
We spent the night cleaning the whole basement. We talked and laughed about so many stuff. And it was a whole new feeling like I wasn't expecting him to be this interactive. He's always mean and cold towards me but here we are chatting like long-time friends, to be honest, I didn't want this night to end.

I kept taking glances at him and at each glance, I feel this tug in my heart. The unusual feeling in me. I looked over to a small wooden cupboard, on it was my parent's picture with me included. It was old, dirty and cobwebs dangled from every corner. Tears sting my eyes as I wiped off the dust on the surface. I sniff back the tears, waving off the sad emotions that were about to ride in. I place it in the trash nylon bag I brought in with me.

"You are throwing that away?" He walks close to me and picks up the old picture which has a crack on the screen. "It's still good you know, you just have to change the screen. The picture still looks good."