End of Chapter 19

He blinked, rage suddenly dark in his eyes. "Do not think that just because I don't want you I'd allow you to seek a mate elsewhere." There was a growl at the end of it. "You'll have me, and only me. Because you're mine, and if you run–" And she shook her head quickly.

"There will be no one else. You're good to me," she answered. "You care. That is enough for me in this lifetime." Her smile was small and sad. "Thank you for choosing me." Her voice wavered, cracked just a little with the wetness of unshed tears. "Thank you."

He blinked then, eyes wide and then they were filled with something stormy. He left before she could apologise again for whatever she'd done, sweeping out of the door with a grunt.

She fell asleep to the brush of his fingers over her forehead. The shadow of his figure hovering and then disappearing throughout the night.

She thought he'd leave.

But the next day, he arrived with food and medicine. And the days repeated, of his care. Of him lingering by her side at night to check on her wounds. Of him and his quiet grunts, and the way he'd lash out and then soften.

When she was well enough to walk, he took her out of the hut standing tall by her side. His hand on her shoulder. The House was eating breakfast, they stopped to look when they stepped in. Their eyes hot on Quinn and she felt small in his grasp as they bowed and nodded.

"They won't hurt you," he assured, flanked her side, a protective hand to the corner of her hip. Her eyes fluttered to the women, the Alphas with their heads down, pressed to the table. Livia seemed distinctly different, gone were the rich furs, the jewellery, and there were bags under bloodshot eyes.


"Punishment only for hurting another," he assured, "I know you don't want things to be difficult. We've only confiscated her gifts, and she's assigned to your duties and a little more. Her stress comes from the house's knowledge that she hurt you.It worries the Omegas that there's an Alpha that wants to stake claim the way she did on me."

Quinn was quiet as he explained, stared at the table and the invisible line in the sand.

"Only what the law dictates that she deserved," he told her, sharply. "My reputation is on the line, I cannot allow another Alpha to beat up what's mine" Quinn nodded. His words made sense, and she turned to give him a smile.

"Thank you."

He froze, lips quivering eyes on her. The pupils expanding slowly, wide endless voids. "Of course, my Alpha." His voice dipped into a gentle purr, and she shivered, his fingers on her wrist. "Would you like to sit with them?"

Xin was looking at her when she looked, giving her a small curt nod. But the eyes of the others were cold despite their smiles. And Quinn shook her head. "No, I'll eat with you." She was not wanted there after all.

The smile he gave her was wide, a joy that bounced from his feet as he skipped to their bench pulling her along. The happiness was contagious, a bubbling that had a smile growing on her own cheeks.

He was excited to show her the food, a chirp in his voice as he pointed out the most healing of spreads. Vegetables and acidic fruit for vitamins, meat for strength and eggs for health.

His chest puffed out as if proud. He must have arranged it, the food on her plate, the outdoor setting. And he draped a fur coat over her shoulder like a lover, filled her plate like someone who cared.

But Quinn couldn't help noticing the stares, the glances from the other Omegas. The men continued looking, a sneer on their lips. The shake of their heads, Z didn't seem to notice continued piling her plate high with the best meat.

But Quinn felt it all hot on her skin, on her back.

They disapproved.

And Z would be a pariah with her by his side.


It was later at night when he escorted her to the hut that she raised her concern. Her throat filling hot with need to let him know, to allow him to change his mind.

She stopped him at the door just as he turned to go. He had to know.

"You must know of my history of what I was before this. It should be recorded." Her voice was low as she spoke, eyes catching his. The Omega had eyes like the night sky with a million stars. But her mind was curious of the mask, at was hidden beneath the frame. "My crimes."

"I've seen them," he told her plainly. "Don't worry." He was handsome in the light of the wavering flames.

"But the other Omegas don't like that I'm with you, I know the way they must look at you when you bring me my meals." She swallowed thickly. "The ones in the city will feel the same way. You know there are other options–"

"You didn't mean to do it," Z interrupted, eyes hard. "The reasons for your treason are strange, but I suppose it was because it was a direct order from a King."

"What do they say?" Her panic fluttered in her chest, eyes wide. He knew.

His eyes were hard, ignoring her question. "All you did was allow the King to drink from you," He turned to look at her, an anger deep within brown orbs, and it sharpened into red angry slits. God, where had she seen those eyes before? "All you did was allow him to bite you. He was the one that fucked up and threw you away when he got scared."

Her surprise lashed at her, and she stared up at him then noticed the tremble.

"He wronged you, he made the mistake, and I won't."His voice was ragged and she felt him stand closer. His scent sweet cookies and the milkiest cream. "Because I'm your Omega."


"I won't throw you away like he did." His words rumbled. "You're my Alpha, and I'll protect you as long as you're mine." He swallowed thickly and stepped back then, into the trees, the darkness. Her hand snatched out, caught his wrist. Her heartbeat quickened.

