upon the bed lost in his climax. But his gaze turned soft, dilated eyes cleared from its heated glaze. The angry flush of his cheeks growing soft into pink. And there was a strange awe in his expression, he glanced at her lips parted. But before he could speak the door was slammed open and a rush of new air burst through. The angry faces of Omegas at the doorway.

Helios…Her lips parted; heart sank.

And Icarus.

A/N: Read ahead on my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tinyeyecat