P. 4

"Hello, I am calling about the book "The Red Flower Crown" Kiana said on the phone

"Hey, Kiana" Percy said

"Just a sec, Percy" She said

"Gimmie that" Lev said snatching Kiana's phone from Percy's hand

"Hey, dude I was going to give that to her, what's your problem" Percy said madly

"How'd you get this, you went through Kiana's stuff, you know what you need a good punch in the face" Lev said swinging

"Ah" Percy dodged Lev's fist

"What is wrong with you, you aren't her caretaker, that call is important the person rung like 8 times" Percy said

"Then lemme give it to her, she trusts me more than you, PERcy" Lev said angrily

"What the hell is wrong with that guy" Percy said going back to the coffee spot

"Hey, Percy you needed me?" Kiana asks

"Yes, yes uh your phone it was ringing had to be about nine times" Percy said 

"Lev has it now, if you ask me you should fire him he's crazy" Percy said

Kiana ran down to where Lev was

"Is it Tempest?" Kiana asked

"Yes" Lev said giving the phone to Kiana


"Hey, Kiana we're having another meeting tonight, about 10:00 pm, you going to be there" Tempest asked

"I think it'll be about, Case" Tempest said

"Goodness, we recently had a run in with him, me and Ryu, and this guy I hired named Percy, oh- Lev can you go up so he doesn't think we're doing something weird" Kiana asked

"What would we be doing that's weird, Kiana" Lev asked

"Nothing Lev, she said holding his hand, now could u please help me" She smiled

"Yes, I will go check up on that man" Lev said

"Is that, Lev" Tempest asked

"Yes, he doesn't like Percy at all, he doesn't trust him" Kiana said

"Aw uh oh, maybe he's jealous" Tempest said

"Oh, anyway about, Percy he knows Case, his brother was killed by him" Kiana said

"Oh, that's soo sad, I wish we could kill Case, I don't want him brought in alive" Tempest said

"Yeah, he really needs to be stopped" Kiana said

"About, Percy I wanna explain to everything about him" She said 

"Alright, we'll see you there, well I gotta go call Ryu, I'm here with Silver now" Tempest said

"Alright tell him me and Ryu will be there" Kiana said

Kiana hung up and turned around


"Percy you scared me, no one is buying coffee, hmm they must be waiting on the books" Kiana said

"Who was that on the phone" Percy asked

"Percy, you know I can't tell you anything until you actually join right" Kiana said

"HEY!!! GET BACK UP HERE" Lev said 

"Lev it's fine he just asked me a question, that I wish he would stop asking me" Kiana said walking out a little upset

Percy grabbed Lev 

"Leave, her alone and stop asking her about those spy questions I know that's what this is about" Lev said

"So, she tells you and not me" Percy said

"Come here, that's because she's known me for awhile" Lev said

"You a spy too" Percy asked

"Leave her alone, God help you if I find out you asked her again" Lev said walking out

"I really don't like that guy" Percy said

"Hey, Kiana I'm sorry for asking you about those you know, I guess I just am eager to bring justice for Atlas" Percy said a little angrily

"I want you to come with me" Kiana said

"What? Go where" Percy asked

Kiana walked away to stack more books

"What is she talking about?" Percy said confused


"Alright Lev I want you to close up" Kiana said handing him the key

"I need to take, Percy somewhere" Kiana said

"Alright, if you hurt he-

"Lev I'm a spy I think I could kill him, if he tries to kill me" She said smiling


"So where we going" Percy asked

"To a meeting with the rest of us" Kiana said. 

"What, you're really taking me to meet with the spies?" Percy said

"Yes, I will" Kiana said

"There's going to be a lot more groups there too, and not even all of them" Kiana said

"I'll explain more when we get to my house" She said

"Alright," Percy said


"All of us can't be there when there are meetings of course, but we might be meeting about Case" Kiana said

"Who is Case" Percy asked

"The man who u very much hate" Kiana said

"Really" Percy asked

"I want him gone" Percy said 

"Percy calm down, alright you have to be under control" Kiana said

"I will, I promise thanks again for letting me come" He said

"Alright let's go" Kiana said