"Z, where do you sleep at night?" She used to be wary of the mask, but now she didn't care for it not when those doe-like eyes shone through like a beacon, like a star.

"Somewhere else," he told her with a shrug. "None of your concern."

"They don't have extra beds," she said. "There isn't even enough for all the Alphas. I'm taking your bed."

"I'm fine," he replied. "I'm used to it."

"You've been sleeping in the woods so that you can come down to check on me first thing in the morning. You've had leaves in your hair."

A lump formed in her throat, watery and hot. The first touch of kindness, of human decency. It was addictive, and from her soulmate it was godly. Z faltered, fingers running through his hair. "Leaves fall from trees–"

"You've been staying in the trees so that I'd feel better with my own personal space."

"I'm used to it," he told her gruffly, but he didn't deny her words his cheeks growing pinker. "I'm alright. My Omega's just a little protective that's all."

"Does it keep you awake?" She worried. "I don't hear my…Beta the way you do."

"Sometimes," he shrugged. "When it's worried that you're hurting. It'll calm down eventually, you don't have to worry about me."

He tugged his arm away but she held on, felt the warmth of their bond trickle between them, a tingly glow that swirled in her chest like warm cocoa on a cold night. An Omega whl cared.

Her soulmate.

"Stay with me," she begged. "Take the bed, I'll take the floor."

"No," he shook his head. "You're sick–"

"Then sleep with me." His eyes widened and she shook her head. "Share the bed, I won't mind it, if you don't mind me."

Her lips trembled, fingers tight around his wrist. She pulled him close, closer and he didn't seem to have the ability to stop her. His body dropping into her arms, a whine in his throat.

"And you've not drank from me, you need it the blood. Take it, take as much as you want because I want you to drink from me Z. I want you to be well as my Omega, as my pack–"

The growl was what she heard first before a mass of fur smashed into her side. The roar loud and deafening. It shook the ground and Quinn screamed pulled Z to the side.

But he was flung out of the way, the mask toppling from his face. She was slammed to the ground, paws pushing her down and she gasped as air was knocked out from her lungs.

It was a wolf that greeted her eyes, a large massive canine that reminded her of a Lonely. The panting breath was familiar, the darkness of its fur like the ink of a monster. And it sagged over her with glistening teeth and hot breath on her throat.

"RUN!" she screamed at Z, fingers digging into the fur. "Run and don't look back. It'll calm down if it takes my heart–"

But the mass began to ripple, changing transforming. The darkness in its eyes now the colour of clementines. It transformed to a godly face, of an angel's input and a devil's wrath, illuminated by the light of the moon.

And her expression fell as recognition clouded her eyes–Rowan. The King, the shifter, one of the seven men Euodia had wronged.

Rowan the man that had captured her, the man that would nevet let her go not if he thought she'd hurt Elysian. Her hands fell.

"Don't hurt her!" The cry from Z was sharp, and it sent a wobbling warmth through her chest.

"So this is where you've been?" Rowan barked, a crazed laugh in his throat. "Being seduced by a bitch. Zennie, surely you know better than to trust a woman."

"She's not like that!"

And Z was there and God, her heart was falling her breath quickening because standing with Rowan without his mask. It was easy to know, to realise who it was standing before her with the association, the nicknames, the interaction.


Euodia's secret weapon. Euodia's genetically modified pet. The destruction of the world. And one of the seven men that Euodia had wronged. God, her body tingled, coldness filling her throat.

How could she have forgotten?

But she knew how, because without the submission, the brainless chirp of his voice, high from the drugs Euodia had pumped him with, the constant need to please. She would never have recognised a mere pet to Euodia's deranged mind.

But the betrayal, the knowledge that he'd hidden his identity was a sharp sting in her throat. A broken sound escaped her one that had the two looking over sharply as if they knew the turmoil that ravaged her soul.

"Quinn, I was…I was going to introduce them to you," Zen's eyes were prettier without the mask, lashes so full they fluttered. "I didn't want you overwhelmed."

"Your mate sent me to die," she whispered brokenly. "You knew. Why didn't you tell me?"

"He didn't do it on purpose!" He stated, desperation clouding his voice. "Everything I said was true." Rowan remained hovering, naked and staring at her. "Rowan please, get off her–"

Her eyes snapped to Rowan's, to the clementine, to the pupils that widened, expanded darkened. His lips parted then closed. "It's you."

Quinn stared at him as emotions seemed to flash across his face, strangled by a strange quiver. He leaned forward.

"Rowan!" Zen cried.

But Rowan's expression melted, eyes glassy, cheeks pink as a sweetness ballooned in the air. So strong it had her weakening against him, melting and saturating her panties with want. He opened his mouth, tongue out, a pant humid against her cheek.

"Please, Alpha, will you please fuck me again?"

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Thank you so much for the love and see you soon! 💕