Double Super-Cell Gene

"Let's. Make. A. Deal."

This time the four envoys couldn't hide their shock. "Impossible!"

The Blood Widow whispered. 

"Amitabah Buddah,." The monk chanted while stroking his beads but his eyes were blood-shot. It was unknown if it was killing intent or blood lust that leaked from his eyes. 

"Dark Master." The old man's expression darkened slightly. Only those high level Dark-titan had the abity to build clones. 

It was unknown if this was the original Dark-servant it it was actually the body of the real Dark-master but no mater what, it would be futile for Seraph to fight it as the Dark Master from the House Of Dark Matter could easily swap to another Dark- Servant.

Seraph snorted coldly, a manaic of expression flickering through her eyes as she battles with herself.

Assuming she was using her third form, there was no way she would eb able to regain control of her self this fast. At least, not until her titan form had shed blood.