
I showered and dressed quickly. I stepped out of the house, and immediately walked out of the house, the morning wind caressed my skin, blowing my fringes up. I could feel the Christmas spirit in the air and it made me happier. I can't tell what's making me happier, the fact that Christmas is near or the fact I have had the perfect storyline.

I started to my car, pulled it open, and climbed in. Yass is home so I won't be bothered by leaving the small child all alone in the house, I'm not entirely leaving her alone when there are two adults in the house.

I started the engine and drift off into the streets. For some reason, I'm suddenly feeling energized and I have this peace within me. I raced uptown to my company. Just then a thought flashed in my head, I did remember telling Yass I would call Joana.

"Hello?" I answered when she picked at the end of the line.

"Hello?" She replied. "How have you been girl?"