End of Chapter 12


Fuck. She was shuddering as she returned, a hand clamped around her arm. The vibrating dildo was gone, swallowed by the magical inventory space. The wet leftovers of slick sticky on the shaft. She'd been too close to death and should have been ordered to die.

And yet the first thing out of their mouths was the need for them to leave. Their faces were shadowed; their eyes sharp with interest in something that was not her. And she'd seen it from her position on the ground, her forehead kissing the wood. It was a split second, but it had been enough for her to prostrate at his feet.

In their eyes, she'd merely been a servant, and that was enough because they had been distracted by the Heat of their lover. It was enough for her to go, escape the scrutiny of the kings. Their eyes had steadied upon Rowan, upon the weep of his cock. And the Omega had been too gone to see her leave, she heard him weeping for her, but even that was not enough to stop her from leaving.

She'd swept out of the room, her gaze darting over for a moment to Icarus. And then had settled upon the vampire with silvery hair, and soft features on a hardened jawline. At the beautiful being with a voice of the raspiest timbre and a face like the most adorable of feline creatures. And then to her gorgeous fairy that floated behind him.

Her murderers.

She left with hurried feet across the wood. Her body hurtled for the exit with the Omegas. And she broke free with raspy gasps, panting lowly upon the ground. Her hands on her knees, she'd exhaled. The Omega soldiers had shoved guns to her back, a hiss of electricity buzzing at her throat.

"What did you do?" was the hiss from the faceless soldier. "Beta, the cameras were destroyed."

"His Highness was unhappy with the sound of whirring, sir," she'd answered, head bowed, immediately on her knees.

"His Highness?"

"Our king told me of his position in his Heat." There was no reply to her words.

"He screamed—"

"His Heat was growing unbearable, he was reacting to the pain of his own body—" there was a snap, a jolt from her collar and then a world of pain was unleashed upon her. Her body spasmed upon the ground, fire running through her skin. She curled upon the asphalt, forehead to the floor, cursing his name. And there she laid, panting, lips bloodied from the snag of her own teeth.

"Speak only if spoken to, woman!" was the nasty hiss, a boot was on her, and her head was slammed to the ground. "Now tell me exactly what you did." She exhaled counting slowly in her head, as she rose to a kneel. Her tongue was strangely huge in her mouth. She licked her lips. "Hurry!" Fucking asshole.

"His Highness instructed me to clean. I removed the glass from the floor. He asked for items, a jacket, and a peach, I handed them to him. The moment the items entered his nest, his Heat grew worse. He spoke to me, declared himself king, and I answered his questions, sir."

"What did he say?" was the cursed question. A shove of his feet upon her head, had her lips slamming against the ground. She swallowed down a scream.

"His Highness asked for an Alpha. I told him I was not one. He grew angry after," her lips grew dry, mixed truth with lies, "the cameras were destroyed as he was not pleased with the sound. I spent the rest of my time in that room kneeling on the ground, sir." There was a hiss and a scowl.

"Is that all?"

"Yes, sir," she pressed herself lower and made herself smaller. Another Omega rushed forward, a whisper on his lips as his feet shifted on the ground. She caught sight of the glint of leather boots, their feet shifting as they whispered.

"On your feet Beta," she rose, careful to keep herself submissive. Her eyes darted to the tablet in his hands. "You show exemplary control. For your ability to resist, you may begin your search for an Omega pack despite your lack of education." He cleared his throat. "Omegas may now choose to feed directly from you. You will be notified of your new posting, for now, return with your reward."

"Yes, sir." Fuck.

A/N: Read ahead on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/tinyeyecat